Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Farmajo continues in crisis mode until October 10

 It happens yesterday's final meeting between Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, chief executive and chairman of the state capital, in addressed in the election.

The conference agreed on the cost of Somalia's elections and how they will be managed, and the conference ended without an agreement.

Prime Minister Roble has argued that his office should be managed with election funds, while regional administration leaders have demanded that each administration be given a separate value and run as it pleases.

This issue was not agreed upon, and it was agreed that it should be resolved in a technical manner. Funding for the election is provided by the international community, and it is possible that the final decision will come from them.

The Consultative Assembly meeting yesterday officially released the new timetable for Somalia's elections, as the previous ones have failed, with the presidential election scheduled for October 10, 2021.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Roble, based on the May 27, 2021 agreement, has appointed the Gedo Regional Reconciliation Commission, which does not include Jubbaland. The committee was instructed to expedite the reconciliation process in Gedo Region.

The council also, at the request of Somali women, reduced the fee for Somali women candidates to 50%.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

What did Qoor Qoor and Lafta Gareen discuss?

The leaders of Galmudug and South West administrations who are currently in Mogadishu held a special meeting last night to discuss the political situation in the country, especially the issues of the 2021 elections.

The meeting lasted for several hours and the two leaders focused on the latest developments and the implementation of the May 27th agreement on the conduct of the elections, which is crucial for the upcoming elections.

The presidents of Galmudug and Southwest states also discussed issues related to the two administrations and their cooperation.

The meeting also go back, now with the capital from the National Consultative Assembly elections looga discuss Somalia.

The meeting is presided over by a sensitive prime minister, and present leaders of the state, except for the president of the company HirShabelle to attend the Zoom tool.

According to reports, some provisions of the electoral agreement will be amended, such as reducing the number of delegates to elect members of parliament and limiting the number of cities where the elections will take place, if the council agrees.

Somalia is still in a state of transition and is currently preparing for parliamentary and presidential elections.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Passengers jump off the plane

 A man jumps from a plane leaving Los Angeles airport after trying to enter the cockpit The unidentified man opened the door of the plane and jumped out quickly on Friday, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said. The FAA said.

He was detained on the runway at the airport, and was taken to hospital with undisclosed injuries. About 3,000 incidents have been recorded this year.

Friday's incident happened at 19.10 local time (02:10 GMT on Saturday) as the passengers were on a SkyWest Airlines-bound United Express flight to Salt Lake City. They knocked on the exit door before leaving the plane using the emergency door, according to NBC News.

The plane, an Embraer 175 regional aircraft, later returned to its original location and authorities launched an investigation into the incident and the motive of the passengers. Earlier this month the FAA said it was investigating the largest number of violations of the law since registration began in 1995. Many of them are related to events where people refuse to wear basic things, such as a mask.

The agency said 394 cases of passengers allegedly interfering with the duties of flight attendants were reported as of May 25, more than double the previous year, up from 183 cases investigated.

The official reason for Gudlawe's boycott of the conference in Mogadishu

 More information is emerging as to why HirShabelle administration President Ali Gudlawe boycotted Prime Minister Roble's meeting with regional leaders in Mogadishu on election issues.

A statement from HirShabelle this morning said: “HirShabelle Government declares that it is not part of the meeting of the National Consultative Assembly of the Federal Government, Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration. Since the HirShabelle government has no plans to hold the conference, the outcome will not be a matter for the HirShabelle government. ”

Credible sources close to Gudlawe told Capital Online that HirShabelle's president feels disrespected and his political status has been diminished, which has angered him.

According to our sources, Gudlawe did not attend last week's Zoom Line meeting between Prime Minister Roble and the country's regional leaders at a conference in Mogadishu. Gudlawe, who is in Turkey, was unable to enter the line, but the meeting was held without any apology or delay.

The meeting also decided on the agenda of the meeting, which Gudlawe also did not consult with, and the president of HirShabelle felt that it was taken from a weighty person who slaughtered what the other members of the national consultative council agreed upon.

According to sources who spoke to Capital Online, while Gudlawe was feeling this way, it was decided last night to open the conference again today, while Gudlawe is out of the country.

HirShabelle's president then became increasingly angry, wondering why Ahmed Madobe and Said Deni had been repeatedly suspended for weeks, and that he could not be tolerated for a few days on a trip, and then issued a statement boycotting the meeting.

HirShabelle's president will be out of the country until Friday, when he is expected to return, and the conference has now been adjourned following his decision.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Memories of Freedom & Situation in the Country

 The people of the world governments have days with respect to the indicated days as times of freedom and times of the date of the traditional and the memory and history of their own to add value when they make celebrations and events looga discovered Prices and Respect for that Nation.

