Friday, February 19, 2021

Farmajo use the Turkish aids in destroying Somalia

Farmajo uses the armored vehicles of Turkey and Qatar to kill a group instead of killing terrorism

It is very unfortunate that the events that Farmajo did in dispersing the demonstrators by shooting them, while I urge everyone to refrain from violence, it is important to note that the current government is the one that defines the form of the struggle for democratic rights, and this is what Farmajo wants with the spread of chaos and civil wars before his handover to power, he does not want Hand over power peacefully

The blood of the Somali people is in the neck of Farmajo, who kills the demonstrators for the sake of government, so he fired on the demonstrators through Fahd Yassin's forces, trained from Turkey. Farmajo kills the people.

Somalia has lived in an era of assassinations and violence, since the dreaded Farmajo came.

Farmajo assassinates former presidents and makes Fahd Yassin's forces shoot and kill protesMemorial

Madaxwiniacci, former President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, seized the Daganin City Hotel, Mogadishu, due to the Madaksoenyashi Diyargarubine Luga. Participation in the Salmiya area demonstrations Qabsumai Memorial

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