Turkey bans Somalis from staying in turkey, so why turkey stay in Somalia? - Dream Smart


Monday, June 20, 2022

Turkey bans Somalis from staying in turkey, so why turkey stay in Somalia?



 Harassment of Somali merchants continues in the Turkish capital, Ankara, where police on Friday ordered the whitewashing of the sign of a Somali restaurant called "Saab".

Turkish police claimed that the colors used in the banner were used by Kurdish militants, who are considered terrorists by the Turkish government, and the police obstructed the opening ceremony.

The government of the Turkey is in plans to afflict the Somali community in the Turkey's capital, which has formed restaurants, cafés and clothing areas, and became the target of the country hatred against Somalis.

Somali businessmen, said they have received a legal license for the business, emphasizing that the police do not have a "legal basis" but to violate.

Traders also said, "We have been detained for nine months for this [harassment]." The police pushed other Somalis who opened their businesses to go bankrupt, we did not rely on institutions and individuals, but we relied on the law, and the Turkey government does not consider it legal.

As a result of the persecution, some Somali businessmen were quick to sell their property, leading to several restaurants being taken over by Turkey nationals, so turkey racist Somali businesses.

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