Sunday, January 31, 2021

Farmajo is corrupt and all the tribes said that

The tribal leaders make several statements about Farmajo and his oppression of them

One of them, who are the leaders of the Jubaland tribes, accuse Farmajo of calling them terrorism because they did not agree to support him.

And leaders of other tribes accuse him of wanting to control the government for a long time, despite the fact that he is eighty

They also accuse him of using terrorism classification to silence all tribes opposed to his rule

Then they accused him of fighting them for their support for the national democracy project

There are statements from the whole country that he is using the Somali army forces to achieve personal interests, and this is what Farmajo has been doing since he took office

The Turkey weapons arrived in Mogadishu

Fahd yassin try to destroy Somalia to cantrol it completely and make all his plans

The director of NISA forces Fahad Yassin has arrived in Mogadishu today.


Two planes carrying weapons, one carrying Fahad Yassin, arrived in Mogadishu today. The aircraft landed at the Air Force Base near Adan Ade Airport, and the weapons were finally delivered to Fahad's warehouse.


The outgoing government has since made plans to repatriate the remaining Eritrean-trained troops, as some of the fighters have reportedly been killed in the past.


The weapons were brought in today by NISA Commander Fahad Yassin who is planning to distribute the troops and the weapons he wants to control the election according to the information I have received.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Spreading corruption become Farmajo's attitude

Farmajo adds 13 members to the Upper House as his term draws to a close

Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo today signed that Benadir region will be represented in the Upper House, which has been allocated 13 seats to be selected according to the 4.5 system.

Facing political turmoil with one week left in his term, the president is trying to gain the support of the people of the Benadir region to avert the political crisis and his failure to hold a general election in the country.

The purpose of Farmajo's announcement today is to pit the people of Banadir and DG Puntland & Jubbaland against each other, always accusing the two regions of refusing to allow Banadir region to be represented in the Upper House.

The statement from Villa Somalia said that the Cabinet has enacted a special procedure for the representation of the Benadir region which reflects the balance of the Somali community.

Farmajo's move comes amid intense debate over the country's elections, and could further escalate the electoral dispute, as Puntland and Jubaland have previously refused to allow the Benadir region to be represented

The Turkish interfere in Somali affaire

The Turkish presence in the country , Questions about the possibility of its continuation even after the election of a new regime in Somalia

At least 15 people were killed in confrontations that took place in the city of Balad Hawa on the eve of January 25, 2021, between the Dervish forces of Jubaland State and the government forces of Gurgur, which receive arming and military training from Turkey.

This step shows the extent of Turkey's involvement in an internal Somali war, which the federal government is trying to portray as a war between two neighboring countries, Kenya and Somalia.

The Turkish presence in Somalia dates back to 2010, when Turkey provided humanitarian aid to Somalia following a drought that killed more than a quarter of a million Somalis. 

However, Turkish aid organizations and bodies that provided humanitarian support to the people were replaced by Turkish giant companies after the end of the drought period. Managing the main port in Mogadishu and Adam Adi International Airport in the capital, Mogadishu, as well as managing health and educational institutions and centers across the country!

Friday, January 29, 2021

Turkish intervention in Somalia not end

The Turkish intervention in Somalia is increasing day by day, and life has become impossible during the reign of Farmajo

At least 15 people were killed in confrontations that took place in the city of Balad Hawa on the eve of January 25, 2021 AD, between the Dervish forces of Jubaland State and the government forces of Gurgor, which receive arming and military training from Turkey.

Erdogan and Farmajo are now seeking to completely destroy Somalia, and everything they do indicates and clarifies this

The Somali administration is very weak, and this is what makes other countries interfere in Somalia and this is what allows Turkey to all these interventions and the destruction of Somalia

Turkey is now pretending to provide humanitarian aid to Somalia in order to impose its full control on the country and is trying to deceive the people with everything it does to gain their trust, but the Somali people know this well and no one can control it


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Eritrea supports Farmajo with Qatari funds

Eritrea has become a land for financing and smuggling weapons to Farmajo, where Eritrea is training Somali soldiers with the aim of confronting any protests by the Somali people


The Somali people seek to hold the elections on time, and Eritrea, Qatari weapons and funds are entering the forces of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

The Somali people seek to hold the elections on time, and Eritrea, Qatari weapons and funds are entering the forces of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

