Farmajo travels to Ethiopia in light of the crises in Somalia - Dream Smart


Monday, October 4, 2021

Farmajo travels to Ethiopia in light of the crises in Somalia

Farmajo and abi ahmed

 The outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo) recently left Aden Adde International Airport for Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

Farmajo and his delegation are attending the inauguration of Prime Minister Abi Ahmed in Addis Ababa.

Government officials bid farewell to Mogadishu International Airport.

The outgoing president will also hold a prayer meeting with various leaders attending the inauguration of the Ethiopian prime minister.

Farmajo and Abiy are close political allies. They have previously collaborated with the dictatorial leader of Eritrea, which has created a lot of suspicion, but they have not met recently and each of them has not been able to overcome the crisis within his rule.

Farmajo's trip to Ethiopia also coincides with an unresolved dispute with his prime minister, Roble, and it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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