61 years later, Somalia will be celebrating the anniversary of the liberation of the flag from Western colonial rule, 61 years before the end of the 16th century Somali struggle for independence.

The atrocities perpetrated against the Somali people by the colonialists, such as killings, robberies, torture, imprisonment and many other insults against the people of Africa and the colonized countries of the world, have ended.

At a meeting in Berlin, Germany in 1884, the European powers, led by Britain, agreed that the continent, which was then inhabited by political and scientific peoples, had little to share with the West.

The European Union (EU) has stated that it will not allow any foreign country to enter the occupied territories unless it has a trade agreement with the European Union (EU).

However, Somalia, which has a large territory, was divided by Britain, France and Italy, and divided the mainland of Somalia.

The British occupied the Northern Provinces in 1884 although there were many explorations before that date back to 1836 when the British occupied the coasts of Aden in the northern provinces out of concern for the importance of its troops throughout the Gulf of Aden and the Eastern Province. in North Africa, Sudan and Egypt

The first places he landed in Marka were the ancient city of Seylac and Berbera.

The British troops in World War II in East Africa and the Middle East, mostly in Aden, Egypt and the Gulf of Aden in general, were interested in the deal and said we would have a secure trade and security relationship. So that other governments do not plunder your land, which came into force, although some of them were difficult agreements, such as the one in Seylac, when the elders signed a memorandum of understanding.

That the territory of Somalia was under the control of the British government at that time and that its troops could land on the coast of Seylac to Sahil Not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Somali people.To the elders and intellectuals of the land in the monthly wages only give Somali trade should be open to the world and no other government should step in and give them independence when they need it.

The people of Somalia for the first time are favored by domestic and military land were taken as a part of the country and people needed after 9 years of civilian government was in control of the qabyaaaladi plagued during the elections the people affected had for election at the end of last 83 attended the party was too looga may be inappropriate and was ashamed,.

The first five years of the revolution in the leadership of the country were laudable as we trace the history of the greatest achievements of the five years including the rescue of the community from the long drought, the campaign to eradicate illiteracy. benefited thousands of Somalis.

During the revolution, 38 ministries were established in the country, the largest of which was the Jowhar Isnaay Biyasa Sugar Factory, the Marere Sugar Factory, the Pasta Factory, the Cigarette and Tobacco Factory, the Oil Oil Factory, and the Afgooye Lab Factory, all of which were the largest in the country. it was sparked by a popular uprising to overthrow Siad Barre's leadership.

However, the revolutionary administration was overthrown at gunpoint in 1991, and the country was subsequently taken over by a coalition. This has resulted in many problems.

DF forces vacate the battlefield due to conflict and suspicion

 The Somali military has vacated many areas in Jowhar, Rage Elle and Mahaday districts of Middle Shabelle region, which were recently captured from Al-Shabaab fighters.

Reports from Capital Online confirm that government forces have entered Mogadishu after a long ground journey from many areas in Middle Shabelle in southern Somalia.

According to reports, government forces have been embroiled in a standoff with the authorities, which is based on suspicions. Somali military officials say the rift between the officers intensified when an explosion targeted Colonel Saney Abdulle and other officers.

"The co-operation between the troops stopped and the suspicion between them increased and they were about to fight among themselves and then they left the bases," said an army officer in the Biya-cadde area of ​​the Middle Shabelle region, who arrived last night. Mogadishu.

The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a police station in Mogadishu's Hamar Weyne district, killing two police officers and wounding three others.

Al-Shabaab recaptured areas vacated by government forces, reportedly killing several residents who welcomed the forces.

The Somali Ministry of Defense has not yet commented on the military crisis, and ministry officials feel that President Farmajo's extension has had a significant impact on the country's armed forces.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

History of Drs. Hawa Abdi has left an unforgettable memory in the hearts of the Somali people

 Dr. Hawa Abdi, was a Somali human rights activist, lawyer, and doctor. He is the founder of the Maternal and Child Health Center and the Doctor Hawa Abdi Foundation in 2010, was nominated for the Glamor Award for Woman of the Year. She was also one of the nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize.

May God have mercy on him, Dr. Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe dies in Mogadishu She was the founder of a charity. Hawa Abdi gave birth to three children, one of whom died in 2005. Born in Mogadishu, on May 17, 1947, she completed her primary education at Hamar Jajab School in the city. In Mogadishu, she dropped out of middle school at Komarshaale School.