The flow of Qatari funds is pouring down on Eritrea to achieve the implementation and protection of Farmajo's stay in power plan

Qatar is also providing Fahd Yassin with money to recruit and send soldiers to Eritrea for training

Reconciliation of Eritrea and Somalia does not mean that it is at the expense of the blood of the Somalis, and Eritrea has become a danger to the Somali people and every Somali is exposed to harm, because it is because of Eritrea

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Farmajo extends his term of office two years

Farmajo decided to extend his term for a period of two years without disclosing the reasons or drawing up a plan for the peaceful handover of power

After Farmajo's decision, the Somali people are in a very big crisis and are wondering here and there about how Farmajo did this and how he will complete another two years while they are anxiously awaiting his departure.

The lack of disclosure of the reasons for this decision puts many question marks about what Farmajo and Fahd Yassin are planning.

The Somali people will not be silent and will not calm down until after they know what they are planning for

But the people do not accept that with Farmajo they complete two more years in this injustice and suffering

and with the entry of large quantities of smuggled weapons into Somalia, the Somali people have suffered from government terrorism that is internationally criminalized

New scheme from Fahd Yassin and Farmajo

 Fahd Yasin orders the appointment of secret armed forces in various cities of Somalia

Coinciding with the entry of a large shipment of weapons to Somalia, news circulated about the proliferation of weapons and military equipment in many cities and neighborhoods of Somalia through government security personnel wearing civilian clothes.

Fahd Yassin deploys secret armed forces in order to control the opposition areas and obliterate them by force when needed, and it is clear that he will not intend any good for anyone who opposes him or Farmajo

All of the above confirms that Farmajo and the Somali Snake Fahd Yassin are devising a blueprint for an all-out war against the Somali opposition

The Somali people are tired of the civil wars, and it is clear that they will return to it again because of Farmajo

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Fahd Yassin try to control all what he can control in this time

 Fahd Yassin begins to take control of the influential positions in Somali politics

The Somali snake appoints his uncle Elias as ambassador for Somalia in the Arab Republic of Egypt to be his guide and reports internal events in Egypt to develop bad plans that serve the interests of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin.

It is reported that the Somali snake Fahd Yassin names his relatives after he stressed the loyalty of those close to the family only. Fahd Yassin flirts with Cairo to win his political voice in the international community.

After the failure of Farmajo to lead the Somali people and the performance he had promised, Fahd Yassin embarked on a plan to reduce the sensitive situations that would affect Somali politics and turn Farmajo into a scapegoat to make it easier for him to restore the failed Farmajo regime.

The Somali people were never satisfied with the Farmajo government's plan to restore its failed four-year regime.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The position of Fahd Yassin after Farmajo's depature

Fahd Yassin If his agent, Farmajo, did not win the elections this time, what would you think he would become ?!

There are many questions and expectations about the situation of Fahd Yassin after the fall of Farmajo, and what he will be and will he remain in Somalia or not?

After all Fahd Yassin's assistance to Al-shabab and his alliance with them, and facilitate bombing operations for them
Will he be their leader after the departure of Farmajo or will he remain with them behind the scenes like now!

Terrorist operations are always carried out with his help, and this is the thing that makes them stand by him after the departure of Farmajo

There are beliefs that he could be a normal politician like other politicians, but in this case he will continue his sabotage path from behind the scenes and will not stop it! Somalia will be devastated more than that, and no one will be able to save it

There are other beliefs that say that he will not be able to stop hurting Somalia and the Somalis, and will continue to shed the blood of the Somalis, but the Somali people are exhausted from the large number of what is happening to them and they wish for their departure this moment before the next moment

Many and many questions, but we hope that what benefits Somalia happens and that those who harm Somalia and the Somalis leave

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Fahd Yassin the snack of Somalia

Fahd Yasin is the head of Al-Snake in Somalia and he is the cause of all terrorism

Fahd Yassin is the snake of Somalia in carrying out assassinations of the opposition

All the evidence has proven that Fahd Yassin is responsible for the bombings and sabotage that is happening in Somalia

Evidence also proved that the Somali intelligence, headed by Fahd Yassin, is behind the postponement of the elections, and he is the one behind which Faramajo is protecting after he has become an open page for the entire Somali population.

