Tuesday, September 21, 2021

All sects of the Somali people have become distrustful of Farmajo

 Farmajo has lost his legitimacy in Somalia. All the Somali people no longer trust him. Also, the opposition is increasing. Even those close to him are being attacked because of his actions, including his former teacher, Muhyiddin Darbo Win, who launched a severe attack on him.

Farmajo does not abide by the constitution and laws, as he does not even want to achieve justice in the case of Ikran Tahlil and all the religious scholars and elders

They attack Farmajo because of his actions and his greed to continue

The traditional elders and some religious leaders strongly supported the Prime Minister of Somalia and warned the outgoing President Farmajo.

They warned him to stop obstructing justice in the case of harassing Farah's analysis, and to refrain from unconstitutional behavior to defend those accused of the murder.

Finally, they called on the public to demonstrate in support of Prime Minister Roble, who opposes Farmajo's impeachment.

Mohamad Hassan Haad, who addressed a crowd of Somali elders and intellectuals today, said that no elections can be held in the country before Farmajo is ousted.

Muhyiddin Darbo Win, a teacher to outgoing President Farmajo, also criticized his administration and the fact that he took a hard line out of his pocket at the end of his four-year term.

It is clear that all segments of Somali society do not trust Farmajo's politics and dictatorship, and they all demanded that he hand over power peacefully to the Somali people as he failed in the past.

It is doubtful that Farmajo did not respect the law, the constitution, or even the Somali culture in the event of his obstruction of the elections in the country.

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