Tuesday, January 12, 2021

More and more attacks against Rooble and QoorQoor

 Haji Muse Sudi strongly attacks ROOBLE and Qoor Qoor and warns them against holding looting elections

Senator Haji Muse Sudi Yalahow, who addressed the controversy over the country's elections and the government's decision, warned of war and instability in the country.

Speaking to the media in Mogadishu, Muse Sudi said the decision was made by two men from what he said were the same clan, Prime Minister Roble and President Qoor Qoor.

Puntland and Jubbaland elections have been called off and the Hawiye community has announced that they will hold elections. No one should be silenced. We have heard the news from Roble and Qoor Qoor who were shouted at by the people he left behind. They said he lied to us, ”said Musa Sudi.

He went on to say, "Our prime minister did not think Hiraab was the only prime minister. We thought he was the prime minister of Somalia. We thought he was nominated, but he was not nominated

Senator Muse called on the national army not to destroy the country, but to take into account that Farmajo will one day oppose it.

Soldiers, do not destroy the country and do not kill your people. We, Fahad, do not have enough guns.

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