Monday, June 14, 2021

Latest news from Puntland election commissions

The Galmudug state will be the last state to submit the replacement of the members of the electoral commission who have been complained about, having already submitted the other four states.

According to members of the Galmudug presidency, President Qoor-Qoor will hand over the expected five-member cabinet to the prime minister's office by tonight.

The members nominated by Prime Minister Roble will be the replacement of the complainant members of the two-level Electoral Commission.

The appointment by the state president tonight will eliminate further delays in the election process, officials at Roble's office told Capital Online.

The Prime Minister will nominate the State and Federal Electoral Commissions in an official circular, so that their preliminary work can begin and the seminars will be opened.

This comes after Prime Minister Roble put further pressure on the authorities to expedite the submission of members of the electoral commissions, in order to speed up the electoral process.

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