Al-Shabaab attacks an African forces camp in Bulumerer - Dream Smart


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Al-Shabaab attacks an African forces camp in Bulumerer

Al-Shabaab attacks an African forces camp in Bulumerer

Reports from the Lower Shabelle region in southwestern Somalia state indicated that Al-Shabaab attacked a camp for Ugandan forces in the city of “Bolumerer” in the region.

The reports added that the attack, which lasted for several hours, began with the shelling of the Ugandan military base with mortar shells by Al-Shabaab militants, and was followed by direct confrontations with heavy and medium weapons.

Al-Shabaab, which is linked to Al-Qaeda, claimed that it inflicted losses on Atamis forces, but its claims could not be verified from independent sources.

Last May, the movement’s fighters invaded the “Atmis” base in Bulumerer, which includes Ugandan forces working within the framework of the African Union Mission. As many as 57 UPDF soldiers lost their lives.

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