Evil acts from Farmajo in Somalia cross the limits - Dream Smart


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Evil acts from Farmajo in Somalia cross the limits

 Candidates' Union warns Farmajo government against selling oil to Turkey

The Union of Candidates has warned the French government against selling oil to the Turkish government.

After Farmajo failed to buy the votes of the regional administrations, he spent the rest of his time auctioning off the country's assets in search of foreign support to interfere in somalia's electoral process.

The Farmajo government is entering into agreements with foreign governments allied with Farmajo by giving the country's assets a stake to support Farmajo's return.

Since Farmajo's government took office, it has trampled on the rights of the Somali people and has now begun to hijack the elections by suppressing and demanding the rights of all those who demand their rights such as free and fair elections.

An example of this is the way in which last Friday's demonstrations against innocent people and the brutal treatment of the people elected by the government four years ago took place.

The Somali people will never surrender to a leadership that does not work for justice and development in the country. It is noteworthy that there will be demonstrations in Mogadishu on Thursday and Friday to prevent any injustice.

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