Yassin Fary won a seat in parliament by fraud - Dream Smart


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Yassin Fary won a seat in parliament by fraud

Yassin Fary

 We had hoped that the elections would end the division in Somalia, but it is clear that it leads to more conflicts. Prime Minister Roble has become a supporter of Farmajo and is not working to hold free and fair elections.

The fact that Somalis go to presidential and parliamentary elections without sound foundations and guarantees will not return stability to the country, but will be the beginning of a new chapter of the conflict in Somalia entitled more divisions and conflicts.

The election of Yassin Fary, the deputy head of the NESA Agency, is illegitimate, as he did not resign from his government position as the vice-chairman of the NESA Agency 3 weeks before he contested the elections in accordance with the law.

There are many obstacles that prevent the holding of free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections in Somalia, which is the inability of voters to vote freely in some areas as a result of the pressure and intimidation that fell from Farmajo, Qoor Qoor and Nisa on some Somali clans such as the Weisel clan

How can politicians call for fair elections when Prime Minister Roble has become a supporter of Farmajo?

 And what happened to the Weisel clan, which was subjected to pressure and intimidation by Farmajo and Qoor Qoor so that Yassin Fary would get their seat

These meager elections are not only related to the conflicts of the Somalis among themselves, but are elections whose laws were drafted from behind the scenes of Farmajo and his loyalists outside the country. Their strategic goal is the survival of the outgoing President Farmajo.

Farmajo also confirms to us our doubts about not holding fair elections in light of the chaos of arms and the presence of his terrorist Al-Shabaab movement, which carries weapons openly outside the controls organized by state institutions.

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