A Russian-built school in Mogadishu, she said, has since joined, and then received a scholarship from the Soviet Union to go to Ukraine, where she spent seven years before returning home. In 1972, she started working at Digfer Hospital. At that time, there were few women in the country who studied medicine. Dr. Hawa Abdi specializes in Maternal and Child Health.

She also taught at the Somali National University's Department of Medicine. Hawa Abdi, a doctor for 49 years, studied medicine in 1971, during the country's central government. She has worked at medical facilities in Mogadishu, and said her students now work in Somali and many other parts of the world.


2017 - She was one of 10 people who were awarded the Doctor of Laws degree by Harvard University.

2015 - She wins the Pilosio Peace Promotion Award

2014 - Hawa Abdi receives the Roosevelt Four: Freedom Award from Middelburg, in the Netherlands.

2012 - Hawa Abdi is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

2012 - Receives WITW Foundation Influential Women Award; Bet Community Aid and John Jay Justice Award.

Hawa Abdi, who has been involved in social work since the beginning of Somalia's civil war, opened a maternal and child health clinic on the road between Mogadishu and Afgooye. She was one of the first women to study medicine. gynecologist, and in 1983 she opened a one-room hospital to help pregnant women.

"I started in the hospital with one room because I was concerned about her labor, but later it grew to four hundred beds," he said. Hawa said in an interview with the BBC in 2013 when Somalia's civil war broke out in 1991, that its headquarters was overcrowded with people fleeing the conflict, and that it had started its DHAF to help people.

Currently DHAF consists of a hospital, a school and a feeding center. Provides education, health care and shelter and training for displaced people, mostly women and children

Farmajo describes Somali politicians as opportunists

 Farmajo is trying to tarnish the image of Somali politicians and spread lies to create confusion among the citizens and gain the sympathy of the Somali people. Therefore, Prime Minister Robley and the regional leaders should expedite the holding of elections during their meeting on Monday.

Farmago always has a lot of plans in order to continue ruling. He is trying to destroy the people's trust in Somali politicians, describing them as opportunists and working for their interests. If this is true, what did you do? You still cling to the rule despite the expiry of your term and continue illegally and unconstitutionally

Farmajo cannot insult anyone and expose his political position to suspicion, and the reputation of the person whose right is being challenged should not be discredited until the allegations are proven true. Therefore, the Somali people should not be drawn into Farmajo’s statements and resort to elections to resolve the crisis

Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmago) delivered a lengthy speech at the June 26 commemoration ceremony last night, addressing the youth in particular, with strong recommendations.

 Farmajo revealed that some of the young men he met told him that Somali politicians are selfish, and the president acknowledged the validity of this saying, and that the politicians are working for their own interest as well as for their homes, as he put it.

 President Farmajo said, “The young people who came to me are far from us. They say that politicians do not serve the interests of the people but their own interests and the interests of their homes, and I tell you it is true.”

 He also called the Somali youth to stand up, like the SYL youth who have nothing to do with Somali politicians.

 The president added that the travel now Pedalo activities they are doing in a strong youth revolution, to continue the journey.

“The youth of today will change day by day, the revolutionary movement and the union wanted strong leadership by the people from our north,” he said during the end

 This apparently calls on the cabinet of the President of the Republic to denounce his political opposition to the opposition, by entering a contest in the upcoming elections, which deals with the Luga Mogadishu deal.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Puntland takes a decision to promote the use of the Somali language

 The President of Puntland state in northeastern Somalia, Said Abdullahi Deni, has issued a decree to enforce the mandatory use of the Somali language for government communication, conferences and signage.

“The constitution of the state of Puntland provides for the preservation of the Somali language,” Deni said. His government has developed strategies to promote literacy through effective use of the Somali language in public services and the private sector.

An official in the Puntland administration indicated that President Deni is aware of the poor reading and writing skills of the Somali language among employees or workers in non-governmental organizations and their preference for using foreign languages.

Puntland's decision to make the mandatory use of the Somali language was welcomed by those interested in the Somali language and literature, who stated that this ensured that the Somali language remained an official language.

New concerns over Somalia's elections emerge

 As Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble recently invited regional leaders to a conference scheduled for Saturday in Mogadishu, concerns are being raised that the country's elections will take place again on schedule.

The conference is scheduled to discuss developments in electoral matters, since the agreement was signed on May 27th, and will also focus on accelerating the remaining work.

However, it is also expected that the conference will once again announce that the election will not take place on time, and that changes will be made to the schedule.

