Supporting acts of Saeed Dani in front of Farmajo's evil - Dream Smart


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Supporting acts of Saeed Dani in front of Farmajo's evil

 Farmajo continues to pursue a policy of buying regional administrations in the country in order to gain votes

Jubbaland state president Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Ahmed Madobe) has refused to pay $ 20 million to Farmajo to vote for Jubbaland after Farmajo failed to buy the responsibility of the president of Jubbaland state. attacked by troops trained by foreign governments, out of self-interest.

The money amount is used for the purchase of regional administrations to conclude agreements in secret in order to achieve has become the face of the Cabinet is now aimed to conclude an agreement in secret and involved President occupation Said Dani to looga abandon sounds government in support of Farmajo's election.

Ahmed Madobe said the federal government has broken its promises to regional administrations over the country's elections and now wants to spend millions of dollars to split the administrations in order to further my interests

We, the people of Somalia, support Saeed Dani's continued rejection of an agreement that could tarnish his image because today the country is in his hands. If he rejects Farmajo, nothing will improve. The President of Puntland has many opportunities to take over the presidency. So we have high hopes that Farmajo will not take the 20 million that Farmajo wants to take over the administration.

We, the people of Somalia, invite every Somali who is concerned about the fate of his homeland to go to the Makkah Almurama Square in Mogadishu on Thursday and Friday for a peaceful demonstration to show his opposition to Farmajo's policy of seizing power by force. formed an independent electoral commission that wanted a unilateral election


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