Fahd Yassin's plan to carry out the assassinations of the opposition is to get rid of government personnel who are not loyal to Farmajo and to show the Somali government in the image of a martyr after affixing the crimes to Al-Shabaab

The Somali people vehemently reject the exploitation of the Somali intelligence establishment to achieve personal interests of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

and we want to to get rid of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin as soon as possible to save Somalia from the danger

New informations about the explosions in Mogadishu

 Mahad Salad takes another step in the bombing of Mudullod elders

Mahad Salad, a member of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, has taken a different approach to today's bombing in Mogadishu targeting two former members of the Mudulod clan.

In a Facebook post, lawmaker Mahad Salad said the blast was not carried out by al-Shabaab, but was aimed at elders of a particular community.
 Mahad Salad said he had warned of landmines in Mogadishu a few days ago, which are intended to plot against politicians and officials who disagree with President Farmajo.

He said he was once again warning his relatives that he would be killed in an al-Shabaab shirt and that efforts were being made to eradicate him.
 "May God bless the Mudulod elders who were laid to rest today for a landmine. It was a few days ago when I told you that landmines have been set up in Mogadishu. I would like to reiterate that as long as you wear an Al-Shabaab shirt, you should not be wiped out, but beware of your relatives! "Said Mahad Salad in a post on his Facebook page.
The blast, which took place near the Beyhani intersection, on the road between Shibis and Karaan, was a roadside bomb targeting two former lawmakers, Muhiyadin Hassan Afrah and Hussein Arale Addan.

Three soldiers guarding former lawmaker Muhudin Hassan Afrah, now Nabaddoon, were killed in the blast.
Former parliamentarian Hussein Arrale Addana was seriously injured and admitted to Digfer Hospital in Mogadishu, while Nabaddoon Muhiyadin Hassan Afrah sustained minor injuries to his leg.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Terrorist acts spread in Mogadishu streets

Gunmen killed solider in Mogadishu

Gunmen have shot dead a Somali government soldier in Mogadishu's Wadajir district on Sunday, witnesses said.

The shooting occurred at the intersection of electricity is committed soldier known municipal taxes.Reports dabeleydii action after the last shooting fled the area.

Security forces arrived at the scene and removed the body.

 There was no immediate word from security officials or Wadajir district administration on the incident.

Mogadishu has recently been rocked by insecurity, including landmine explosions and assassinations, and these incidents are taking place, as Somalia enters a period of elections and transition.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Assissinations and crimes in Somalia are becoming countless

 Hodan district commissioner killed in Mogadishu hours after his return

Hodan district commissioner Abdihakim Dhagajun was shot dead last night near the Howlwadag intersection in Mogadishu by gunmen.

Abdihakim Dhagajun returned to Mogadishu on Wednesday after spending almost two weeks in Turkey, where he was receiving medical treatment after being injured in a November 12th explosion on October 21st Road in Mogadishu.

The blast, which was caused by a landmine, targeted a vehicle carrying the governor, killing two of his bodyguards and wounding the governor.

Abdihakim Dhagajuun posted this article on his Facebook page less than three hours before he was killed. Thank God, I returned home today after a short medical trip to Turkey. Thank God I am in good health. is good for her.

Then today when I arrived, I have already started work to affirm society, and chaired, meeting weekly in Hodan & Partnerships, which looga speak of activities in the two districts.

Mahad Salad first condemned a statement by the governor of Benadir region and mayor of Mogadishu that the governor was killed in a shootout between security forces and some of his bodyguards.

Finally, he called for an urgent Justice officers and soldiers of the shooting victims chairman Hodan "I urge again that justice officials ordered the soldiers carried out the barbaric act of neighboring Chairman Ms,

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Somali people search for the dead bodies of thier sons

 Parents of soldiers taken to Eritrea protest in the city of Calcutta

Concerns among Somali parents have been mounting since reports emerged that Somali youths were fighting in Ethiopia's Tigray region, killing hundreds of Somali soldiers.

Former NISA Deputy Commander Abdisalam Guled announced last night that Ethiopian officials have confirmed the deaths of 370 Somali soldiers trained in Eritrea, who were killed in fighting in the Tigray region.

