Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Farmajo will be punish from the U.S

The United States should punish the president of Somalia for human trafficking

Parents began gathering on the streets of Mogadishu on January 20 and soon reports began pouring in about similar protests in other cities and towns across the country.

The spark was an admission by Abdessalam Yusef Guled, former deputy head of the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency, on January 18, that 370 Somali soldiers were killed in the fighting in the Ethiopian Tigray region.

The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Somali Parliament asked the Somali President, Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad “Farmajo”, to investigate the matter and clarify the whereabouts of the Somali forces sent to Eritrea

On the other hand, the government of Farmajo and the Ethiopian government headed by Abi Ahmed denied the presence of Somali forces in Tigray. The Somali Minister of Information, Othman Abu Bakr Dob, appeared on state television and said that there were no Somali forces involved in Tigray, and indicated that the opponents of Farmajo had fabricated the accusations. The Somali government wrote on Twitter that it “strongly denied false reports” about the killing of Somali conscripts in Ethiopia

But body bags and eyewitness accounts tell a different story. The carnage in Tigray is massive. At the same time, the Farmajo government has been unable to provide insight into the whereabouts of Somali recruits who have been transferred abroad. It shouldn't be difficult to put a soldier on the phone unless, of course, that soldier dies.

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