Farmajo and Fahad Yasin will continue to rule the country and will continue to commit crimes against the people - Dream Smart


Friday, April 8, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad Yasin will continue to rule the country and will continue to commit crimes against the people

Farmajo and fahad yasin

For the past five years Farmajo has burned all his political cards by committing murders, repression & abuse of power, and he has no legitimacy to be re-elected and that is why he is disrupting the upcoming elections.

Fahad and Farmajo's plan is to create insecurity, assassinate al-Shabaab members of opposition candidates and before the swearing-in of the 11th parliament.

Fahad and Farmajo are ready to kill more people to stay in power, and they are using Al-Shabaab to hide their crimes.

The outgoing group, led by Farmajo and Fahad Yassin, has begun fomenting further political unrest, in order to prevent the swearing-in of members of both houses of parliament so far.

Farmajo and Fahad also plotted to assassinate MP Amino, who had spent most of his time trying to bring justice to the Ikraan Tahliil family, who had also killed him in order to destroy the evidence.

The outgoing group, led by Farmajo and Fahad Yassin, began inciting political unrest to prevent the election from being completed, as they realized that the community hated them and would not be re-elected.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin have committed serious crimes in the past five years, and if Farmajo stays in power, he will continue to commit crimes against humanity, including political assassinations and intimidation.


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