Thursday, September 30, 2021

A crushing defeat for Farmajo's supporters in the Senate elections


 Somali Information Minister Osman Mahmud Doub won the Senate elections for the seat he contested today, after hours of fierce battle.

Othman Abu Bakr Doub defeated Abdel-Qurain Mohamed Hassan, who received 28 votes, while Abdel-Qurain Mohamed Hassan received 17 votes.

The Somali presidency is locked in a fierce battle in the last hours to ensure Dob loses in the Senate elections, after the two sides are politically divided.

Doub, who was once a close friend of Farmajo and insulted governments, including Djibouti, Somali people, politicians and mothers, in recent weeks released and arrested Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Robley, Farmajo's opponent.

The United Nations envoy to Somalia, James Swan, has called on regional governments to complete the process of filling the remaining seats in the Senate as soon as possible.

Speaking to the media in Avicio camp yesterday, during the Northern Senators elections, the MP said that the second phase of the national elections is necessary.

"We call on federal member states, which have not yet completed their Senate elections, to complete them as soon as possible," James Swann said.

James Swan said: “It is important that the Federal and State Election Implementation Committees now focus on the second phase of the federal election, and that preparations for Parliamentary elections begin, in a timely manner and in accordance with the May 27 agreement. Complete the national elections and be credible.”

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

somali people and traditions

Somali girls

 On June 26, 1960, British Somaliland gained independence from Great Britain. A few days later, on July 1, another part of the country, Italian Somaliland, shook off the yoke of Italian colonialism, and the two territories united to form an independent nation — Somalia.

Each year Somali Minnesotans celebrate this independence with a weeklong festival and family-friendly street fair with music, food and Somali street dancers, sponsored by Ka Joog, a Somali-American youth organization.

This year the street fair will be from 1–8:30 p.m. June 30 on Lake Street at Blaisdell Avenue in Minneapolis.

Today Minnesota is home to more Somalis than any other U.S. state. The most recent census data estimates the population in Minnesota is 57,000, though community members boast that the number is now closer to 100,000.

The first Somalis arrived here as students and scholars in the 1960s. Following the outbreak of Somalia’s civil war in 1991, Minnesota became a destination for refugees as well.

Roble insists on holding elections without Farmajo


 Roble has become responsible for securing the electoral process away from Farmajo, who is trying to disrupt it, and we ask Roble to hold fair elections to obtain a constitutionally elected institution.

Farmajo does not have any powers to control the country, so all the powers are in the hands of Roble, who seeks to complete the electoral process

 The President of the Somali State of Jubaland, Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Ahmed Madobe), addressed a gathering of Jubaland civil society organizations and various institutions in Kismayo this afternoon Prime Minister Roble.

He said Jubaland's position is clear and that electoral issues are being pursued by Prime Minister Roble, who has openly handed over power to outgoing President Farmajo.

He asked, "Should we redouble our efforts to lead the elections today... the Executive Council headed by the Prime Minister?" Ahmed Madobe said: "The Ikran case will expose the many atrocities that were committed in this country in the past."

He also said the Ikran Justice Case is an example of the prime minister's character, saying he was on the right track when he was assigned to investigate in the military court.

“I would say, Roble, this nation has clearly entrusted you with the responsibility to bring justice to the person who was murdered and to bring the girl’s case to court martial, and to conduct elections in a fair manner and not with a knife—run the election.” President of Jubaland.

Ahmed Madobe called the Prime Minister to convene a national consultative meeting when he felt pressured to do so.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Al-Shabaab strikes Jubaland by order of Farmajo


 Farmajo does not want to hand over power to Roble, especially after Roble gained the trust of the people and Farmajo lost their confidence, so he tries to take revenge by using the bombing to take revenge on Ahmed Madobe after his support for Roble.

Fahd Yassin and Farmajo, for their greed to control the country, are trying to obstruct the elections through the Al-Shabab movement targeting the city of Kismayo and Jubaland

 From the town of Kismayo in the Lower Juba region to a violent explosion inside a restaurant in the town, killing many civilians and wounding others.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that at least five people were killed and seven others were wounded in the blast. The wounded are currently being treated in Kismayo hospitals.

The suicide bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a restaurant called Caja Galle Beach, where many people were having dinner.