Ustad Dahir Qoriyow Isaq, a commentator on Somalia, was asked by the BBC what to expect from the conference announced by Prime Minister Roble.

Ustad Dahir said he predicts there could be a delay in the conference and the election in general, although he believes there is now political stability among the leaders that has changed much of the suspicions and fears of the Somali people.

"Since the signing of this agreement, nothing significant has been done, but I must acknowledge the authorities, because progressive political stability has been achieved, and the commissions will be submitted. From now on, sensitive issues will be discussed. that could delay the election, ”said Somali political commentator Dahir Qoriyow.

He also believes that the agreement reached by the leaders will not take effect on time, and that they will have to extend it.

"It is very difficult to hold the elections in 60 days, as agreed, so we are waiting for the meeting where the prime minister has announced a viable plan that will satisfy the Somali people, and I hope that the timing is right. most will be discussed, ”he said.

The Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Mohamed Hussein Roble, yesterday sent an official invitation to the leaders of the National Consultative Assembly to convene in Mogadishu on Saturday.

The invitation came after a Zoom Line meeting between Roble and regional leaders, which decided to convene in Mogadishu.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Roble sends official invitation to state leaders

 The caretaker Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has sent an official invitation to the leaders of the National Consultative Assembly to convene in Mogadishu on Saturday.

A statement from the prime minister's office said Saturday's meeting would focus on the election process since the May 27 agreement and the resumption of work.

Saturday's meeting comes after Prime Minister Roble met last night with a zombie meeting with regional leaders and the mayor of Mogadishu, who has not met since the election agreement was signed in Mogadishu.

Saturday's conference data, previously published by Capital Online, is part of efforts to accelerate the electoral process and monitor previously agreed electoral processes and activities.

The conference, set to open on Saturday in Mogadishu, is scheduled to be chaired by a technical committee appointed by the prime minister, who will brief leaders of the National Consultative Assembly.

According to information obtained by Capital Online, Prime Minister Roble will appoint a reconciliation committee, which will be at the ministerial level, and will select members from regional governments other than Jubbaland.

The committee will be sent to Garbaharey, the regional capital of Gedo, to discuss ways to resolve the ongoing dispute between the federal government and the Jubbaland administration.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Former state minister announces reasons for sending troops to Eritrea

 Former Minister of State for the Presidency of Somalia Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Baghdadi spoke about the situation of the soldiers sent by the Somali government for training in Eritrea and the reason behind their absence from the country for longer than the training.

Baghdadi said the Somali government had failed to resolve many of the mistakes that had led to the Somali troops being stranded in Eritrea for a long time.

Speaking to Goobjoog TV, Baghdadi said that the wrongdoing of the Somali government could include rumors that the Somali government has not paid its pledges, which has led to the soldiers being held hostage.

"Having a soldier for more than a year does not make sense. I believe there is something that the current government cannot solve. The deadline has passed and plans have not been made," he said. of the Presidency.

Abdulkadir expressed optimism about the efforts of Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and the committee he appointed, and expressed optimism that more convincing information would be provided to parents.

Finally, the former minister of state for the presidency has asked the country's top leaders not to lie about the plight of the missing soldiers, as their parents are in a precarious situation.

Concerns have been raised about the deployment of Eritrean soldiers when the UN Human Rights Council ruled that Somali troops were not taking part in the Ethiopian government's offensive in the Tigrean region.

The parents of the missing child have staged several protests in the streets of Mogadishu, urging the outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo to return their children, although President Farmajo has never felt sorry for the parents' requests and tears.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The reason for Roble's delay in announcing the list of electoral commissions

 The list of federal and state election commissions has not yet been officially announced, with some members of the commissions complaining and some being replaced.

Prime Minister Roble said a list of the commissions would be announced soon, but did not elaborate on why he had not yet made an official announcement.

According to information obtained by Capital Online, the main reason for the delay in the list of electoral commissions announced by the prime minister is the ongoing controversy among the affected commissions.

There are calls and complaints from some quarters for the Somaliland, Galmudug and HirShabelle Committees, as well as members affected by the opposition's allegations.

Prime Minister Roble is trying to eliminate further objections from the list before announcing the list of electoral commissions, which could exacerbate the country's crisis.

The entire 34-member electoral commission has been handed over to Roble's office, and now all that remains is for the general list to be announced by his office, once the outstanding complaint has been fully resolved.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Scandal over Roble's committee tasked with sorting out members of election commissions

 The committee appointed by the caretaker Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble to vet the members of the Union of Candidates who have lodged complaints against government employees and the National Intelligence Service (NISA) has come under heavy scrutiny. found to have released members of the civil service.

