Sunday, September 5, 2021

The discontent of the Somali people over the postponement of the elections

 Farmajo seeks to falsify and manipulate the Somali elections through its continuous postponement.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has released the timetable for the eleventh parliamentary elections in Somalia, which sets out when the upper house elections will end and when the parliamentary elections will begin.

 It is not known at this time what he will do after leaving the position.

 This can be attributed to the continuous delay in the country's elections by the administrations loyal to Farmajo who are really trying to disrupt the elections in Somalia and the lack of another president in the country.

The Somali Electoral Commission is under pressure from Farmajo and loyal regional leaders who have been implicated in fraud and corruption since the start of the elections.

 On the other hand, the Somali people are never satisfied with the amendments to the electoral law and procedures, which will facilitate the manipulation of the electoral process in order to produce cheese again illegally.

 We therefore call on the international community to monitor the ongoing elections in Somalia that are free of corruption and fraud to ensure free and fair elections.

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