Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Somali people search for the dead bodies of thier sons

 Parents of soldiers taken to Eritrea protest in the city of Calcutta

Concerns among Somali parents have been mounting since reports emerged that Somali youths were fighting in Ethiopia's Tigray region, killing hundreds of Somali soldiers.

Former NISA Deputy Commander Abdisalam Guled announced last night that Ethiopian officials have confirmed the deaths of 370 Somali soldiers trained in Eritrea, who were killed in fighting in the Tigray region.

"Investigations and contacts in various parts of the country have confirmed that the Somali army in the Tigray region of Eritrea is about 4,000 troops, who are fighting alongside the Ethiopian forces against the group. TPLF. "The most shocking and unfortunate thing is that I have been told that almost 400 Somali soldiers have been killed, hundreds more wounded and their wounds have been returned to Eritrea," said Abdisalam Guled.

All over the country today, there is an outcry from the parents of the missing boys, who the Somali government intended to train abroad and then repatriate, especially people have been told Turkey is training the troops, but the information says it was set for Eritrea, a closed country.

In the town of Kalkacyo, mothers who spoke to the media today complained that the government was giving life to their sons, while some parents were threatening them.

Galkayo (sh.M.Network) reports from the town of Galkayo confirm that a heavy fighting broke out in Galkayo between Alshabab fighters and Alshabab fighters.

Opposition politicians have spoken out strongly, calling it an act of treason and treason that will not go away if it is proven by President Farmajo's government.

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