Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Somali PM visits troops after major victory against al-Shabab in Jubbaland

Somali PM visits troops in Jubbaland

 Somali PM visits troops after major victory against al-Shabab in Jubbaland

Somali Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre on Wednesday visited Jubbaland State to congratulate Somali National Army troops for a decisive victory over al-Shabab militants, which resulted in the deaths of over 80 insurgents.

The visit, which included Jubbaland President Ahmed Mohamed Islam Madobe and army commanders, highlighted the government's commitment to combating terrorism and stabilizing the region.

Barre praised the forces for their role in liberating strategic locations, including Bula Haji, and announced monetary rewards for the Birjeh brigade, who were instrumental in the operation.

"You have made the Somali people proud by defeating those who seek to harm our nation," Barre said.

The group attacked army bases in the Lower Jubba region two weeks ago. The Somali forces successfully repelled the attacks, neutralizing four car bombs. Videos shared by Jubbaland officials showed bodies of militants in military attire, underscoring the scale of the confrontation.

Prime Minister Barre reiterated the importance of national unity and the Somali people's support in the fight against terrorism. Government officials stated that the visit reflects the Somali government's broader efforts to secure the country and promote regional peace and stability.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Somali President opens religious conference promoting "One Somalia"

Somali President

 Somali President opens religious conference promoting "One Somalia"

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud inaugurated the second conference of Somali religious scholars and clerics in Mogadishu on Monday to increase unity and togetherness among the Somali people.

The three-day event, themed "One Somalia," brings together over a hundred religious leaders and clerics from various regions of Somalia and abroad. Key topics on the agenda include anti-terrorism, Somali governance, secession, and social threats.

President Mohamud highlighted the challenges facing the Somali people and government, emphasizing the crucial role of religious scholars in combating the influence of terrorists who mislead Somali youth and commit crimes in the name of Islam. 

"The government is responsible for protecting the existence of the people and the country, especially religion, language, unity, and solidarity, which are the heritage of the Somali people. Religion is the first thing that unites us. There are many dangers. Those who wish to divide our people cannot do so by tribe or region, which is why the Khawarij and others who oppose our unity have targeted our noble religion to cause discord," he said.

The Somali government recently updated itsnational security threat list to include separatism, terrorism, state fragility, open borders, foreign interference, climate change, cybersecurity risks, and social crisis risks. 

The conference occurs amid tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia following a contentious Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland earlier this year. The agreement, which includes port access and establishing an Ethiopian naval base in exchange for recognition of Somaliland's independence, has been a significant point of contention.

Somalia views the MoU as a violation of its sovereignty, leading to heightened tensions and accusations that Ethiopia is undermining Somalia's territorial integrity.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Jubbaland army forces kill two al-Shabab militants in a military operation

Jubbaland army forces

 Jubbaland army forces kill two al-Shabab militants in a military operation

The Jubbaland administration's Dervish army, specifically the Birjeh brigade forces, conducted a military operation in the Bula Haji Forest area, resulting in the death and capture of members of the al-Shabab militant group.

During the operation, two al-Shabab militants were killed, and a third was captured alive. The captured militant, who was injured, is currently being held in a particular military hospital. The militants had been hiding in the forest area for several days before being discovered.

"The heroes of the Birjeh brigade of the Jubbaland Darwish army recently found three armed conspirators who were part of the attack in a forest area west of Buulo-Haji. Two of them were killed, and one was injured, who is now being held in a special military hospital," said a brief statement from the government.

The operation follows a significant announcement last week by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who declared a major victory by Somali government forces and Jubbaland State Dervish troops in Lower Juba. Over 80 al-Shabab militants, including several leaders, were killed in battles targeting Bulo Haji, Baar Sanguuni, and Harboole.

The government forces also seized a large cache of weapons, including RPGs, BKM machine guns, and AK-47 rifles.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Somali government orders eviction as bulldozers demolish homes on Ministry of Interior land

Somali government orders eviction as bulldozers demolish homes on Ministry of Interior land

 Somali government orders eviction as bulldozers demolish homes on Ministry of Interior land

Police forces in Mogadishu began demolition operations on Sunday in the Bondhere district, targeting civilian homes on land previously owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 

Residents reported that police had sealed off roads leading to the area as bulldozers started tearing down structures within the ministry's compound. 

The Federal Government of Somalia stated that the residents had been notified to vacate the premises, emphasizing that the land is needed for government use.

