Saturday, September 11, 2021

Farmajo should leave Somalia after all the recent scandals

 Somalia has become a hotbed of corruption because of its leaders who build repressive tactics that defy international human rights standards and this shows us that the outgoing President Farmajo was involved in the killing of Ikran Tahlil

Dr. said. Hassan Farah Ahmed claims to be the uncle of Ikran Tahlil Farah Ahmed, Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo received politicians and sheikhs claiming to be relatives of the late Ikran Tahlil Farah.

 Doctor. Hassan Farah Ahmed said that Representative Dahir Amin Jisu, businessman Hussein Dobo and other elders of Ikran's relatives met with Farmajo and talked to him about the payment of Ikran compensation, and demanded that the case be closed and not be taken to court.

 Dr. Hassan Farah Ahmed said: "As the real uncle of Ikran, I am saying here that I will not take any compensation. I call on Representatives Jesu and Hussein Dobo to withdraw from the Ikran case."

Ikran's mother, Qali Muhammad Jihad, said earlier that the only way for her was for her daughter to get justice, and warned Dahir Amin Jesu, a member of the Ikran community, who had nothing to do with him, to surrender. In the case of her daughter.

 President Farmajo's request for compensation for Ekran's acclamation represents an admission of Ekran's killing of senior members of the NSA, and the main reason for his refusal is said to be to protect the members of the officials involved.

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