"Investigations and contacts in various parts of the country have confirmed that the Somali army in the Tigray region of Eritrea is about 4,000 troops, who are fighting alongside the Ethiopian forces against the group. TPLF. "The most shocking and unfortunate thing is that I have been told that almost 400 Somali soldiers have been killed, hundreds more wounded and their wounds have been returned to Eritrea," said Abdisalam Guled.

All over the country today, there is an outcry from the parents of the missing boys, who the Somali government intended to train abroad and then repatriate, especially people have been told Turkey is training the troops, but the information says it was set for Eritrea, a closed country.

In the town of Kalkacyo, mothers who spoke to the media today complained that the government was giving life to their sons, while some parents were threatening them.

Galkayo (sh.M.Network) reports from the town of Galkayo confirm that a heavy fighting broke out in Galkayo between Alshabab fighters and Alshabab fighters.

Opposition politicians have spoken out strongly, calling it an act of treason and treason that will not go away if it is proven by President Farmajo's government.

Farmajo hate anyone who oppose him

 Farmajo besieges the residence of former President Sheikh Sharif

Farmajo surrounded the former president's residence in Mogadishu and restrained and suppressed Sharif's speech in protest of Farmajo's failed policies.

Sending a controlling army to Sharif's house so that he does not leave is an act of dictatorship and arrogance and will be held accountable.

Sharif's remarks did not go unnoticed and he did not violate the government but Farmajo is worse than Sharif gaining the trust of the people and Farmajo's dictatorship is causing problems and civil wars in the country.

Farmajo is treating the entire somali nation, both the opposition and the people, as a leader based on arrogant dictatorship while ignoring the four years he has lost to the somali people and the inaction during his tenure.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Somali youth in danger because of Farmajo's greed

 More than 400 Somali soldiers killed in Ethiopia clashes

The former deputy commander of NISA says more than 400 soldiers have been killed and hundreds more wounded in the Tigrean-Ethiopian conflict.

He also said that Farmajo had ordered that no troops be brought back to life until the election is over.

It is unfortunate that hundreds of somali soldiers have died in wars in foreign countries and our country is ruled by foreign forces who are colonizing the people.

Farmajo is ready for any action that will keep him in power, even if it means sending flowers to the country and the youth to foreign wars just to support those countries to continue to lead the Somali people.

The somali people have chosen farmajo to lead justice and security but farmajo preferred a seat and a private interest and the death of the country's army in foreign countries

Monday, January 18, 2021

Somalis live in injustice and they are forbidden to speak

 Somalia is the only place where journalists are killed to not telling the truth

A local journalist is still being held at Mogadishu Central Prison without charge.

Ahmed Ali Kilwe, the editor, was arrested by anti-terrorism forces in early July in connection with an article he accused President Farmajo of posting on his Facebook page.

In a statement, the Somali Media Association condemned Kilwe's arrest and expressed concern about media freedom facing illegal detention.
More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

This is not the first time government agencies have used force to arrest journalists. In all previous cases, security forces have arrested journalists on the orders of government officials." the government to act and respect the empowerment of freedom of speech but it seems that the authorities are always ignoring our call,

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also called on the government to immediately release Kilwe and allow him to work without fear or punishment.

Several journalists have been arrested in Mogadishu in recent years, raising concerns about the freedom of journalists working in Mogadishu.

Farmajo and his government are trying to silence all their opponents in every possible way in somalia only the oppressors, the educated and the intelligent are being killed.
We support our government, I do not support all journalists honestly partaken looga demonstration against the decision, the arrest of a journalist please stand united journalists

A secret meeting between Farmajo and two Ethiopian officials

 A secret meeting between Farmajo and the President of Oromo Region and the Commander of the Ethiopian Army in Mogadishu

The President of the Oromo Region of Ethiopia and the Commander of the Ethiopian Armed Forces held a secret meeting with Farmajo on the 15th of this month in Mogadishu.

Shimelis Abdisa and Major General Berhanu Jula arrived in Mogadishu on an undisclosed trip on May 15th to reportedly meet with Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and other officials from his administration.

Villa Somalia has not yet commented on the secret trip, and it is not known why the meeting between the country's leaders and the Ethiopian delegation was kept secret.

This secret meeting has raised suspicions among the Somali public that there are problems and plans for their country.

