Farmajo continues the policy of kidnapping clan elders - Dream Smart


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Farmajo continues the policy of kidnapping clan elders


 Ali Shi Abdullahi (Ali Afgoye) held a press conference today and accused the commander of the Somali Police Force, Major General Abdi Hassan Mohamed (Hajjar) of kidnapping Nabaduno from Afgoye district.

He said that the sheikhs were initially summoned a week ago to meet with Commander Hajjar, but they conspired to arrest him and he was treated with contempt for the sheikhs, he said.

"When the CID was transferred to the elderly, he told me to come back in an hour or two. This is not a big problem. We will interview the little elderly and we will release them. It did not happen. It was four o'clock that day when he went missing," Ali Afgoye said. Pollack, the sheikhs were stripped of their shoes and detained."

"The next morning I went to Pollock, CID and elders from Afgoye district. He told us that there was nothing to be done and that the elders were suspicious. He told them the elders were not from Al-Shabaab. I was the enemy. Young people."

He also said that the arrests of the elderly were politically motivated and that Commander Hajjar and Pollack had been unlawfully kidnapped.

Prime Minister Muhammad Hussein Roble demanded to intervene in the case of the sheikhs, who he said were illegally detained in Hajjar.

What is happening in Somalia Farmajo made Somalia a hotbed for spreading corruption and extremism and used the police chief Abdi Hassan to kidnap the sheikhs opposed to Farmajo

Farmajo does not deserve to be the ruler of a state. He is a dictator who uses violence and intimidation to gain power and regain control of the country.

Farmajo makes Major General Abdi Hassan kidnap tribal elders and arrest them without any legal basis. He has the right to do so

Farmajo, after losing in Somalia and losing his legitimacy, has become dependent on intimidation and kidnapping in order to vote for him again

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