Saturday, September 4, 2021

Fahad Yassin continues to drain the lives of Somalis

 Al-Shabab has denied involvement in the kidnapping and killing of the women's security official, Ikran Analys Farah.

 Al-Shabab also said that the situation in Nisa had reached the point where they were killing each other today, according to the statement.

 “If yesterday the Muslims harassed and filled the prisons, and some killed, today you can see that even those who were working with them turned around and killed their captives, then their relatives mocked them.”

 We the people of Somalia protect your children from working in such corrupt administrations.

Sanbalolsheh, the former leader of NISA, also denied the brief statement issued by NISA on the killing of Ikran Tahlil, saying that if Al-Shabaab had killed him, she would have collaborated with Al-Shabaab and Nisa, but otherwise it would not have happened.

 The brutal killing of Ikra Tahlil by the National Intelligence Service led to the retaliatory kidnapping of three innocent young men, which led to conflict and infighting among the Somali people if the perpetrators were not caught.

 Meanwhile, reliable sources say that Fahd Yassin fled the country to Turkey, a notorious terrorist and criminal hideout, after the assassination of Ikran and many other individuals.

 We call on Prime Minister Roble to form an independent commission to look into the case and to arrest and hold Fahd Yassin and his body accountable.

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