President Farmajo has established a good relationship with the Ethiopian government in the face of his hatred and cruelty towards the country and now Farmajo has allowed them to interfere in Somali politics.

Farmajo's government implements militia groups and does not establish a system of government and al-Shabaab is funded by Farmajo to kill all opponents of his corrupt policies

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Destroys of Somalia increase and all the Somalis are in danger

 The chairman of the lower Shabelle region and his entourage were targeted in the blast

Reports in Lower Shabelle region in southwest Somalia has been killed in the area Tixsiile convoy led by the chairman of the region, Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur (As), and is part of Commander Electronic, Colonel Abdullahi Nur (Beer Jr) which caused casualties including deaths and injuries.

The blast, which was a landmine, reportedly injured Danab officers as well as whites.

According to reports, the explosion was followed by a direct confrontation between the troops and the Al-Shabaab fighters who carried out the attack.

Preliminary reports of casualties in the attack say at least one Somali National Army Special Forces officer and two white soldiers who were part of the convoy were killed.

Other Somali and white soldiers were also wounded, including Danab Force Commander Major Ahmed Abdullahi Nur (Beer Yare), who suffered minor injuries.

Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had killed at least four soldiers.

There is no word yet from government officials and the Lower Shabelle regional administration regarding the blast.

The Somali government has failed to get rid of terrorists in Somalia due to corruption and money laundering. If Farmajo's government is unable to defend its officers and troops, what will happen to the people?

The Somalis unfairness cross all the limits

 It is unfortunate that the government is threatening a dissident citizen as an opposition

One of Somalia's most prominent opposition women, Deeqa Muhudin, who was threatened with weapons while taking a peaceful stance, to express her views against the policies of Farmajo and his government, said she had been arrested and She has also been subjected to constant harassment, torture and threats.

Turkey. However, Turkey rejected her request. The opposition woman tried to bribe the Farmajo government, but she refused. Turkey refuses to accept Turkey's request Turkey fears Somalia opposition due to Turkish involvement in Somalia crisis

Somali government's power abuse falaysa cost to tacadido of fun right thinking citizens of different opposition groups not recognized by the citizenship rights of the Somali people will not accept injustice and decide to vote aansadeen looga get rid of government cheese

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Along the way Farmajo and his government try to spread corruption

The poison of Farmajo's government is trying to send fake messages to the world

Farmajo is confusing the international community by trying to send fake messages and appears to be fed up with Farmajo's tactics and feels he does not want a solution to the disputed Electoral Commission.

Roble is touring the coast of Mogadishu under the pretext that Somalia is safe and able to accommodate foreign tourists and ignoring the reality in the country that she is saying otherwise, there are dozens of mothers every day. No more than one child is killed or abducted.

Farmajo's government is trying to send fake messages to the international media that it is a government that can achieve security and stability in Somalia.

Farmajo's government is only interested in securing its members after four years of failed decisions that show that the Somali people are insecure and that corruption and injustice are rampant. amassed a thorny portfolio of somalia and political turmoil.

However, Roble is comfortable with a lot of bodyguards and he has forgotten what he was elected for and you can see that the Farmajo government has failed.

The Somali people do not need to advertise in the media but they need a radical solution to their problems that must be solved by the government of the country

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Roble talk against his clan for the interest of Farmajo

 Roble suspected the Hawiye Clan and Farmajo's Opposition Candidates

Prime Minister Roble has blamed former Hawiye presidential candidates for theft and looting of state property and their clan (Hawiye).

The prime minister suspected the opposition candidates of covering up the actions of the Farmajo government to undermine the future of the Somali people.

Also suspected of crimes and placed on opposition candidates cheese is required to implement the plan came two days before the election to businessman occupation la`aantood to conflict and war looga formed Somali nation.

Farmajana is taking advantage of Roble by putting pressure on the Hawiye clan and blaming him for any trouble or disagreement

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Farmajo is failure and try to spread his evil acts

Farmajo wants a strong election in the country


 Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor Qoor, Ali Abdullahi Hussein Gudlawe and Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen, the presidents of Galmudug, HirShabelle and South West administrations have been holding meetings in the past few hours.

 The officials discussed the resolution, which they announced as part of, which the Somali government announced in Mogadishu and announced the holding of elections in Somalia without finding solutions to the concerns of Jubbaland, Puntland, Abdi Hashi and the opposition.

