Saturday, February 27, 2021

Farmajo must do all the demands of Somali people in 10 days

The Somali people are awaiting the implementation of Farmajo's conditions of submission to him

In light of the difficult conditions that the people are going through in the past period in Somalia, but their voice was heard, and also the voice of the Union of Presidential Candidates. Therefore, they made demands of the people to ensure the security and safety of the Somali people.

The evidence is that their demonstrations are peaceful and they only want the interest of their country that they have given a period for the government to implement the people's demands, and the people hope that it will actually be implemented because they will wait only 10 days, and after that they will not wait for promises again and they will turn against the tyrannical government of Farmajo in a more severe form than the previous

The people will not be satisfied with the mere implementation of the demands, as one of the most important pillars of the demands is not to repeat what happened again in the state, and the people have warned the government that their patience will not last for long on this corruption and their rights and their stolen democracy must be taken into account. In what happened, these rights will not be tolerated.

The government of Farmajo and Farmajo must bear the consequences of what happened with the people in the previous period, and any agreement that will be concluded between the government and the people will be concluded under the supervision of the United Nations, because they do not trust the government that has always promised them elections and other promises that are not implemented. The government must implement it within ten days only and listen to the demands of the Presidential Candidates' Union.

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