Saturday, September 18, 2021

Fahd Yassin is prevented from entering Mogadishu

Somali security agencies have ordered international planes not to bring former NISA director Fahad Yassin, who is currently stranded in Djibouti, to Mogadishu, according to credible sources.

Security agencies have accused Fahad of mobilizing troops in Mogadishu and disrupting security at Mogadishu airport.

At Mogadishu airport, security forces, backed by Fahad, were spotted today, raising suspicions about Fahad's arrival and forcing security agencies to issue an order not to take Fahad.

Fahad Yassin, accompanied by 40 people, was detained in Djibouti after a Turkish Airlines flight was ordered not to arrive in Mogadishu.

The Somali presidency said in a statement: “The Federal Government of Somalia regrets the violation of the rights of travelers and international law by the Government of Djibouti in blocking Djibouti Airport at the JFS Presidential Adviser Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir and Accompanying Somali officers. ”

The statement added, "We urge the Government of Djibouti to facilitate their travel and to take full responsibility for any harm to their personal security, and we deplore this blatant interference in the affairs of both the Government and the people of Djibouti." brothers. ”

However, a Djiboutian government spokesman told VOA they could not allow Fahad and his delegation to travel to Mogadishu, as ordered by the Somali government.

An official, who declined to be named because he was not allowed to speak to the media, said that if Fahad and his entourage could not travel to Mogadishu, they would return to their original destination in Istanbul, Turkey.

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