 Data indicates that the strands themselves were part of the decision of the administrative decision that may affect the stability and the future leadership of the entities are, if they self-select to change the situation in Somalia.


 The meetings came after members met with the opposition last night and said they would seek a solution to the election dispute, and would not run in a non-consensual election.

 The Somali president is believed to be pressuring the three pro-government regional presidents to start elections for the Upper House, but they are still skeptical.


 According to informed sources, Lafta-gareen, Qoor Qoor and Gudlawe are expected to drag on until February 8th, believing that the international community will intervene in the future. which will reduce the pressure on them


 Farmajo is a failed president like his predecessors, and the proof is out of our control. We, the Somali people, oppose Farmajo's policies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

More and more attacks against Rooble and QoorQoor

 Haji Muse Sudi strongly attacks ROOBLE and Qoor Qoor and warns them against holding looting elections

Senator Haji Muse Sudi Yalahow, who addressed the controversy over the country's elections and the government's decision, warned of war and instability in the country.

Speaking to the media in Mogadishu, Muse Sudi said the decision was made by two men from what he said were the same clan, Prime Minister Roble and President Qoor Qoor.

Puntland and Jubbaland elections have been called off and the Hawiye community has announced that they will hold elections. No one should be silenced. We have heard the news from Roble and Qoor Qoor who were shouted at by the people he left behind. They said he lied to us, ”said Musa Sudi.

He went on to say, "Our prime minister did not think Hiraab was the only prime minister. We thought he was the prime minister of Somalia. We thought he was nominated, but he was not nominated

Senator Muse called on the national army not to destroy the country, but to take into account that Farmajo will one day oppose it.

Soldiers, do not destroy the country and do not kill your people. We, Fahad, do not have enough guns.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Farmajo is in danger because Hawiye tribe is the stronger at all

 The Hawiye clan has revolted against Farmajo's policy of electoral fraud

Mogadishu (sh.M.Network) reports from the capital Mogadishu say that Al-shabab fighters have taken over the control of most of the districts in the capital Mogadishu.

Local media reported that military officials had threatened to take action if the government began implementing uncontested elections in Mogadishu.

Pictures of troops, weapons and military vehicles were displayed on the outskirts of Mogadishu, and the men in charge threatened to enter the city if any attempt was made to loot the country's elections.

This coincides with the announcement by the federal government yesterday of a non-consensual election, and that it is not part of Jubbaland, Puntland and other candidates, raising serious concerns about the sustainability of Somalia's statehood.

Lawmaker Mahad Mohamed Salad, one of the politicians who reacted to the deployment on the outskirts of Mogadishu, said he was concerned about the current situation in the country, blaming President Farmajo.

"Tonight I watched a video of heavily armed militias demonstrating on the outskirts of Mogadishu, with no agreement being held in Mogadishu. "It really made me very worried about President Farmajo's wrong direction for this country," he said.

Mahad Salad's statement added, “I wondered if Farmajo was aware of the threat he would pose to the country and the consequences of his acts of sabotage. Or will he wake up like his uncle in a time of turmoil and Villa Somalia advice being diverted elsewhere? ”

Farmajo'a government is trying to make the elections for Farmajo in any way

 Farmajo's government wants to hold non-Jubaland and Puntland elections that could lead to civil war

Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has announced that Jubaland and Puntland will not run in the by-elections, and is now announcing that the elections will continue to debate the legitimacy of President Farmajo's candidacy. Jubbaland and Puntland administrations.

It has been said that Somalia gets to 4.5, so that the president resign looga required unless the election is not who he is representing the power-sharing, there is no reason to participate in elections

The regional presidents who are to be elected are those of Galmudug, K / Galbeed and Hir Shabelle, and the election of the seats of our brothers in Somaliland which is to be held while we are standing in Mogadishu.

Farmajo said Jubbaland and Puntland have nothing to do with it and we are moving on, now Somalis are 4.5 and if that is the case, Farmajo should not run in the election, let him run for office from other regions if Jubbaland and Puntland do not have it.

Finally, we want President Qoor Qoor, President Lafta Gareen and President Ali Gudlawe to hold elections in this country, which are equal to be part of. If President Farmajo refuses, let the candidates run and let them run.