A month ago, Somali Federal Government forces demolished houses and displaced many families in the Dab Damiska (Fire Brigade) neighbourhood in the Wadajir district of Mogadishu. The incident has raised questions about transparency and fairness in the government's handling of public lands.

In the previous month, a government directive to relocate a cemetery in Mogadishu to construct a Somali Navy base has faced backlash. Families were asked to exhume their relatives' remains.

Former Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has criticized the government's approach, citing corruption and mismanagement as key issues. He argues that these problems undermine public trust and call for greater accountability in how public lands and resources are managed.

The Federal Government faces increasing pressure to address these concerns and ensure fair and transparent processes in its land management policies.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Security tensions escalate in Hiiraan as Ma'awisley militias block Hirshabelle leader's visit

Security tensions escalate in Hiiraan as Ma'awisley militias block Hirshabelle leader's visit

 Security tensions escalate in Hiiraan as Ma'awisley militias block Hirshabelle leader's visit

Security tensions flared in the Hiiraan region after local clan militias, known as "Ma'awisley," refused to allow Hirshabelle regional state leader Ali Gudlawe Hussein to visit Mahas district. 

The standoff has highlighted ongoing political and security challenges in the central region.

The conflict began on Friday following reports that Gudlawe intended to visit Mahas district as part of his tour of the Middle Shabelle region. Gudlawe had recently visited various districts, including a stop in the Moqokori district in Hiiraan. 

However, when news of his planned visit to Mahas emerged, local militia forces mobilized to block his entry.

The Ma'awisley militias, operating alongside government forces in many districts in Hiiraan, have been instrumental in the fight against al-Shabab militants. The refusal to permit Gudlawe's visit underscores deep-seated tensions between local forces and the Hirshabelle administration in Mahas district.

Last year, former Hiiraan Governor Ali Jeyte Osman was dismissed by Hirshabelle President Ali Gudlawe Hussein, leading Jeyte to declare Hiiraan an independent Federal Member State (FMS). He also banned Hirshabelle officials from entering Hiiraan.

Under Jeyte's leadership, Hiiraan saw the first public uprising against al-Shabab, driving the militants out of most of the region. Jeyte's dismissal has sparked concerns about the future of these operations.

Osman Jeyte and the Hirshabelle administration clashed over a proposal to centralize tax collection, with Jeyte arguing it would divert resources away from critical anti-al-Shabab efforts.

The standoff in Mahas is the latest manifestation of these broader political and security issues, highlighting the fragile and complex nature of governance in Somalia's regions.

President Ali Gudlawe Hussein has not yet commented on the incident in Mahas. The situation remains tense as both sides navigate the region's precarious balance of power and security.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jubbaland State leader praises regional forces after thwarting major al-Shabab attack

Jubbaland State leader praises regional forces after thwarting major al-Shabab attack

 Jubbaland State leader praises regional forces after thwarting major al-Shabab attack

Jubbaland regional state leader Ahmed Mohamed Islam inspected the Darwish forces of Jubbaland stationed in the Bulohaji area, where the regional forces recently thwarted an al-Shabab attack, killing over a hundred militants.

President Ahmed Madobe thanked the soldiers for their significant victory, emphasizing that both the Somali people and their leaders are proud of the successful operation. He highlighted that the al-Shabab group is now weakened.

The regional President awarded bravery medals to Major General Abdkafi Dayib Ahmed, Commander of the Birjeh Brigade of the Jubaland Darwish Army, Major General Bashir Guhad Hassan, and Colonel Ahmed Abdi Shafeec for their leadership in the operation.

The attack, in which over a hundred fighters were killed, occurred when al-Shabab militants attempted to overrun three army bases in the Lower Jubba region. The government forces successfully repelled the attacks and safely detonated four car bombs around 80 km (50 miles) southwest of the port city of Kismayo in Jubbaland state.

Al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab has been fighting to impose a strict form of Islamic law throughout Somalia since 2007.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Leaders of Al-Shabaab surrendered to the government forces

Leaders of Al-Shabaab who surrendered to the government forces

 Leaders of Al-Shabaab surrendered to the government forces

Two long-time leaders of Al-Shabaab surrendered to the Somali military yesterday afternoon.

The leaders who surrendered are Abdi Mohamed Araaye, whose name in the Al-Shabaab agreement is Abdirashid, who is in charge of finance, and surrendered to the 26th Brigade of the 6th Brigade of the 60th Division of the Armed Forces. Somalia in the Bula Mare area of ​​the Lower Shabelle region. 