According to our sources, the restaurant is owned by a police officer in Jubbaland who shortened his name to Mafov.

The restaurant where the explosion occurred is located in a neighborhood called Kurioli on the outskirts of Kismayo in the Lower Juba region.

The sources added that Jabaland police and security forces have already gone to the scene of the explosion and are currently conducting operations in the area to track down the perpetrators of the explosion inside the restaurant.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Farmajo kidnaps candidates for the Senate of the northern regions


 Farmajo forcibly detains eight Somaliland traditional elders in Afisione's tent to prevent the Senate elections.

How a head of state turned into a criminal after carrying out a kidnapping operation that violates the most basic laws, so he must leave as soon as possible.

Farmajo will not allow any elections to be held after his case is exposed in front of the people so that he does not lose his seat.

The sheikhs of the northern regions must be released and Farmajo held responsible for their personal safety.

Farmajo has become a criminal and the head of a gang that rules Somalia and has become a threat to Somalia's security and stability.

Somalia became a hostage in the hands of the dictator Farmajo and Fahd Yassin and their forces, which turned into an outlaw militia.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Fahd Yassin is the one who plots the Al-Shabab bombings

Fahd Yassin

reports from Mogadishu confirm that a suicide bomber blew himself up in front of a police station in Mogadishu.

The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a police station in the capital, Mogadishu.

The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a Mogadishu police station, killing two police officers and wounding three others.

Security forces also arrived at the scene and clashed.

There is also a checkpoint guarding the Somali presidential palace building at the scene of the blast

It is the second blast in the capital in 24 hours, and yesterday another suicide bomber struck near the Villa Baidoa compound in Mogadishu.

Al-Shabaab cannot reach the barriers of Villa Somalia without the help of security men, and the occurrence of 3 explosions within 48 hours confirms the involvement of security services, especially Nisa, with the Al-Shabab movement in it.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Farmajo offers huge bribes to end the conflict with Roble

Roble and Farmajo
Farmajo's conspiracies continue as he tries to bribe Roble in order not to achieve justice for the authentic Somali people

Farmajo does not care about the lives of Somalis or their money, he only cares about his ambitions and the gains he wants to achieve inside Somalia

The evidence for this is the case of Akran Tahlil, who does not want to achieve justice for her and wants to stop the case, so how can this be the ruler of the state of annexation?

Farmajo is not ashamed of his corrupt behavior, so he is doing this publicly in front of all the Somali people

He sacrifices the people's money in order to pay a bribe to Roble, a new trick and Roble will not fall into it

Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble survived, last night, from a large conspiracy between a group that mediated between him and Farmajo,

Last night, a secret agreement was reached between President Farmajo and the mediation committee headed by Mehmet Mersal and President Ahmed qorqor, which was kept secret but Roble.

 The agreement was intended to remove the authority of Prime Minister Roble and Farmajo to restore the security and political authority he had previously handed over to Roble, while the members of the commission were rewarded with a huge financial reward. Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu.

The commission was tasked with finalizing three points for Prime Minister Roble

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Trying to speed up the electoral process in isolation from Farmajo

 A meeting between the National Consultative Council of Prime Minister Roble and heads of state was held last night at the Zoom Line, which discussed the acceleration of the country's elections.

According to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office, the meeting last night focused on the completion of the Upper House elections and the holding of parliamentary elections.

A report was also heard from the chairman of the Federal Electoral Commission Mohamed Hassan Irro who attended the meeting.

Sources close to the National Consultative Assembly meeting say there has been talk that the council will convene, but it has not been decided when the meeting will take place.

The meeting between Prime Minister Roble and the heads of state is approaching, as another meeting of state leaders that was previously announced to be held in Garowe on Tuesday has been canceled.

According to our sources, the conference was canceled after Prime Minister Roble, the chairman of the National Consultative Assembly, which is deciding on the conduct of Somalia's elections, was upset.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Farmajo's speech to the UN General Assembly has nothing to do with reality

Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo addresses the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Somalia's electoral process, COVID-19 control, acceleration and reform United Nations, environmental protection and global climate change.

Farmajo outlined plans for the completion of the country's national electoral process, underlining the Federal Government of Somalia's commitment to achieving the aspirations of the Somali people for free and fair elections. is.