We, the Somali people, strongly oppose the deliberate manipulation of the election to increase the chances of Farmajo winning.

Farmajo insists on following illegal and distorted methods to win elections, which are considered invalid if this trend continues.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Senate's departure from his silence is the result of the government's intransigence in moving forward with its confrontational and unconstructive policies.

 Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi warned that the electoral situation in Somalia should remain the same

Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi Abdullahi described the government's decision to hold elections as unfortunate.

Abdi Hashi said he was disappointed that the government had declared an election without even agreeing with the Electoral Commission and warned of dire consequences.

Farmajo's government is knocking on every door to pursue its policy on electoral fraud in somalia.

The plan by Farmajo and Fahad Yassin to post on social media that free and fair elections will take place in somalia is a lie and is aimed at looting and kidnapping in the country's elections.

Farmajo plays and evil play again and wants the people to belive him

 Farmajo wants to run again on false promises

Farmajo has completely failed to lead the country, and Al-Shabaab and the administration led by MW Farmajo have merged. MW Farmajo made many promises during his 2016/2017 election campaign and one of his promises

In Al-Shabaab looga firm for two years,

draft constitution and

holding a choice of person and voice

to build a strong army to take over the country

there will be no road closures for the public

he will not run for president again

to lift somalia out of poverty and hunger

Obtaining permission from the World Bank to forgive Somalia's debt

The above are some of the unfulfilled promises made by Farmajo during his 2017 election campaign. According to politicians hoping to replace Farmajo, one of the government's main opponents, Villa Somalia should not waste time on this. 

Farmajo's campaign strategy for the 2016 election was based on Ethiopian opposition and other blatant tactics, as is well known, but this time around they are pursuing a plan other than, "Kenya is the enemy of Somalia" and similar ones

His candidacy again is no excuse to stay in the seat as much as possible, but he knows he is a loser, and people know that too.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

When the president of the country is afraid , who will assure the people?

President Farmajo Fails to Leave Somali Presidency Due to Fear

The increasingly strong rumor about the fears of the transition, which significantly looga felt the President.

Politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, one of Somalia's presidential candidates, said outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo could not leave the presidency out of fear.

Senior government officials confirmed to me that President Farmajo had canceled his attendance at the National University's graduation ceremony, women's quota meeting and youth conference due to security concerns. The president won the final match of the Banadir match

Galmudug watched from his home and handed over the trophy last night in Villa Somalia. When he took office, the president promised the people that he would liberate the country from Al-Shabaab in two years, and today the fence of Vila Somalia will not pass.

So if the president is afraid of the public, and has already avoided debates in the councils, and instead of confronting the people with difficult questions and asking questions, why does he want to lead the country again? and he is also drumming up a looting election that will lead to strife in the country?

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Turkey wants to destroy Somalia and control it

Turkey wants more destruction in Somalia because it wants to warn like Libya

 Turkey, which has been closely following Somalia since 2011, has taken a number of steps to support the rebuilding of government institutions and infrastructure destroyed during the civil war in Somalia.

A Turkish report trains 150 Somali Special Forces to have a say in any military decision-making as well as to conduct special operations against terrorists and youth movements that seek to take over Somalia's resources. has already begun to enter into agreements that do not please the Somali people

Erdogan has ambitions in Somalia, such as Libya, to take over all of Libya's economic resources, which is opposed by all who want Libya to have a just and inclusive government. based on

Turkey's rehabilitation of Somalis in the fight against assassinations, support for terrorism, and support for Al-Shabab and Farmajo Turkey is trying to succeed in the failed Libyan project in Somalia

Erdogan has ambitions in Somalia as he did in Libya. Erdogan's ambitions serve Farmajo's interests and guarantee his continued rule for as long as possible.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The explosions increase in Somalia due to the presence of Farmajo

 Explosion targets Somali police spokesman in Mogadishu

Officials from the mayor in the region, whose looga heard in some neighborhoods

Reports indicate that the explosion afisiyooni road near the high school on October 21, according to the witnesses.

A police spokesman was not in the car at the time of the blast, and a woman on the road has been confirmed dead so far, with no casualties reported.

