Thursday, January 28, 2021

Eritrea supports Farmajo with Qatari funds

Eritrea has become a land for financing and smuggling weapons to Farmajo, where Eritrea is training Somali soldiers with the aim of confronting any protests by the Somali people


The Somali people seek to hold the elections on time, and Eritrea, Qatari weapons and funds are entering the forces of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

The Somali people seek to hold the elections on time, and Eritrea, Qatari weapons and funds are entering the forces of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

The flow of Qatari funds is pouring down on Eritrea to achieve the implementation and protection of Farmajo's stay in power plan

Qatar is also providing Fahd Yassin with money to recruit and send soldiers to Eritrea for training

Reconciliation of Eritrea and Somalia does not mean that it is at the expense of the blood of the Somalis, and Eritrea has become a danger to the Somali people and every Somali is exposed to harm, because it is because of Eritrea

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