Farmajo is a cursed cursor who is destroying the country - Dream Smart


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Farmajo is a cursed cursor who is destroying the country

  For the past four years, the Somali people have warmly and enthusiastically elected President Farmajo in the hope that he will one day rebuild their shattered country and not be one of the country's past leaders.

But a few months later, it became clear to the Somali people that they had been deceived by Farmajo and had failed in their hopes and aspirations to save the country and its people during the long civil war.

After cursing, Farmajo established a dictatorship in the country for the past four years that has never been seen in Somalia, such as frequent bombings, rapes, assassinations, illegal extensions and constitutional amendments. .

Certainly, the Somali people are not happy with all these actions and the difficult situation in their country, especially the decision to extend the term of the members of the Somali parliament.

They have repeatedly stated that it is illegal to extend the term of the Somali government institutions, especially the president as well as members of the federal parliament.

It underlines that lawmakers need to take their role in looga right, accusing them of siding with one side.

Another theory is that the term of the extension can not take place and select a voice, the forces are in control of the town in the region.

However, Somalia has entered a new phase, following a decision to extend the term of parliament that was strongly opposed by the opposition, the international community and the Somali people.

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