FARMAAJO's speech did not reflect the reality of Somalia - Dream Smart


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

FARMAAJO's speech did not reflect the reality of Somalia


 Farmajo's speech at the April 12 commemoration was far from the reality of Somalia.

Farmajo's most frequent statement was "CLAN" to warn the nation, but instead Farmajo worked to revive tribalism by infiltrating the army, government jobs and all segments of society, as well as disrupting it due to tribalism Gedo election.

Farmajo denies the governments of his predecessors and their performance, citing a time when only clans were functioning.

Farmajo spoke in his speech about the building, equipping and rights of the army but did not mention a single village they liberated, and was arrested today in Mogadishu for fear of Al-Shabaab and the celebration was guarded by Amison!

He spoke out against patriotism and political instability, reiterating that during his time in power tribalism had been revived, there had been widespread mistrust, and the political instability he had created had nothing to do with his government.

He also did not mention any so-called elections, the swearing in of parliamentarians and the Gedo region, which has been marred by Farmajo's erratic policies.

In the end, Farmajo appeared to be talking to another nation and the rest of the world and ignoring the reality of Somalia.

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