Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Opposition politicians 'organize' demonstrations

Somali political movements against self-contradictions are currently organizing a large demonstration against looga elections postponed

The protests, which have been taking place in Mogadishu for the past few hours, are expected to take place this morning in parts of the capital.

Opposition politicians from the so-called National Salvation Council also rallied in protest.

A statement from the council said the protests were a demonstration of the constitutional rights of the people.

The statement said the protests would begin on February 9.

The protests show the people their constitutional rights, as it is not clear if the agreed elections will take place, so from February 9, 2021 there will be peaceful demonstrations to show the need to hold elections every four years. hold, said a brief statement from the National Salvation Council.

However, the situation in the country is tense, and the president's term has ended, with no real agreement on the 2021 elections.

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