The leader has been a member of the group for 14 years, and he said that he has now decided to leave the group and hand himself over to the federal government. 

The leader of the group, Caliph Mohamed Abdi, known as Khalid, who has been with Al-Shabaab for 10 years, has also surrendered to the armed forces, especially the 19th unit of the 3rd brigade. the army of the country. 

The surrender of Al-Shabaab men is increasing, as the operations against  Al-Shabaab group in the country's regions have increased in recent months, as a result of which many members of the militia and leaders have surrendered to the country's armed forces. Somalia.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Arrest of Somali journalist Alinur Salad triggers widespread condemnation

Somali journalist Alinur Salad triggers

 Arrest of Somali journalist Alinur Salad triggers widespread condemnation

The arrest of Alinur Salad, a prominent journalist and CEO of Dawan Media, has ignited a firestorm of criticism from former officials, journalist organizations, and social media users. Salad, detained on charges of immorality, false reporting, and insulting the armed forces, is being held at the Waberi Police Station in Mogadishu.

According to the General Command of the Benadir Regional Police, Salad, 38, was arrested by the Waaberi District station on accusations of misconduct, fabrication, and insulting the armed forces. "He is currently under police investigation and will be presented to the competent court," stated the report from the General Command.

The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) demanded Salad's immediate and unconditional release, calling the arrest a violation of press freedom and international human rights laws. According to SJS, Salad was arrested by Banadir Regional Police after a report criticized Somali security forces' use of khat, a stimulant plant affecting their readiness, and suggested President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's involvement in the khat trade.

Abdalle Ahmed Mumin, the Secretary-General of the SJS, reported that Dawan Media staff had faced threats due to their critical coverage.

Salad's report highlighted significant issues impacting national security and governance. The criticism of President Mohamud's involvement in the khat trade added political sensitivity, making the arrest highly contentious.

Salad was a former communications director for former Prime Minister Khaire and worked for BBC Somali Service.

Reactions on social media have been swift. Former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire called the arrest a blatant attempt to suppress the independent press. "This action represents a blatant attempt to suppress the independent press, silence the truth, and stifle public sentiment," he stated. He emphasized Salad's professionalism and urged for his prompt release.

Mowliid Haji Abdi, CEO of Horn Broadcasting Network, echoed these sentiments. "Journalists are critical in providing information to the public and holding those in power accountable," he said. 

In a press release, Dawan Media Group strongly condemned the actions of the Somali Police, stating, "This act clearly opposes freedom of speech, constructive criticism, and the independence of the Somali media. AliNuur Salaad is a respected and influential figure within the Somali community. He has worked with Somali government institutions and international organizations, contributing significantly to the promotion of his country's and people's reputation and image. Regrettably, he has been deliberately defamed and publicly shamed on social media without being presented in court. We urgently and unconditionally demand that AliNuur be immediately released and his freedom restored."

The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) also decried the arrest, emphasizing that Salad should be brought to justice through appropriate legal channels if accused. The broad condemnation reflects significant concerns over press freedom and the rights of journalists in Somalia. Former BBC journalist M.M. Dhoore and former strategic communications head Mohammed Hirmoge labelled the arrest as a direct attack on free media and an attempt to silence government critics.

Samira Gaid, a regional security analyst, highlighted the troubling trend of shrinking civic space in Somalia. "This incident should concern everyone who values democracy and human rights. This is an ominous sign of things to come," she stated. Security analyst Ahmed Gaashaan expressed similar concerns about the implications for civil liberties and freedom of speech, calling for Salad's swift release and due process.

Additional support came from politicians like Members of Parliament Abdullahi Farah Mire and Mursal M Khaliif, who condemned the arrest as an affront to democratic principles and press freedom and criticized the government for using autocratic tactics to silence dissent.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Somali army repels al-Shabaab terrorist attack on military base in Jubbaland State

Somali army repels al-Shabaab terrorist attack

 Somali army repels al-Shabaab terrorist attack on military base in Jubbaland State

Somali government forces, supported by local militia, repelled an al-Shabab attack on an army base in the Lower Jubba region on Monday morning. 

The al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group initiated the attack with explosions, followed by heavy fighting between the group and government forces, supported by the Jubbaland Dervishes and local clan militia in the Harboole area near Afmadow district.

"This morning, the heroes of the National Army foiled a cowardly attack that Al-Shabaab tried to carry out in the Harboole area of Afmadow District in Lower Jubba. The Khawarij suffered heavy losses, and the national heroes are still chasing the militants who fled into the forest," a Somali government statement said.