The released members, who were not identified by the commission as members of the Civil Service, were among 67 members of the complaint, and the released members include 11 members of NISA and Civil Servants.

Capital Online was able to obtain the name of one of the members released by the committee and a civil servant named Yonis Hassan Hussein (Yonis Alifow) who joined the committee from HirShabelle Administration.

The reason I put Jonah looga list was to pressure the Arab committee headed by Abdullah and Prime Minister of the friend did with members of the government.

Yonis was a civil servant who worked at the Somali Presidential Palace, but later moved to the Refugee and Displacement Agency where he became Deputy Chairman.

The Civil Service Commission has previously charged Yonis Hassan with two separate salaries from the presidency and the Refugee Agency, and ordered him to pay compensation of one of his $ 6,352 salaries, according to the documents below.

The Prime Minister-appointed Electoral Commission Verification Committee recently announced that 34 of its nominees were affected by a lengthy investigation and sent to the nominated regional administrations and the Ra office. PM nominated

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

President Farmajo on a trip abroad

  Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is expected to fly to Turkey in the coming hours, members of Villa Somalia told Capital Online.

President added that the plan was part of a conference looga talking diplomacy, the Mediterranean town of Antalya.

Although the conference is attended by foreign ministers and heads of state and non-governmental organizations, President Farmajo is one of the invited guests.

The summit, which will take place on May 18-20, will be attended by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and leaders of several other non-military powers.

Meanwhile, the meeting discussed looga diplomacy has already boycotted the main countries of the world in the US and Europe, and so far as is known leaders attending the 36 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia.

It is noteworthy that the European countries that have accepted to participate in this conference are small countries, which have no weight in the EU.

The weakest member states of the EU are Malta, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, and The Northern Cyprus. recognized only by Turkey.

Farmajo's planned trip to Antalya will be his last before the scheduled election, and will be part of a series of trips he has made more than 100 times.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Latest news from Puntland election commissions

The Galmudug state will be the last state to submit the replacement of the members of the electoral commission who have been complained about, having already submitted the other four states.

According to members of the Galmudug presidency, President Qoor-Qoor will hand over the expected five-member cabinet to the prime minister's office by tonight.

The members nominated by Prime Minister Roble will be the replacement of the complainant members of the two-level Electoral Commission.

The appointment by the state president tonight will eliminate further delays in the election process, officials at Roble's office told Capital Online.

The Prime Minister will nominate the State and Federal Electoral Commissions in an official circular, so that their preliminary work can begin and the seminars will be opened.

This comes after Prime Minister Roble put further pressure on the authorities to expedite the submission of members of the electoral commissions, in order to speed up the electoral process.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Puntland President Releases Youths Who Escaped from Torture Camps


The youths, who were misled by the Farmajo government, were told they were being trained in Qatar but had been sent to Eritrea, where they suffered torture and death in camps where they were eventually forced to leave. part of the ongoing fighting in the Tigrayan region of Ethiopia who were lying to cheese

Farmajo's government has lied about the presence of Somali forces in the Tigrean region of Ethiopia who were taking part in the massacre, according to a United Nations statement. especially in the city of agsum

The United Nations is being asked to release evidence of the role of cheese in this heinous incident and to work to bring back the misguided youth who are suffering in the area and to bring cheese to justice.

The president of Puntland state Said Dani is working to bring back the trained youths who are still unaccounted for and some of them are still taking part in the fighting and some of them have died. He managed to bring some back to Garowe where they are being treated

Puntland is currently working to set up a committee that will work to repatriate the young people whose parents are wanted and whose government has been denied by the Farmajo government. failed cheese

This heinous incident shows that the government does not take responsibility for the young people who sacrificed their lives to train and ensure the security of their country which the current government has exchanged blood for money and how to stay in power.

The people of Somalia need to join hands with the troubled parents who are searching for the young people who have been trained by the Farmajo government and who have no information on their whereabouts so that they can be repatriated.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Mass demonstrations in the capital Mogadishu

  Today witnessed demonstrations in the Somali capital by the sons of missing soldiers because of not receiving information about the whereabouts of their sons, although citizens, including parents, have the right to obtain information and access information when needed at any time, not to mention the situation of their loved ones. If it is not dealt with urgently, this will be a scandal that expresses the corruption of state leaders

On June 10, 2021, mass demonstrations are taking place in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, by the families of the soldiers who were transferred to the battlefronts in the Ethiopian region of Tigray. The people demand to reveal the fate of their sons who were transferred to Eritrea and their participation in the war in the Tigray region and send a loud message to Farmajo where they end up It is with their beloved children and children.

