Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Prosecution of Farmajo being prepared after UN confirms Somali troops deployed in Tigray

 Abshir Mohamed Ahmed, the first deputy speaker of the upper house of the Somali federal parliament, is leading a case against Farmajo.

Abshir said the case file against the outgoing president was aimed at searching for young people trained by Farmajo in Eritrea.

"I have decided to lead a case against the Farmajo administration in search of children who have been in Eritrea for more than two years," he said.

Abshir took this step to seek justice for the parents of the youths and to get information about their condition, after the government ignored various calls in this regard.

He called the move illegal and called on the public and human rights groups to address the issue.

The outgoing government led by Farmajo has completely ignored various calls from some councilors and several complaints from the youths' parents.

Abshir's case comes just hours after a report obtained by Capital Online, which is expected to be released by the UN Human Rights Council soon, states that Eritrean troops are involved in the Tigray conflict. were among those who fought in the region.

According to the UN report, the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif, has received information that Somali soldiers have been taken from their training camps in Eritrea to Tigray.

The 17-page report, presented in this small section, also states that the troops were accompanied by other Eritrean military personnel as they crossed the Ethiopian-Eritrean border.

"In addition to reports of Eritrean military involvement in the Tigrayan war, the Special Representative also received information and reports that Somali soldiers had been relocated from Eritrean military training camps to the Tigray frontline, where they were accompanied by Eritrean troops." as they crossed the border into Ethiopia, ”the report said.

"It is also noteworthy that Somali forces were present in the vicinity of Aksum," the report said.

The report states that the Somali government has denied the involvement of Somali soldiers in the Tigray conflict, with a committee in the Somali parliament asking the outgoing president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, to explain the fate of the Somali troops sent to Eritrea. .

This comes at a time when the parents of the soldiers deployed by the Somali government in Eritrea are in a state of mourning with most of the soldiers being held hostage, and parents have recently staged protests demanding the location of their children.

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