The attack comes a day after at least five al-Shabab militants were killed when their vehicle ran over a landmine between Gududey and Buka Ba'ad areas in the Middle Jubba region. The vehicle was also carrying IED explosives, and the car was completely burned.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Survivor recounts horror as ATMIS faces scrutiny for civilian death in Buulo Mareer

Survivor recounts horror as ATMIS faces scrutiny for civilian death in Buulo Mareer

 Survivor recounts horror as ATMIS faces scrutiny for civilian death in Buulo Mareer

African Union peacekeeping forces, ATMIS, have been accused of killing at least two civilians in the Buulo Mareer area of the Lower Shabelle region, sparking major concern and prompting an investigation.

A survivor of the incident, Abdulqadir Abdinur Osman Dinle, recounted the ordeal to the BBC Somali Service, alleging that ATMIS troops attacked the farm where he was working as a guard. “Around 8:30 PM last night, ATMIS forces stationed in Buulo Mareer attacked us. I was at the farm acting as a guard at the time. There were five of us—two escaped, and three of us remained,” Dinle said.

He described being assaulted by the soldiers: “Two soldiers sat on me while four others restrained the others. They gagged and strangled me, twisting my neck as if they were slaughtering an animal. Then they threw me to the ground.” Dinle lost consciousness during the attack and later found his companions had been killed. “I could hear their cries,” he confirmed.

ATMIS has acknowledged the incident and the allegations, issuing a statement expressing deep concern. The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) has learned with deep concern of a tragic incident in Buulo Mareer on 17 July 2024, involving the loss of two civilian lives and injury to another. ATMIS is aware of media allegations linking the Mission to these unfortunate events. The Mission has initiated a thorough investigation into these allegations and hereby assures all stakeholders that the findings will be made public at the conclusion,” the statement read.

Neither the Somali government nor the South West State administration, which governs the area, has commented on the incident.

Historical context heightens the concern surrounding this event. In early 2016, civilians were killed in Buulo Mareer in an incident allegedly involving AMISOM soldiers. Some of those soldiers were later arrested and sentenced by a court. Additionally, in August 2021, AMISOM troops were accused of killing civilians in the nearby Golweyn area.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

10 Al-Shabaab militants killed in Hiiraan region clash with Somali forces

Somali forces

 10 Al-Shabaab militants killed in Hiiraan region clash with Somali forces

Ten Al-Shabaab members were killed Friday afternoon in a battle with the national army and local militia near Murkudka in the Hiiraan region, officials reported.

The clash erupted when the 39th Battalion of the 5th Brigade of the 27th Division and the 10th Commando Battalion of Gorgor, backed by local militia, launched an attack on a wooded area in the Murkudka. Operation leaders reported that 15 Al-Shabaab members were killed during the assault, and weapons and other military supplies were seized.

Military officials vowed to continue operations against Al-Shabaab until the group is eradicated from the Hiiraan region.

Earlier in the week, intense fighting near Beerayabaal in the Hiiraan region saw government forces and local militia clashing with Al-Shabaab fighters. That battle resulted in the deaths of at least ten other Al-Shabaab fighters. The following day, forces captured an Ethiopian national from the Oromo ethnic group who had participated in the firefight near Beerayabaal.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Government forces capture tattooed Ethiopian Al-Shabaab fighter in Hiiraan operation


Ethiopian Al-Shabaab fighter

Government forces capture tattooed Ethiopian Al-Shabaab fighter in Hiiraan operation

Government forces, with the support of local residents, captured an Ethiopian member of the Al-Shabaab group during an operation in the Beerayabaal area. The individual, identified as an Oromo, has tattoos on parts of his body, symbols typically associated with non-Muslims.

"Al-Shabaab militants often use individuals who have committed crimes in their countries of origin, and this man is one of them," an official from the national army told Somalia's state broadcaster.

The operation followed a battle two days earlier in the vicinity of Beerayabaal, an area under the Buulaburte district in the Hiiraan region. The capture is part of ongoing efforts to combat Al-Shabaab, particularly in eastern Hiiraan. This region is notable as the only area where Al-Shabaab has been significantly weakened since intensified operations against them began at the end of 2023 with the help of local militias. In contrast, the group remains strong in other regions of the country.