Somali families are searching for answers after their sons, soldiers, who went to Eritrea for military training and may have been secretly sent to fight in the Tigray region in neighboring northern Ethiopia.

The Somali government categorically denies the matter, stressing that it has not sent any Somali soldiers to Tigray, where in November the federal government launched a military operation against the local authorities of the Tigray People's Liberation Front, which defied it.

This issue raises great concern in Somalia, where pressure is mounting on the government to reveal the fate of the missing in a country preparing for elections that were repeatedly postponed amid great tension.

The families addressed requests in this regard to members of Parliament, so the Foreign Affairs Committee wrote to President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed to inquire about "the number of soldiers being trained in Eritrea" and "when they will return to the country."

Roble appoints another election commission

  The Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Hussein Roble, has appointed a seven-member technical committee to work on the upcoming elections in the country.

The commission is particularly supportive of the prime minister's office in finding a lasting solution to the election crisis, following Roble's efforts.

The commission will also work with the relevant electoral bodies, in particular the International Community, the National Consultative Assembly and other Federal and State Electoral Commissions.

Of the seven nominees, two are girls and the other five are men:

1-Abdkadir Elmi Ali.

2-Avv Omar Mohamed Abdulle.

3-Fatumo Abdi Ali.

4-Mohamoud Mohamed Roble.

5-Laila Abdikarin Mohamed.

6-Liban Rabile Good.

7-Abdulahi Hashi Hussein.

A decree issued by the Prime Minister's Office also instructed the commission to fulfill its mandate, as elections are underway.

Somalia is now entering a parliamentary and presidential election, with an agreement reached after political meetings chaired by Mohamed Hussein Roble in the capital Mogadishu.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Prosecution of Farmajo being prepared after UN confirms Somali troops deployed in Tigray

 Abshir Mohamed Ahmed, the first deputy speaker of the upper house of the Somali federal parliament, is leading a case against Farmajo.

Abshir said the case file against the outgoing president was aimed at searching for young people trained by Farmajo in Eritrea.

"I have decided to lead a case against the Farmajo administration in search of children who have been in Eritrea for more than two years," he said.

Abshir took this step to seek justice for the parents of the youths and to get information about their condition, after the government ignored various calls in this regard.

He called the move illegal and called on the public and human rights groups to address the issue.

The outgoing government led by Farmajo has completely ignored various calls from some councilors and several complaints from the youths' parents.

Abshir's case comes just hours after a report obtained by Capital Online, which is expected to be released by the UN Human Rights Council soon, states that Eritrean troops are involved in the Tigray conflict. were among those who fought in the region.

According to the UN report, the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif, has received information that Somali soldiers have been taken from their training camps in Eritrea to Tigray.

The 17-page report, presented in this small section, also states that the troops were accompanied by other Eritrean military personnel as they crossed the Ethiopian-Eritrean border.

"In addition to reports of Eritrean military involvement in the Tigrayan war, the Special Representative also received information and reports that Somali soldiers had been relocated from Eritrean military training camps to the Tigray frontline, where they were accompanied by Eritrean troops." as they crossed the border into Ethiopia, ”the report said.

"It is also noteworthy that Somali forces were present in the vicinity of Aksum," the report said.

The report states that the Somali government has denied the involvement of Somali soldiers in the Tigray conflict, with a committee in the Somali parliament asking the outgoing president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, to explain the fate of the Somali troops sent to Eritrea. .

This comes at a time when the parents of the soldiers deployed by the Somali government in Eritrea are in a state of mourning with most of the soldiers being held hostage, and parents have recently staged protests demanding the location of their children.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Hassan Sheikh and Sheikh Sharif share a contentious issue with Roble

 Credible sources told Capital Online that former Somali Presidents Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud have lodged complaints with Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble over the way the commission's ministerial-level inquiry was conducted. removal of members of the electoral commission from the complaint.

The two presidents, who are also candidates, wrote a letter to Mohamed Hussein Roble expressing their views on Wadajir Party leader Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, who said the committee still included members of the NISA and Farmajo's supporters.

Our information also indicates that they were complaining that the list of committee members handed over to Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble had been leaked without a promise.

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said there had been no consultation on the investigation process and the results had not been shared before it was announced, calling for a review of the text to ensure a free and fair election.

