Sunday, September 12, 2021

Farmajo continues to cover up the culprits in the Akran Tahlil case

 The meeting between President Farmajo and Prime Minister Rupel hours later last night ended without any result. It is said that the country's top leaders disagreed about the need for a thorough investigation into the Akran Tahlil case, the independence of the judiciary and the Nisa case, and each wanted his appointments to be carried out. Farmajo later asked brokerage officials to leave him alone with Roble.

Warran forces control the Nisa base, led by Muhammad Hassan loyal to Prime Minister Roble, but outside and at intersections near the complex they are controlled by Hurricane forces.

Prime Minister Roble, who denied being involved in a military clash in Mogadishu and accused of starting the attack, thwarted plans to move Bashir Gobi to the Nisa party headquarters in Haber Khadigo. The president added that the storm of foreign powers ignited the fighting.

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