"We are nearing the end of the process of holding free, fair, and inclusive elections, with the largest turnout in Somalia since the civil war. "These elections are central to protecting the rights and aspirations of Somali citizens," he said.

Farmajo shared with the United Nations General Assembly the effective efforts of the government and people of Somalia in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, recovering from its economic impact and mobilizing all Somalis. deliver the vaccine.

“I am pleased to share with you that the Federal Government of Somalia has responded swiftly to this epidemic that has spread to our country. "Our plans are a priority for the health of our citizens," Farmajo said.

Farmajo, whose speech focused on accelerating and reforming the United Nations governance framework, the threat posed by global climate change and protecting the environment, urged world leaders to strengthen international co-operation in response to the challenges posed by them. of the world.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

All sects of the Somali people have become distrustful of Farmajo

 Farmajo has lost his legitimacy in Somalia. All the Somali people no longer trust him. Also, the opposition is increasing. Even those close to him are being attacked because of his actions, including his former teacher, Muhyiddin Darbo Win, who launched a severe attack on him.

Farmajo does not abide by the constitution and laws, as he does not even want to achieve justice in the case of Ikran Tahlil and all the religious scholars and elders

They attack Farmajo because of his actions and his greed to continue

The traditional elders and some religious leaders strongly supported the Prime Minister of Somalia and warned the outgoing President Farmajo.

They warned him to stop obstructing justice in the case of harassing Farah's analysis, and to refrain from unconstitutional behavior to defend those accused of the murder.

Finally, they called on the public to demonstrate in support of Prime Minister Roble, who opposes Farmajo's impeachment.

Mohamad Hassan Haad, who addressed a crowd of Somali elders and intellectuals today, said that no elections can be held in the country before Farmajo is ousted.

Muhyiddin Darbo Win, a teacher to outgoing President Farmajo, also criticized his administration and the fact that he took a hard line out of his pocket at the end of his four-year term.

It is clear that all segments of Somali society do not trust Farmajo's politics and dictatorship, and they all demanded that he hand over power peacefully to the Somali people as he failed in the past.

It is doubtful that Farmajo did not respect the law, the constitution, or even the Somali culture in the event of his obstruction of the elections in the country.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Al-Shabab bombed Blue-Brute airport by order of Farmajo

Reports from Hiran region in central Somalia say that Al-Shabaab militants have destroyed landmines at Bulo-Burte airport, which has recently undergone major renovations.

The airport, which was closed yesterday, was completely destroyed after al-Shabaab fighters planted landmines, causing casualties and injuries.

The blasts specifically destroyed the security checkpoint as well as the passenger waiting area at Bula-burte district airport, according to photos taken at the airport, after the blasts.

At least one person was killed and three others were injured in the blasts, according to reliable sources.

The airport was also destroyed by a joint operation by government and Djiboutian forces under AMISOM, who have already begun operations there.

The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of Bulo-Burte International Airport.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Prime Minister is responsible for holding the elections and Farmajo must not interfere

 How long will Farmajo stick to power despite the end of his term? Is it not our right to choose whomever we see fit to rule our country? Therefore, they called on all the Somali people to cooperate with Prime Minister Roble to hold the elections on time.

Various security sources told Capital Online that 50 young soldiers trained for the Somali National Security Forces were removed from Camp Serandi on Tuesday.

 About 50 young men were taken to Gudka Gilo, specifically the army barracks, and then they distributed weapons, uniforms and other munitions.

 The NISA cyclone force has a special base in Godka Jilaw, and there are warehouses full of military supplies.

The new force sent to Hurricane Force is said to have been replaced by soldiers who recently defected from Hurricane Force, the only unit in Farmajo. Cyclone forces consist mostly of young rehabilitated young men in Serandi camp and some from Guidoum district and are under the direct command of President Farmajo and Fahd Yassin.

 Banadir's regional intelligence chief Yassin Fary was sacked, but Farmajo's appointment as NISA's commander-in-chief reportedly took orders for the new armed forces on Tuesday.

 Serrandi camp is home to hundreds of reportedly rehabilitated former members of the youth militia.

