Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Farmajo continues in crisis mode until October 10

 It happens yesterday's final meeting between Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, chief executive and chairman of the state capital, in addressed in the election.

The conference agreed on the cost of Somalia's elections and how they will be managed, and the conference ended without an agreement.

Prime Minister Roble has argued that his office should be managed with election funds, while regional administration leaders have demanded that each administration be given a separate value and run as it pleases.

This issue was not agreed upon, and it was agreed that it should be resolved in a technical manner. Funding for the election is provided by the international community, and it is possible that the final decision will come from them.

The Consultative Assembly meeting yesterday officially released the new timetable for Somalia's elections, as the previous ones have failed, with the presidential election scheduled for October 10, 2021.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Roble, based on the May 27, 2021 agreement, has appointed the Gedo Regional Reconciliation Commission, which does not include Jubbaland. The committee was instructed to expedite the reconciliation process in Gedo Region.

The council also, at the request of Somali women, reduced the fee for Somali women candidates to 50%.

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