Disclosure of the list is considered a great preventing back-lists, and she suspected that behind Villa Somalia, the opposition to make a permanent together.

Sharif and Hassan Sheikh and other candidates in the Union of Candidates have not yet commented on the matter and some have reportedly quietly submitted their grievances.

The reason why Hassan and Sharif did not speak publicly was said to be that they did not want to put political pressure on Roble, who they saw as a man who had done a lot on the dispute, but wanted everything to be resolved in a low-key way.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Somalia signs agreement for combating money laundering and terrorist financing with UAE

 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Financial Cooperation Agency (UAE FIU) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Financial Reporting Center (FRC) of the Federal Government of Somalia to exchange information and expertise. work to fight money laundering.

A statement from the UAE's WAM news agency said the UAE had entered into an agreement with Somalia with the aim of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, for the benefit of both parties.

The agreement was signed by UAE FIU officials, Ali Faisal Ba’Alawi and FRC Somalia Country Director, Amina Ali.

"Our agreement with Somalia reaffirms our efforts to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing," said Ali Faisal Ba'Alawi.

The agreement comes as relations between Somalia and the United Arab Emirates remain strained, after the federal government sided with the UAE in a dispute with Qatar.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Farmajo seeks, by destabilizing Mogadishu, to preoccupy the people and the opposition against the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement

 Farmajo's dictatorship has claimed the lives of 100 Somali people, as Farmajo is trying to thwart the course of the elections through the terrorist Al-Shabab movement, and the rulers loyal to Farmajo have not submitted any names yet, which delays the timetable for holding the elections

Al-Shabaab attacked a military base located between Mogadishu and Jowhar, and Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed more than 100 people. It seems that Farmajo directed the movement to fight to destabilize the security of Somalia

 From the capital, Mogadishu, it is reported that Al-Shabaab fighters have captured most of the main towns in the Lower Juba region from Al-Shabaab fighters. The police forces and the residents heard the sound of shooting, using Al-Shabab fighters to re-establish control over the areas that were recently captured from the forces in the Middle Shabelle region.

Al-Shabaab said in a statement posted on social media that its fighters are currently present in War-Issa, Kordiri, Warahli and other areas in the Middle Shabelle region. The administrative capital of Harshabell State in Lower Shabelle region said that fierce fighting erupted between the Somali government forces backed by AMISOM forces and Al-Shabab fighters in the town of Jowhar, which are stationed in AMISOM forces, especially in Burundi.

 Farmajo, who started using al-Shabab to postpone elections to create a difficult situation after reaching an agreement on al-Shabab elections, killed 100 people in an hour-long battle last night.

 Al-Shabaab militants killed Colonel Mohamed Abdel Wahed Farah, a senior Somali army officer, in an attack on Wariz village, on the outskirts of Jowhar, a few days ago.

The army has intensified its operations in the Middle Shabelle region in recent weeks, and is committed to liberating the region from al-Shabab fighters who have long held parts of the country that Farmajo did not do four years ago. It was treated with cheese and young people before it was crushed

The committee appointed by Roble announced the number of members removed from the electoral commissions

 The Electoral Commission Verification Committee, appointed by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, has announced that 34 members have been removed from the list of electoral commissions at various levels.

Recently, the Union of Candidates filed a petition against Prime Minister Roble with 67 people, some of whom were said to be members of the government, the military and some politicians or who accused them of being neutral. .

The Prime Minister's Nomination Committee Verification Committee has announced that 34 of its nominees have been affected by a lengthy investigation and dismissed by the nominated regional administrations and the Ra 'office. Some nominated by the Prime Minister.

The commission said it would nominate 34 replacements within 48 hours.

Credible sources told Capital Online that the members planned to be removed from the commission were originally around 45 members but later came under intense pressure from members of the verification committee, with officials weighing heavily. they insisted that some members be left behind.

The verification committee is expected to officially announce the names of the 34 members removed soon.

Meanwhile, members of the Union of Candidates are expected to react to the decision of the verification committee to release 33 of the members they have complained about, and it is unclear whether they will accept or discuss Prime Minister Roble again.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Ahmed Madobe and Deni take action to dismiss President Farmajo's election allegations

 The Jubbaland and Puntland regional governments became the first administrations to appoint members of the electoral commissions, just days after the election agreement was signed in Mogadishu.

The move by the two presidents will dispel Farmajo's accusations that Puntland and Jubbaland leaders are refusing to allow the country to go to the polls.

Ahmed Madobe on June 1st submitted to the prime minister's office the transfer of members of the Jubbaland administration to the federal, state, and dispute resolution commissions.

