Saturday, February 20, 2021

Farmajo is bloody terror who wants to destroy Somalia

 The bloody Farmajo kills the demonstrators and condemns the Union of Presidential Candidates!

Somali military sources told Al-Jazeera that 4 people were killed and 7 wounded in clashes between security forces and the guards of the opposition coalition presidential candidates in Somalia.

A lot of blood was spilled yesterday in the Friday demonstrations, and the security forces intervened with violence against the demonstrators. Farmajo was taking advantage of the circumstances of Virus Corona in order to disperse the demonstrations, but he did not succeed so he shed blood and now condemns the Union of Presidential Candidates for these actions

But the real culprit is Hua Farmajo Hwa who is responsible for all this corruption and injustice in the country and the bloodshed that occurred because of him and his oppressive government. The people must continue to demonstrate until new elections are held.

Not only to hold new elections, but also to punish Farmajo for these bloody acts, and to punish his government as well, because he supports him in this corruption and punishes everyone who supports Farmajo.

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