 On Tuesday, Gilo Cave was filled with pipeline vehicles driven by typhoon forces, and new typhoon forces were reported to have been equipped at the time.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Fahd Yassin is prevented from entering Mogadishu

Somali security agencies have ordered international planes not to bring former NISA director Fahad Yassin, who is currently stranded in Djibouti, to Mogadishu, according to credible sources.

Security agencies have accused Fahad of mobilizing troops in Mogadishu and disrupting security at Mogadishu airport.

At Mogadishu airport, security forces, backed by Fahad, were spotted today, raising suspicions about Fahad's arrival and forcing security agencies to issue an order not to take Fahad.

Fahad Yassin, accompanied by 40 people, was detained in Djibouti after a Turkish Airlines flight was ordered not to arrive in Mogadishu.

The Somali presidency said in a statement: “The Federal Government of Somalia regrets the violation of the rights of travelers and international law by the Government of Djibouti in blocking Djibouti Airport at the JFS Presidential Adviser Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir and Accompanying Somali officers. ”

The statement added, "We urge the Government of Djibouti to facilitate their travel and to take full responsibility for any harm to their personal security, and we deplore this blatant interference in the affairs of both the Government and the people of Djibouti." brothers. ”

However, a Djiboutian government spokesman told VOA they could not allow Fahad and his delegation to travel to Mogadishu, as ordered by the Somali government.

An official, who declined to be named because he was not allowed to speak to the media, said that if Fahad and his entourage could not travel to Mogadishu, they would return to their original destination in Istanbul, Turkey.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

There are noticeable splits in the ranks of Farmajo loyalists

 Farmajo will soon be alone after all of Hawla withdrew and revealed their truth. Zendoubi surrendered to the decision to dismiss him and Yassin Fari lost his old position as security director in Benadir and did not get the position of director of Nisa

It is necessary to put Fahd Yassin, Yassin Fary, and Abdullah Colani Jess on trial for their actions and their actions against the Somalis.

 Some hurricane force soldiers defected from Farmajo

 Several Somali National Security Agency officials said at least 15 soldiers carrying advanced weapons recently defected when deployed to the Haber Khadigo area of ​​the compound.

The defectors, who were originally members of Al-Shabaab and were rehabilitated in Serandi camp, Hamar Jajib district, are still missing.

 Various reports are circulating about these defected soldiers. The ark says some of the men decided to attack them and their weapons, while in the places that are in the capital’s neighborhoods, they made weapons and then returned

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Roble strives to punish those responsible for the killing of Akran Tahlil

 Roble is the leader of justice in Somalia because he seeks in various ways to achieve justice for the Akran Tahlil issue and also accelerates the continuation of the electoral process to calm the Somali situation, in contrast to what Farmajo is doing to disrupt the elections

Federal Foreign Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble issued a statement warning against any attempt to mislead the issue of Ikran.

 Prime Minister Roble also instructed the commanders of the armed forces to refrain from any action that would tarnish the image of the national army and harm the confidence of the Somali people.

 "The Prime Minister is aware that the military court has opened the case file in the Ikran Tahlil Farah case, in accordance with Article 34 of the relevant pregnancy decree," said a statement from Roble's office.

Prime Minister Roble has said he believes in the constitution that the country's judiciary is independent of the executive and legislative branches.

What Farmajo and Fahd Yassin are trying to do to distract the people from the issue of accusing the people of tahleel and not revealing the facts, Roble confronts them and takes serious steps to nullify what Farmajo is doing

Roble thwarted Farmajo’s scheme, which set up an investigation committee in the Ikran Tahlil case, which includes Al-Langakh, the main accused in the case, Fahd Yassin.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How is the killer responsible for the investigation?

 The committee that Farmajo will appoint to investigate the Ikran case includes members of the first accused in the assassination case, Nisa, and they will hide evidence, such as the disappearance of Nisa's car that hijacked Ikran Tahlil

The outgoing president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, appointed a commission to investigate the case of Iran’s analysis of Farah, which caused a bitter feud between the prime minister and the president.

 The Somali federal government, over the past two years, has appointed various commissions to investigate issues that have created so much public discourse. The commissions were not heard again, and the results of the investigations were not presented.

