Thursday, January 7, 2021

Turkey wants to destroy Somalia and control it

Turkey wants more destruction in Somalia because it wants to warn like Libya

 Turkey, which has been closely following Somalia since 2011, has taken a number of steps to support the rebuilding of government institutions and infrastructure destroyed during the civil war in Somalia.

A Turkish report trains 150 Somali Special Forces to have a say in any military decision-making as well as to conduct special operations against terrorists and youth movements that seek to take over Somalia's resources. has already begun to enter into agreements that do not please the Somali people

Erdogan has ambitions in Somalia, such as Libya, to take over all of Libya's economic resources, which is opposed by all who want Libya to have a just and inclusive government. based on

Turkey's rehabilitation of Somalis in the fight against assassinations, support for terrorism, and support for Al-Shabab and Farmajo Turkey is trying to succeed in the failed Libyan project in Somalia

Erdogan has ambitions in Somalia as he did in Libya. Erdogan's ambitions serve Farmajo's interests and guarantee his continued rule for as long as possible.

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