Farmajo seeks to exclude anyone who tries to achieve justice for Akran Tahlil - Dream Smart


Saturday, December 4, 2021

Farmajo seeks to exclude anyone who tries to achieve justice for Akran Tahlil


 Farmajo tries to bury the case of Ikran Tahlil's murder and to exclude anyone who seeks justice for her. Therefore, Farmajo will dismiss Representative Amina Abdi as soon as the Hirschbil elections begin.

He is working to remove Representative Amina Abdi after highlighting her efforts to obtain justice in the case of Ikran Tahlil's murder, and this assures us that Farmajo was involved in the killing of Ikran Tahlil.

Therefore, the Somali people do not allow Farmajo and his associates to steal the seat of Representative Amina Abdi. If Farmajo tries to exclude her, this will lead to more popular rejection and non-recognition of these elections.

The trial of Fahd Yassin and Yassin Fary is like the trial of Farmajo, so Farmajo strives to protect both Fahd Yassin and Yassin Fary, as he is working to close the case of Ikran Tahlil in this way.

So what can we expect from Prime Minister Roble after he became an agent of Farmajo and confirmed this after his statement that he is not responsible for correcting election violations, even though he has all the powers that allow him to do so since his mandate to hold and secure the elections.

Prime Minister Roble has become dishonest in ensuring the integrity of the elections. He has become completely loyal to Farmajo and is working to rig the elections in his favour, with the election commission he appointed.

Prime Minister Roble's statement confirms our doubts about the failure to hold fair elections.

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