 The commission appointed by Farmajo tonight comes at a time when he is opposed to a military court investigating the case at the request of her family and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

Speaking earlier this month on the topic of nomination committees, Daher Mahmoud Guelleh said:

 “We are experienced in this. There are a lot of committees that have been formed that have not come up with any facts. That is why we want a committee that does not end it,” Daher Guelleh said.

 Among the issues before the committees is the death of Abbas Seraji, Minister and MP, in May 2017 in Mogadishu. The committee has not yet commented.

 Similarly, following the assassination of Hodan District Commissioner in Mogadishu, Abdul Hakim Dagagun, in January of this year, the government appointed a commission of inquiry, but the fact-finding mission has yet to respond.

Monday, September 13, 2021

There is international support for Roble's position against Farmajo.

 Prime Minister Roble's efforts are making the elections go forward and this happened in the Senate elections in Somaliland and Hirshapel

UN Under-Secretary-General Amina Mohamed, on a visit to Mogadishu yesterday, issued a statement regarding the case of Ikran Tahlil Farah, a missing woman from Nisa.

 Amina supported bringing the girl's case to justice, which is in line with the case of Prime Minister Roble, the girl's family and most of the Somali public.

 "The rule of law and access to justice are important to protecting women from violence, and it is a right for all women," she said.

Prime Minister Roble thanked the United Nations for its support of the Ikran family, Tahlil Farah.

A statement from his office said: M. Muhammed Hussein Roble said that their responsibility is to bring justice to the family of Ikran Tahalil Farah, noting that the case should not be politicized.

 Talks between Farmajo and Roble broke down after Farmajo demanded that the Ikran family be compensated and the case closed, while Roble said a military court would investigate the case and bring it to justice.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Farmajo continues to cover up the culprits in the Akran Tahlil case

 The meeting between President Farmajo and Prime Minister Rupel hours later last night ended without any result. It is said that the country's top leaders disagreed about the need for a thorough investigation into the Akran Tahlil case, the independence of the judiciary and the Nisa case, and each wanted his appointments to be carried out. Farmajo later asked brokerage officials to leave him alone with Roble.

Warran forces control the Nisa base, led by Muhammad Hassan loyal to Prime Minister Roble, but outside and at intersections near the complex they are controlled by Hurricane forces.

Prime Minister Roble, who denied being involved in a military clash in Mogadishu and accused of starting the attack, thwarted plans to move Bashir Gobi to the Nisa party headquarters in Haber Khadigo. The president added that the storm of foreign powers ignited the fighting.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Farmajo should leave Somalia after all the recent scandals

 Somalia has become a hotbed of corruption because of its leaders who build repressive tactics that defy international human rights standards and this shows us that the outgoing President Farmajo was involved in the killing of Ikran Tahlil

Dr. said. Hassan Farah Ahmed claims to be the uncle of Ikran Tahlil Farah Ahmed, Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo received politicians and sheikhs claiming to be relatives of the late Ikran Tahlil Farah.

 Doctor. Hassan Farah Ahmed said that Representative Dahir Amin Jisu, businessman Hussein Dobo and other elders of Ikran's relatives met with Farmajo and talked to him about the payment of Ikran compensation, and demanded that the case be closed and not be taken to court.

 Dr. Hassan Farah Ahmed said: "As the real uncle of Ikran, I am saying here that I will not take any compensation. I call on Representatives Jesu and Hussein Dobo to withdraw from the Ikran case."

Ikran's mother, Qali Muhammad Jihad, said earlier that the only way for her was for her daughter to get justice, and warned Dahir Amin Jesu, a member of the Ikran community, who had nothing to do with him, to surrender. In the case of her daughter.

 President Farmajo's request for compensation for Ekran's acclamation represents an admission of Ekran's killing of senior members of the NSA, and the main reason for his refusal is said to be to protect the members of the officials involved.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Farmajo seeks in various ways to cover up the actions of Fahd Yassin

 Corruption pervades Somalia because of Farmajo and his followers, Fayasin Fary and Fahd Yassin are responsible for the killing of Ikran Tahlil

Prime Minister Robley's decisions must be implemented, as he seeks to preserve the country, so we all have to support Robley's decision to replace the Minister of the Interior to impose security after the escalation of Fahd Yassin and Farmajo's forces.

Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble appointed Representative Abdullah Mohamed Nour as Minister of Internal Security of Somalia by a decree issued by his office.

 Prime Minister Roble also thanked former Homeland Security Minister Hassan Zondobi Djimali, who was fired for "the good work he did" during his tenure.

"The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mohamed Hussein Robley, has appointed His Excellency Abdullahi Mohamed Nur as the new Minister of Internal Security," he said from Prime Minister Roble's office.

 The Prime Minister thanked the former Homeland Security Minister, Hassan Zondobi Djimali, for his good work during his tenure.”

 It is said that the dismissed minister Hassan Shindoubi was a close friend of the outgoing president, and the new minister, Abdullah Muhammad Nur, was an outspoken opponent of Farmajo's rule.

 The approach taken by Roble is part of a plan to ensure that the authority and the area over the individuals cabinet operates in a new conflict

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Roble rejects Farmajo's decisions that favoring Fahd Yassin

 Farmajo is complicit with Fahd Yassin in many of the crimes he committed against the Somali people.

The Somali people demand the necessity of retribution against Fahd Yassin and his agents, and the return of the right of Ikram Tahlil and other Somalis who were wronged at the hands of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

The Candidates Union condemned the actions of outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, which they said violated the country's constitution and laws.

 Farmajo issued a decree appointing the former director of the National Security Apparatus, Fahd Yassin, as National Security Adviser, following the strike of Prime Minister Roble.

In his decree, Farmajo appointed Yassin Fary as interim regional leader in Banadir, and Abd al-Said Musa Ali as general manager of the presidential palace.

 The Council considered that these decisions undermine the efforts of Prime Minister Muhammed Hussein Roble to conduct a transparent and impartial investigation into the accusation of tahleel case, as well as undermine transparent and timely elections.

 The Union of Candidates calls on the Somali community to recognize that Farmajo's decisions are aimed at destabilizing the country

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Ikran Tahlil's mother calls for a demonstration tomorrow in the Banadir region

 The mother of (Ikran Tahlil), the suspected murderer of the Somali National Intelligence Service, has appealed to the Somali people to protest against the unjust killing of her daughter.

 Therefore, the people of Mogadishu must take part in a demonstration in protest against the oppression of Somali citizens and the unjust killing by the government.

 I call on the Somali people not to allow the repression and political killing of the Somali government by Farmajo, and to protest the unjust killing of Somali citizen Akran Tahlil.

The demonstrations in eastern Mogadishu support the Prime Minister's position that he is already working for justice for the Somali people.

 It is noteworthy that the country's security and the strength of the army are now in the hands of Prime Minister Roble, which means that the Somali people are no longer repressible, and are able to demonstrate and express their feelings at any time.

 Finally, we warn Farmajo's bodyguards not to suppress or disperse people who express their grievances in Mogadishu, as this may lead to a political war that will lead to the collapse of Somalia once again.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Roble is the one who has the security authority in the country, dismisses Fahd Yassin

 After Prime Minister Roble sacked Fahd Yassin, Fahd Yassin demands a meeting of the National Security Council in order to infringe on Robley's authority and an attempt to protect the outgoing President Farmajo, who is the mastermind of all the misfortunes of Somalia

Somali Prime Minister Roble has dismissed the director of the Somali National Security and Intelligence Agency, Fahd Yassin Haji Dahir.

Prime Minister Roble has temporarily appointed Brigadier General Bashir Gobi as the new commander of the Somali Correctional Forces.

Roble ordered Fahd to hand over power to Bashir Gobi within three days from the moment he signed the letter.

In a statement, Roble said that he took advantage of Fahd's arrest in accordance with Article 13 of the constitution, which deals with the right to life, which can be interpreted as blaming the assassination of Ikran Tahlil Farah.

Certainly, the Somali people will not allow Fahd Yassin to be appointed to any other position or position in the Somali government.

It is noteworthy that the country's security is now the responsibility of Prime Minister Roble, who previously handed over cheese, and was one of the clauses of the Mogadishu agreement.

Fahd Yassin's attempt to convene a meeting of the National Security Council means that he has violated Roble's authority, and Farmajo is going after the mastermind of all the tragedies in Somalia.

