Somaliland issues statement on Muse Bihi talks with Roble and Farmajo - Dream Smart


Monday, April 4, 2022

Somaliland issues statement on Muse Bihi talks with Roble and Farmajo

Muuse biixi  and Rooble

The Somaliland presidency has released a telephone conversation between President Muse Bihi and Somali federal government officials, particularly Farmajo and Prime Minister Roble.

Muse Bihi thanked Farmajo, Roble and all the Somali people for their grief over the tragedy that occurred two nights ago at the main market in Hargeisa, Waheen.

The first statement from the Somaliland presidency read, “The President of the Republic of Somaliland, HE Muse Bihi Abdi, thanks the Prime Minister of Somalia, HE Mohamed Hussein Roble, for his telephone condolences to the people of Somaliland. Hargeisa Market. ”

A second statement from the Somaliland presidency said, “The President of the Republic of Somaliland also thanks the President of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo for his telephone condolences to the people of Somaliland. The President also congratulates the people of Somalia on the loss of the Hargeisa Market. ”

Prime Minister Roble ordered the immediate release of $ 11,700,000 in Somali government accounts and transfer to Somaliland.

The money was an international donation to development projects in Somaliland but was blocked by Farmajo, Fahad and Hassan Ali Khaire, who were concerned about the lack of development in Somaliland.

This is a clear indication that Farmajo does not deserve to continue to rule the country because he will sow discord among his fellow Somalis.

while Roble convened an emergency meeting with the governor of the central bank and Somali businessmen living in Mogadishu, at the end of the meeting it was announced that they would assist in the rescue of the victims of the Hargeisa market fire.

Traders have pledged $ 2 million, while Prime Minister Roble said another $ 1 million will be provided by the government, bringing the total amount of money the federal government and traders have planned for Somaliland to 14,700,000.

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