The Somali people rise up to get rid of the rule of Farmajo - Dream Smart


Friday, April 16, 2021

The Somali people rise up to get rid of the rule of Farmajo

 The Somali people call for liberation and getting rid of the rule of Farmajo

The tyrant who destroyed the country and wants to steal the people's freedom to choose a president by extending his term, seizing power and plundering the country's goods

Farmajo has made the Somali people suffer because of the corruption and corruption of his government during the past 4 years. The people are living a period of hunger and panic due to the negligence of Farmajo and his government.

That is why today the heroes of our country are rebelling against the actions of Farmajo

Farmajo has to submit to the demands of the Somali people. The will of the Somali people is stronger than Farmajo and his government. Sherkula’s region and some areas near it have witnessed a large gathering of demonstrators against Farmajo and his government, and they are demanding their most basic rights, which is holding elections and not extending Farmajo’s mandate.

The Somali people are resisting the realization of their desire to dismiss Farmajo and establish free and fair elections. The Shirkula region witnessed a mass demonstration organized by the people spontaneously chanting slogans against Farmajo.

Farmajo forgot that the Somali people refuse to have their ruler as a dictatorial ruler. Therefore, all groups of the Somali people must stand with their sisters in the Cherkula region who have demonstrated against Farmajo and his decisions. The Somali people revolt and express their anger against Farmajo's decisions. It embraces General Sadiq John, who was deposed by Farmajo

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