Sunday, June 6, 2021

Farmajo seeks, by destabilizing Mogadishu, to preoccupy the people and the opposition against the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement

 Farmajo's dictatorship has claimed the lives of 100 Somali people, as Farmajo is trying to thwart the course of the elections through the terrorist Al-Shabab movement, and the rulers loyal to Farmajo have not submitted any names yet, which delays the timetable for holding the elections

Al-Shabaab attacked a military base located between Mogadishu and Jowhar, and Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed more than 100 people. It seems that Farmajo directed the movement to fight to destabilize the security of Somalia

 From the capital, Mogadishu, it is reported that Al-Shabaab fighters have captured most of the main towns in the Lower Juba region from Al-Shabaab fighters. The police forces and the residents heard the sound of shooting, using Al-Shabab fighters to re-establish control over the areas that were recently captured from the forces in the Middle Shabelle region.

Al-Shabaab said in a statement posted on social media that its fighters are currently present in War-Issa, Kordiri, Warahli and other areas in the Middle Shabelle region. The administrative capital of Harshabell State in Lower Shabelle region said that fierce fighting erupted between the Somali government forces backed by AMISOM forces and Al-Shabab fighters in the town of Jowhar, which are stationed in AMISOM forces, especially in Burundi.

 Farmajo, who started using al-Shabab to postpone elections to create a difficult situation after reaching an agreement on al-Shabab elections, killed 100 people in an hour-long battle last night.

 Al-Shabaab militants killed Colonel Mohamed Abdel Wahed Farah, a senior Somali army officer, in an attack on Wariz village, on the outskirts of Jowhar, a few days ago.

The army has intensified its operations in the Middle Shabelle region in recent weeks, and is committed to liberating the region from al-Shabab fighters who have long held parts of the country that Farmajo did not do four years ago. It was treated with cheese and young people before it was crushed

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