Al-Shabaab, a militant Islamist group, has faced significant military pressure from Somali and international forces in recent years. Despite this, the group has grown more resilient, recruiting fighters from East Africa as the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) phases out. ATMIS, which includes troops from various African nations, is set to complete its drawdown by the end of the year, raising concerns about the security vacuum it might leave behind. The group has formed a pan-East African force of foreign fighters known as Muhajirin, consisting mainly of Ethiopians, Kenyans, and Tanzanians.

A recent attack by Al-Shabaab on an ATMIS base in Beledweyne highlighted the group's continued strength. Analysts note that Al-Shabaab has become more adept at using drones and improvised explosive devices in its attacks.

Security forces have had some recent successes against Al-Shabaab, capturing strategic villages in the group's strongholds in Lower Juba and Middle Shabelle regions. However, experts warn that these gains could be part of Al-Shabaab's tactics to regroup and launch counterattacks.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Somali militiamen seize heavy weapons after looting convoy

Somali militiamen seize heavy weapons after looting convoy

 Somali militiamen seize heavy weapons after looting convoy

At least five people were killed when militiamen ambushed a convoy in central Somalia and seized heavy weapons, the local government and residents said on Tuesday, seven months after a decades-long arms embargo was lifted.

The convoy was travelling on Monday with a security escort near the town of Abudwaq when militiamen from a local clan attacked and overpowered security forces, four residents told Reuters.

They said the arms, which included machine guns, anti-aircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, originated in neighbouring Ethiopia.

"It is unfortunate that five people died from both sides yesterday over weapons," said Ahmed Shire, a security adviser to the president of Galmudug State, where Abudwaq is located. "We understand the weapons fell into the hands of civilians."

Rashid Abdi, an analyst with the Sahan Research think-tank, called the incident "the single most serious incident of arms proliferation in central Somalia" and said some of the weapons would likely be bought by al Shabaab, an al Qaeda affiliate.

Writing on X, Abdi said it was a "clear case of why lifting of arms embargo on Somalia was big strategic mistake".

The last restrictions under an arms embargo that had been in place, in some form, for more than 30 years were fully lifted by the U.N. Security Council in December.

Somalia's government said the move would allow it to confront security threats and build up its national forces.

The country has been confronting an insurgency by al Shabaab for nearly two decades. African Union peacekeepers are drawing down their presence to hand over great responsibility to Somali forces, but the AU and Mogadishu government have warned of a possible security vacuum if that happens too quickly.

Clan-based militias have fought alongside government forces in a military campaign against al Shabaab in central Somalia. They have also turned their weapons on one another in disputes over land and resources.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Somali central prison chief suspended, inquiry launched after foiled militant jailbreak in Mogadishu

Somali central prison in Mogadishu

 Somali central prison chief suspended, inquiry launched after foiled militant jailbreak in Mogadishu

The Chief of the Somali Correctional Forces, Gen. Mahad Abdirahman Adan, suspended Somalia central prison chief Brigadier General Dahir Abdulle Rageh and initiated an investigation following a jailbreak attempt by militant inmates on July 13.

A decree from Gen. Mahad Abdirahman Adan's office has appointed an eight-member committee to investigate the incident. Gen. Mohamed Hussein Ahmed was appointed the acting prison chief and will lead the investigation.

Gen. Mahad Abdirahman Adan also appointed General Mohamed Hussein Ahmed as the acting commander of the Central Prison during the ongoing investigation related to Saturday's attack.

Somali security forces foiled an attempted jailbreak in Mogadishu's main central prison after militant inmates, using pistols and hand grenades, attacked prison guards. The militant inmates fired on the guards and threw hand grenades before an exchange of heavy gunfire. It is believed the weapons were smuggled into the prison.

A spokesperson for the Somali Custodial Corps, Abdiqani Mohamed Khalaf, told reporters in Mogadishu that three prison guards were killed, and three others were injured in the attack. Khalaf also confirmed that five militants were killed and 18 were injured.

All five inmates who were fatally shot had been convicted of involvement in militant bombings and smuggling explosives in Mogadishu. Four of them were on death row, and the fifth inmate was serving a life sentence.

Monday, July 15, 2024

At least 5 killed in bombing targeting a busy café during Euro 2024 final

Explosion of a busy café

 At least 5 killed in bombing targeting a busy café during Euro 2024 final

A bombing outside a café Sunday in the Somali capital of Mogadishu killed at least five people, police said.

Some people were watching the European soccer final between Spain and England on a screen inside the café when a car loaded with explosives blew up outside, said Maj. Abdifitah Aden Hassa, spokesman for Somali police. He told reporters that at least 20 other people were injured in the attack.