Ahmed Madobe's nominees will have a total of 12 members representing Jubbaland in the electoral commissions, which he said were based on consultations and implementation of the September 17th agreement.

In a statement issued on February 2, the office of the President of Puntland State of Somalia, Said Abdullahi Deni, named eight members to the Puntland Electoral Commission.

The letter from President Deni to the members was circulated to the office of Prime Minister Roble, stating that she had information from the office of the outgoing president, Farmajo.

The regional governments of Jubbaland and Puntland will be the first administrations to nominate members of the electoral commissions, with no members from Galmudug, HirShabelle and Southwest yet.

The three states that have yet to nominate the Electoral Commission, are the first to nominate the disputed commissions after their signing on September 17, 2020.

It is not yet known why their committees did not nominate the three regional governments, but there are rumors that a new tug-of-war is still pending.

New results from Somaliland elections and party leadership

 The counting of votes for the local council and local council elections that took place last Monday in various parts of the Somaliland administration is underway. The Somaliland Electoral Commission has announced the results of the Togdheer Regional House of Representatives, which is led by the Country party, which has been campaigning there in recent months.

Country 7

Party 4


According to the preliminary results of the Borama district council elections, Party and Country parties won 5 and 5 seats respectively while UCID won 3 seats. Preliminary results for the Burao district council election were led by the Country party with 5 seats while the UCID and Party parties received 4 seats each. Meanwhile, preliminary results of the Sanaag region's parliamentary elections have been announced, with the Country party leading with 5 seats, followed by Party with 4 seats and the UCID party with 3 seats. So far, 39 members of the House of Representatives from three regions have been announced, and the parties are as follows:

Country: 16

UCID: 10

Party: 13

Total: 39

The total number of the House of Representatives of Somaliland is 82; Results are awaited in Sahil (10), Awdal (13) and Maroodijeex (20) regio

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Hassan Sheikh's car was shot at

 A convoy of vehicles carrying former President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has been shot dead in Mogadishu.

According to Capital Online, the former president was shot dead at a government military base near the Benadir Regional Court in Hamar Weyne district.

The colonists who followed Hassan was once covered with gunfire, she was reported to the guards with President never to rejoin the troops, and this eliminated the confrontation between the two forces would go.

The sources added that the shots fired at President Hassan Sheikh did not cause any casualties, after the president ordered his bodyguards to exercise restraint and did not respond to the shots fired.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was on his way to a peace conference at the Elite Hotel on the coast to attend a meeting of the Union of Candidates when government forces opened fire.

It is noteworthy that a convoy of Imam Mohamed Yusuf was shot dead at the scene last year by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who had previously apologized to the prime minister.

There was no immediate word from security officials on the incident.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Government responds to opposition list, issues stern order

 A spokesman for the prime minister's nominee committee, Deputy Minister of Information Abdirahman Yusuf Al-Adala, said 67 members had been nominated by the Union of Candidates and the speaker of the Somali Upper House of Parliament.

A spokesman for the commission said the members would be separated under the terms of the September 17, 2020 agreement, which stipulated that the electoral commission could not include members of the civil service and the Somali security services.

Al-Adalla also said that making the commission more transparent will also ensure the knowledge of the members of the electoral commission at the federal and state levels, urging the Somali people to show confidence.

Deputy Minister of Information Abdirahman Yusuf Al-Adala, added that the Prime Minister has ordered that the commission be transparent, impartial and credible in the country's elections.

Al Adalla said the commission had instructed the prime minister to add additional clauses to the list of members to be charged.

Finally, the Deputy Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia said that in the next 12 hours they will complete the work assigned to them in Article 1 of the agreement between the leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia and the regional governments in the country.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Candidate Union submits list of non-partisan members

 The recent election agreement in Mogadishu required candidates to nominate members of electoral commissions they suspect were not fair.

That is why the Union of Candidates has submitted a list of their grievances to the Federal and State Electoral Commissions.

 The Union of Candidates has submitted a list of suspected members of the Electoral Commission, some of whom are members of the National Intelligence Service (NISA).

We, the people of Somalia, call on Prime Minister Roble Roble to resign or expel the members of the Electoral Commission who are suspected of disrupting the country's elections, in order to hold a fair and inclusive election.

We also call on the Union of Candidates not to run in the by-elections unless they have been replaced by members of the Electoral Commission.

Because the Somali people will never allow Farmajo to remain in office and disrupt the elections in their country, and they are calling for the second and third time to effectively and calmly hand over the post that was honored during the secret period.