Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Turkish interfere in Somali affaire

The Turkish presence in the country , Questions about the possibility of its continuation even after the election of a new regime in Somalia

At least 15 people were killed in confrontations that took place in the city of Balad Hawa on the eve of January 25, 2021, between the Dervish forces of Jubaland State and the government forces of Gurgur, which receive arming and military training from Turkey.

This step shows the extent of Turkey's involvement in an internal Somali war, which the federal government is trying to portray as a war between two neighboring countries, Kenya and Somalia.

The Turkish presence in Somalia dates back to 2010, when Turkey provided humanitarian aid to Somalia following a drought that killed more than a quarter of a million Somalis. 

However, Turkish aid organizations and bodies that provided humanitarian support to the people were replaced by Turkish giant companies after the end of the drought period. Managing the main port in Mogadishu and Adam Adi International Airport in the capital, Mogadishu, as well as managing health and educational institutions and centers across the country!

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