Saturday, June 26, 2021

Farmajo describes Somali politicians as opportunists

 Farmajo is trying to tarnish the image of Somali politicians and spread lies to create confusion among the citizens and gain the sympathy of the Somali people. Therefore, Prime Minister Robley and the regional leaders should expedite the holding of elections during their meeting on Monday.

Farmago always has a lot of plans in order to continue ruling. He is trying to destroy the people's trust in Somali politicians, describing them as opportunists and working for their interests. If this is true, what did you do? You still cling to the rule despite the expiry of your term and continue illegally and unconstitutionally

Farmajo cannot insult anyone and expose his political position to suspicion, and the reputation of the person whose right is being challenged should not be discredited until the allegations are proven true. Therefore, the Somali people should not be drawn into Farmajo’s statements and resort to elections to resolve the crisis

Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmago) delivered a lengthy speech at the June 26 commemoration ceremony last night, addressing the youth in particular, with strong recommendations.

 Farmajo revealed that some of the young men he met told him that Somali politicians are selfish, and the president acknowledged the validity of this saying, and that the politicians are working for their own interest as well as for their homes, as he put it.

 President Farmajo said, “The young people who came to me are far from us. They say that politicians do not serve the interests of the people but their own interests and the interests of their homes, and I tell you it is true.”

 He also called the Somali youth to stand up, like the SYL youth who have nothing to do with Somali politicians.

 The president added that the travel now Pedalo activities they are doing in a strong youth revolution, to continue the journey.

“The youth of today will change day by day, the revolutionary movement and the union wanted strong leadership by the people from our north,” he said during the end

 This apparently calls on the cabinet of the President of the Republic to denounce his political opposition to the opposition, by entering a contest in the upcoming elections, which deals with the Luga Mogadishu deal.

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