Farmajo and Fahad Yassin called a magician to find out their chances for the next presidential election. - Dream Smart


Friday, May 13, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin called a magician to find out their chances for the next presidential election.

Farmajo and fahad

 Sources close to the circle of the outgoing Somali president and former intelligence chief Fahd Yassin revealed that the Farmajo group resorted to a sorcerer  to read their political future and their chances in the upcoming presidential elections.

Fahd Yassin, the Somali national security advisor to the outgoing president, Farmajo, met last Wednesday evening, May 11, 2022 AD, with a sorcerer or “sorcerer” priest brought by the Farmajo group and asked him to predict their fate and read their future and asked him about their presence in the upcoming presidential elections.

in flagrant violation of the teachings of the true Islamic religion and in violation of the orders of God and His Messenger and the religion that forbade coming to  magicians and believing them as polytheism with God,” which confirmed Farmajo and his group’s use of magic and sorcery to stay in power.

It has been confirmed that Fahad Yassin and Farmajo's group were shocked by the "magician's" response when he told them that their presence was weak and that you had to deal with the opposition.

Politicians commented on what they described as the farce taking place in the presidency, which Farmajo and the Qatar group turned into a den of sorcery, charlatanism, practicing witchcraft and committing major sins, wondering about the role of religious scholars in Somalia and their position on what is happening.

The politicians stressed that what is happening reveals the state of panic, fear and confusion that afflicts Farmajo and his group in light of the indications that confirm Farmajo's loss in the upcoming presidential elections, especially after what happened to him and his group in the parliamentary elections.

Political observers wondered about the fate and future of the state under a president and a system of government based on charlatanism and sorcery, and how this would reflect on the situation of the country, and how can a president who relies on witchcraft and charlatanism and believes in sorcery be trusted, and what is the position of the people, tribes and religious scholars on what is happening?

They stressed that the state of ignorance that controls the joints of power and the system of government is what led Somalia to what it is of lawlessness, corruption and failure in all state facilities.

If Farmajo re-assumes the presidency, the ignorance will continue to be unreasonable and Farmajo and his group will rule the country by magic, and will lead Somalia to the predictions of witches and sorcerers.

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