Al-Shabab has besiege the city of Wajid for months, without the intervention of Farmajo - Dream Smart


Monday, December 6, 2021

Al-Shabab has besiege the city of Wajid for months, without the intervention of Farmajo


 Farmajo always sought to maintain his position and position, making him not look at the insecurity and security that the country has reached and the large spread of terrorist operations and assassinations, which led to the siege of the city of Wajid by Al-Shabab for months without any movement from the Somali forces.

How long will Farmajo struggle to stay in power by eliminating his opponents and leaving the terrorist youth movement that penetrates into the country? Is it not the right of the Somali citizen to live in peace?

Al-Shabaab terrorist movement violates the rights of Somalis with its continuous attack on food trucks for the besieged citizens of Wajid city without any interference from the Somali government. Although it is a crime against the Somali people and calls for government action to save them.

Where is the outgoing president's role in the ongoing threats from the terrorist Al-Shabab movement to attack AMISOM bases during the Christmas holidays? This requires the movement of forces trained abroad, such as the American-trained Dunab forces, to confront them.

The United States also stated its review of the support for Dunab's forces after Farmajo used them to kill civilians in Galmudug, which led to the death of its commander, contrary to what it had established for these forces.

Farmajo is the one who sparks political and tribal conflicts, exacerbates security problems and threatens the prestige of the constitution and the security and stability of the country through the spread of chaos of terrorist armed groups such as the terrorist Al-Shabab movement in order to continue ruling.

Prime Minister Roble and outgoing President Farmajo their first and last goal is to preserve their positions by rigging the elections. They do not work to eliminate the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement, so the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement has spread and increased in abundance during the era of President Farmajo.

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