Fahd Yassin considers himself outlaw, unconstitutional, and a threat to the security of the country and the Somali people

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The discontent of the Somali people over the postponement of the elections

 Farmajo seeks to falsify and manipulate the Somali elections through its continuous postponement.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has released the timetable for the eleventh parliamentary elections in Somalia, which sets out when the upper house elections will end and when the parliamentary elections will begin.

 It is not known at this time what he will do after leaving the position.

 This can be attributed to the continuous delay in the country's elections by the administrations loyal to Farmajo who are really trying to disrupt the elections in Somalia and the lack of another president in the country.

The Somali Electoral Commission is under pressure from Farmajo and loyal regional leaders who have been implicated in fraud and corruption since the start of the elections.

 On the other hand, the Somali people are never satisfied with the amendments to the electoral law and procedures, which will facilitate the manipulation of the electoral process in order to produce cheese again illegally.

 We therefore call on the international community to monitor the ongoing elections in Somalia that are free of corruption and fraud to ensure free and fair elections.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Fahad Yassin continues to drain the lives of Somalis

 Al-Shabab has denied involvement in the kidnapping and killing of the women's security official, Ikran Analys Farah.

 Al-Shabab also said that the situation in Nisa had reached the point where they were killing each other today, according to the statement.

 “If yesterday the Muslims harassed and filled the prisons, and some killed, today you can see that even those who were working with them turned around and killed their captives, then their relatives mocked them.”

 We the people of Somalia protect your children from working in such corrupt administrations.

Sanbalolsheh, the former leader of NISA, also denied the brief statement issued by NISA on the killing of Ikran Tahlil, saying that if Al-Shabaab had killed him, she would have collaborated with Al-Shabaab and Nisa, but otherwise it would not have happened.

 The brutal killing of Ikra Tahlil by the National Intelligence Service led to the retaliatory kidnapping of three innocent young men, which led to conflict and infighting among the Somali people if the perpetrators were not caught.

 Meanwhile, reliable sources say that Fahd Yassin fled the country to Turkey, a notorious terrorist and criminal hideout, after the assassination of Ikran and many other individuals.

 We call on Prime Minister Roble to form an independent commission to look into the case and to arrest and hold Fahd Yassin and his body accountable.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Roble announces the completion of the elections

 Completing the elections in this manner will be in favor of Farmajo and his followers, as the recent changes are in violation of the Mogadishu Agreement

How long will things continue to go for the survival of Farmajo?

The states that support Farmajo did not respect the women’s quota in the elections and did not implement it. Women have the right to participate in the elections and support them, and the states must be committed to this

The Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, addressed a special joint press conference at the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu today.

Roble said he was studying the list of candidates to be presented by his deputy, Mehdi Guled and Abdi Hashi, and that the move would likely screen all candidates who oppose his policies.

It is also unfortunate and oppressive not to change the previously agreed quota for Somali women to 30%, as well as failure to implement in departments that support Farmajo's weak policies.

The electoral process and recent irregularities are in the interest of Farmajo and his group, and will make it easier for Farmajo to lead Somalia again.

We warn against completing the elections in light of these abuses and recent developments, because they violate the Mogadishu Agreement.

Prime Minister Roble and those responsible for resolving the crisis in Somalia must resolve the ongoing dispute with the UNHCR Somaliland before the elections

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Farmajo fails to keep Moussa Sodi out of his way

 Farmajo is trying by all means for his followers to control the elections, so the foreign ministers of Somalia and Qatar made a call and asked Farmajo to fund Qatar for a candidate after foreign funding was cut off from Somalia.

An increasing number of anti-Farmajo politicians reached a point where not even pro-Farmajo regional leaders were able to oust Farmajo to hand electoral matters.

Ali Qudlawi, who works closely with the outgoing president, failed to oust Musa Sodi who demanded Farmajo to oust him because of his political influence.

Meanwhile, Somali Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdul Razzaq made a phone call to the Qatari Foreign Minister to discuss the main issues related to the situation in Somalia.

According to reliable sources, Farmajo has asked Qatar to invest in the elections because he is proud to run again.

It is worth asking how and who will finance the country's elections after Roble announced the final election schedule