Somalia.. Hundreds of families were displaced from the city of Beledweyne due to the flooding of the Shabelle River - Dream Smart


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Somalia.. Hundreds of families were displaced from the city of Beledweyne due to the flooding of the Shabelle River

Shabelle River


The Shabelle River has flooded several places and villages belonging to the city of Baldwin, capital of Hiran Governorate, central Somalia, since Tuesday, and has caused damage to many neighborhoods of the city that suffered from massive floods years ago, and displaced hundreds of thousands of people from the city.

And the mayor of Baldwin, Omar Othman Also, said that the Shabelle River overflowed last night on some of the four neighborhoods that make up the city.

He added, "The city administration worked to build many dams and barriers to prevent water from reaching the city's residents, but the water level was more than expected and exceeded the dams."Omar also confirmed that the water that flooded the city did not cause great losses, but it flooded some neighborhoods and markets

He added that hundreds of families were displaced from the city due to the flood, indicating that the city administration is making efforts to deal with the flood of the Shabelle River and help those affected. The head of the Flood Control Committee in Baldwin warned last Monday of the possibility of flooding in the city due to the increased water flow from the Shabelle River in Ethiopia and the spring rains in Ethiopia.

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