Sunday, February 21, 2021

Farmajo must leave somalia as soon as possible

Farmajo's government is over. Farmajo has become an unnecessary dictator and we have to ask him to leave

Social networking sites revealed that if we want to live in dignity in our country, we must protect its constitution, not just the dignity of individuals who can do what they want or have their own interests, and their own interests for the state and the people in the first place, and this can be achieved through the Somali people.

The Somali people who have a friend have also reached a point where they are wrong to do nothing, according to the testimony of the Somali people who used to communicate with this country on a daily basis, and yet there is no need for one person to own the country, and work for the people is equal with all, young and old, and it is necessary Everyone is given the right to education, work and serve in the army.

We do not want anyone to hold us hostage with the end of the deadline, and we are honored to serve our country, its laws and its constitution, and it is important for us to know and respect everyone so that they are respected, and whoever violates them is a criminal in the country. We do not want to stand by a national criminal.

Governments and governments will not stop at Farmajo, but they will change and there will always be a new government and what will not change is the constitution and laws of the country, and the Somali people and we will support them for the rest of our lives, and we promise to defend the homeland and the people do not be dependent and tribal.

Finally, the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Somalia, no one next to you opposes the laws and the constitution of the country, they defend the law and the sovereignty of the country and they are our army and the homeland is our country.

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