Somali Federal Government police arrived at the scene of the blast, cordoned off the area, and barred people from using the road, disrupting public transport.You have noticed an increase in attacks on government employees as a result

Farmajo's hatred of Al-Shabaab continues to plague the entire country. Somalia has been plagued by chaos, killings and insecurity. This chaos will continue as long as Farmajo and his government continue to rule Somalia. and the poor people must stand together

With this failed government in the country, we are organizing demonstrations against the country we are tired of civil war and we want to gather in Makkah al-Mukarama on Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Farmajo prevent the candidates from defending themselves

 Farmajo's government cracks down on presidential candidates

Farmajo's government is determined to prevent the use of weapons to protect presidential candidates by treating the country's leaders as civilians knowing that a series of assassination attempts have been made, such as that of Abdirahman Abdi-Shakur.

Abdirahman Abdi-Shakur said: "If our security guards are protected at the stadium, our candidates, including presidential candidate Muhammad Abdalla Farmajo, and others like them, will be allowed." That seems to be "injustice and inequality. Why did we have to rely on airport security?"

These and many other actions are being suppressed by Farmajo, who appears to be a dictator with a vested interest in elections and to single out all opposition parties in an illegal manner.

The Somali people will not be silent on this issue and we are scheduled to demonstrate at Makkah Al-Mukarama Square in Mogadishu next Thursday and Friday.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Somalia's limits are skipped by Turkey

 Turkish PM regrets Erdogan's intervention in Somalia

Interference by Turkey's incursion in Somalia has not regretted Shaqalayaashi Turkish parliament, was killed after a blast killed two people, one 5 Indicate the location Duration Turkey.

One of the wives of the two men told Anadolu Agency that her husband was working on a project to build a road between Mogadishu and Afgoye funded by the Qatari government and implemented by a Turkish company.

The somali people are also dissatisfied with the intervention of their country by the turmoil of the Turkish government by supporting the somali people but in reality it is in their own interest.

Farmajo's government is wreaking havoc and irreparable suffering in somalia by choosing a special interest from the people who have warmly chosen and trusted their leadership and resources.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Evil acts from Farmajo in Somalia cross the limits

 Candidates' Union warns Farmajo government against selling oil to Turkey

The Union of Candidates has warned the French government against selling oil to the Turkish government.

After Farmajo failed to buy the votes of the regional administrations, he spent the rest of his time auctioning off the country's assets in search of foreign support to interfere in somalia's electoral process.

The Farmajo government is entering into agreements with foreign governments allied with Farmajo by giving the country's assets a stake to support Farmajo's return.

Since Farmajo's government took office, it has trampled on the rights of the Somali people and has now begun to hijack the elections by suppressing and demanding the rights of all those who demand their rights such as free and fair elections.

An example of this is the way in which last Friday's demonstrations against innocent people and the brutal treatment of the people elected by the government four years ago took place.

The Somali people will never surrender to a leadership that does not work for justice and development in the country. It is noteworthy that there will be demonstrations in Mogadishu on Thursday and Friday to prevent any injustice.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Supporting acts of Saeed Dani in front of Farmajo's evil

 Farmajo continues to pursue a policy of buying regional administrations in the country in order to gain votes

Jubbaland state president Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Ahmed Madobe) has refused to pay $ 20 million to Farmajo to vote for Jubbaland after Farmajo failed to buy the responsibility of the president of Jubbaland state. attacked by troops trained by foreign governments, out of self-interest.

The money amount is used for the purchase of regional administrations to conclude agreements in secret in order to achieve has become the face of the Cabinet is now aimed to conclude an agreement in secret and involved President occupation Said Dani to looga abandon sounds government in support of Farmajo's election.

Ahmed Madobe said the federal government has broken its promises to regional administrations over the country's elections and now wants to spend millions of dollars to split the administrations in order to further my interests

We, the people of Somalia, support Saeed Dani's continued rejection of an agreement that could tarnish his image because today the country is in his hands. If he rejects Farmajo, nothing will improve. The President of Puntland has many opportunities to take over the presidency. So we have high hopes that Farmajo will not take the 20 million that Farmajo wants to take over the administration.

We, the people of Somalia, invite every Somali who is concerned about the fate of his homeland to go to the Makkah Almurama Square in Mogadishu on Thursday and Friday for a peaceful demonstration to show his opposition to Farmajo's policy of seizing power by force. formed an independent electoral commission that wanted a unilateral election
