Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How is the killer responsible for the investigation?

 The committee that Farmajo will appoint to investigate the Ikran case includes members of the first accused in the assassination case, Nisa, and they will hide evidence, such as the disappearance of Nisa's car that hijacked Ikran Tahlil

The outgoing president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, appointed a commission to investigate the case of Iran’s analysis of Farah, which caused a bitter feud between the prime minister and the president.

 The Somali federal government, over the past two years, has appointed various commissions to investigate issues that have created so much public discourse. The commissions were not heard again, and the results of the investigations were not presented.

 The commission appointed by Farmajo tonight comes at a time when he is opposed to a military court investigating the case at the request of her family and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

Speaking earlier this month on the topic of nomination committees, Daher Mahmoud Guelleh said:

 “We are experienced in this. There are a lot of committees that have been formed that have not come up with any facts. That is why we want a committee that does not end it,” Daher Guelleh said.

 Among the issues before the committees is the death of Abbas Seraji, Minister and MP, in May 2017 in Mogadishu. The committee has not yet commented.

 Similarly, following the assassination of Hodan District Commissioner in Mogadishu, Abdul Hakim Dagagun, in January of this year, the government appointed a commission of inquiry, but the fact-finding mission has yet to respond.

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