Pictures posted online and purporting to be from the scene showed a fire burning outside the café in the aftermath of the explosion.

“Some of the spectators got injured while trying to jump the perimeter wall of the café, and others got wounded in a stampede,” witness Ismail Adan said by phone.

Most of the victims were in the street at the time of the explosion, he said.
It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the attack.

Attacks by the Islamic militant group al-Shabab are frequently reported in Mogadishu and elsewhere in Somalia.The group opposes Somalia’s federal government, which depends on the support of foreign troops to stay in power.

But Mogadishu had been mostly peaceful in recent months.

Prisoners escape from Mogadishu prison

That calm was broken on Saturday with an attempted jailbreak by inmates inside a Mogadishu prison. In that attack, in which at least eight people were killed, prisoners convicted for their roles in al-Shabab attacks exchanged fire with prison guards before they were killed.

Somalia’s government is conducting a high-profile offensive against the extremist group, which the U.S. has described as one of al-Qaida’s deadliest organizations.

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has declared “total war” against the extremists, who control large parts of central and southern Somalia and have been the target of scores of U.S. airstrikes in recent years.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Somali government and Jubbaland forces seize key areas from Al-Shabaab in Lower Juba

Somali government and Jubbaland forces

 Somali government and Jubbaland forces seize key areas from Al-Shabaab in Lower Juba

Somali National Army and Jubbaland State forces seized several strategically influential areas from the Al-Shabaab group in the Lower Juba region today, marking a major advancement in their ongoing operations against the militant group.

The allied forces captured Lagta Qubbi, Golhadamo, Biibi, Harboole, and Miido, which are located between the cities of Kismayo and Afmadow. The troops advanced from the Afmadow district and the Jannaay Cabdalle area to seize these territories.

In addition to capturing these areas, the forces destroyed Al-Shabaab's hideouts within these newly liberated regions. This effort is part of a broader operation aimed at clearing the main road between Kismayo and Afmadow, which was previously under Al-Shabaab control.

The operation also included similar raids in the areas of Joore and Weelmaarow

The exact number of casualties has not been disclosed.

These recent gains come as the Somali government and regional forces intensify their efforts to dismantle Al-Shabaab's presence in the Lower Jubba region. On Wednesday, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, held a high-level meeting with Defence Ministry leadership and top army commanders at the Defense Ministry headquarters in Mogadishu, where he was was briefed on the raid.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mortar attack in Lower Shabelle kills 10, injures 13, mostly family members

A mortar launcher positioned in a mountainous area, similar to the type used in the recent attack on Balow village, Lower Shabelle region, where several civilians were killed and injured.

 Mortar attack in Lower Shabelle kills 10, injures 13, mostly family members

Several mortar shells struck Balow village in the Lower Shabelle region on Wednesday, resulting in significant civilian casualties.

The mortar shells targeted Balow village following a fierce battle between government forces and Al-Shabaab. Ten civilians were killed.

Thirteen others, mainly from the same family, were injured and taken to hospitals in Mogadishu. Some are in critical condition, and it has been confirmed that two of the wounded died yesterday afternoon at the hospital.

Ibrahim Siidow, a member of one of the affected families, reported that four of his children were killed, and his mother, father, and wife were injured.

"A mortar shell was fired at us, and it devastated us. Four of my children died, and one was injured. My father, mother, and wife sustained serious injuries," said Ibrahim Siidow.

The latest mortar attack adds to similar occurrences in the Bariire area and its surrounding villages, where previous airstrikes have caused civilian casualties.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The government forces carried out operations against Al-Shabaab in areas of Hiran region

The government forces

 The government forces carried out operations against Al-Shabaab in areas of Hiran region

The Somali Armed Forces, with the support of the local people, carried out operations against the Al-Shabaab group in areas under Bulaburte district in Hiran region.

The areas where the joint forces have carried out operations are all under the Beera Yabal area which is located in the North of Bulaburte district. 

In this operation, the army destroyed places where members of the Al-Shabaab group were gathering, and the operation was jointly led by the Commander of the 8th Brigade of the 18th Brigade, Gorgor Naqib Abdullahi Hersi, and the Commander of the 291st Brigade of the 29th Brigade. of Daljir Major Ali Adde. 

"The operation was carried out in places where the criminals were hiding in the area of ​​Beero Yabal under Buulaburde district of Hiran region," said a statement from the government. 

The officers who led the operation said that they will continue such operations to prevent the attacks and plots of the Al-Shabaab group.