Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Farmajo goes to his supporters in Qatar at the time of the elections to request more support.

Farmajo in his visit to Qatar

 At a time when the country suffers from poverty and drought, Farmajo travels to Qatar to receive funds through which he can rig the elections in his favour.

He is trying by all means for his subordinates to control the elections. Therefore, he made an undisclosed visit to Qatar to request the necessary funding to rig the elections in favor of his candidates, after foreign funding was cut off from Somalia.

This is to create any new opportunity for him to remain in power and control the country.

 The Qatari money that was sent to Farmajo recently ran out via a private jet. He used it to rig elections and bribe provincial governors.

Farmajo's only hope for staying in power is the Qatari financial support in the elections, as the government announced that it does not have sufficient funding after the international partners did not pay the costs of the elections, so he turned to his supporters to receive support.

Nevertheless, the government announces that the reason for Farmajo's visit to Qatar is to enhance sports cooperation.

Is it reasonable to be the reason for Farmajo's visit to Qatar to promote sports cooperation, as the government claims! How is there a state of drought and poverty that may lead to the lives of many Somalis?

What the government claims is just a cover for the real reasons for the visit.

Therefore, we do not recognize the outgoing president, Farmajo, as he does not represent the Somali people.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Roble covers up Farmajo election theft


 PM Roble did not act against the complaints about Yassin Fary and Prof. Jawari seats, which Mohamed Ali Hassan had seized.He only instructed the Electoral Commission to issue a statement announcing the suspension of the two seats to silence the opposition for as long as possible.

Roble eludes the opposition, as no date has been set for a meeting of the Electoral Commission or National Shura Council in order to procrastinate & gain time until Farmajo gets the largest number of seats. The opposition must stop Roble of paving the way of Farmajo's re-election.

"Serious concern" over a lack of transparency in the ongoing elections and dissatisfaction with the current course of events. That's it? I think the opposition should take a stronger stance against Farmajo's encroachment on the rights of clans before reaching a civil war.

Roble eludes the Union of Candidates, as he did not set a date for a meeting of the Electoral Commission or the National Shura Council in order to procrastinate and gain time until Farmajo gets the largest number of seats, so Roble must be held accountable for what he and Farmajo are doing

Roble uses all means to steal seats for Farmajo, and perhaps more than Farmajo could do alone, with evidence that he could not assert himself last February when Roble was not on his side, so Roble must stop what he is doing so as not to lead to the destruction of Somalia

Sunday, November 28, 2021

A statement by the Candidates’ Union to boycott the elections after it was rigged

the Candidates’ Union

 The Somali people welcome and support the decision of the Union of Candidates for the Presidency of Somalia to boycott the elections due to the apparent fraud.

All sects of the Somali people support this decision and demand a firm stand against electoral fraud.

And taking practical and tangible steps on the ground managed to put an end to those violations committed by Farmajo, as happened during the failed extension of Farmajo.

Farmajo hijacks the elections in his favor and falsifies them in front of everyone. The re-election of Mohamed Mersal, Speaker of the House of Representatives, is clear evidence of the extent of fraud in the southwestern elections.

Farmajo also trades in the fateful issues of the Somali people in a black market behind unknown and personal interests. After the attempt to rob the seat of Jawari, the former head of the council, the truth appears to Lafatgrain, who wants to exclude all opponents of Farmajo.

The Somali elections have become rigged and the Somali people do not recognize them. If the regional elections were previously hijacked by military force, the general elections are too big to be hijacked by any means. What Farmajo is doing of rigging the elections leads the country to a civil war.

Therefore, the Somali people are pointing fingers at the outgoing President Farmajo and his government. Farmajo is working to rig the elections with the support of the provincial governors loyal to him.

What is happening now in Somalia is a violation of the country's unity and efforts to restore Somalia to its position. Therefore, we demand that the Candidates Union confront the Prime Minister with the facts of the ongoing fraud and demand that he take a serious stance after his recent loyalty to Farmajo.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Yassin Fary won a seat in parliament by fraud

Yassin Fary

 We had hoped that the elections would end the division in Somalia, but it is clear that it leads to more conflicts. Prime Minister Roble has become a supporter of Farmajo and is not working to hold free and fair elections.

The fact that Somalis go to presidential and parliamentary elections without sound foundations and guarantees will not return stability to the country, but will be the beginning of a new chapter of the conflict in Somalia entitled more divisions and conflicts.

The election of Yassin Fary, the deputy head of the NESA Agency, is illegitimate, as he did not resign from his government position as the vice-chairman of the NESA Agency 3 weeks before he contested the elections in accordance with the law.

There are many obstacles that prevent the holding of free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections in Somalia, which is the inability of voters to vote freely in some areas as a result of the pressure and intimidation that fell from Farmajo, Qoor Qoor and Nisa on some Somali clans such as the Weisel clan

How can politicians call for fair elections when Prime Minister Roble has become a supporter of Farmajo?

 And what happened to the Weisel clan, which was subjected to pressure and intimidation by Farmajo and Qoor Qoor so that Yassin Fary would get their seat

These meager elections are not only related to the conflicts of the Somalis among themselves, but are elections whose laws were drafted from behind the scenes of Farmajo and his loyalists outside the country. Their strategic goal is the survival of the outgoing President Farmajo.

Farmajo also confirms to us our doubts about not holding fair elections in light of the chaos of arms and the presence of his terrorist Al-Shabaab movement, which carries weapons openly outside the controls organized by state institutions.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Farmajo should bring back the soldiers from Eritrea based on the people's desire

Somali soldiers

 After Prime Minister Roble's efforts to convert his position to support Farmajo stopped, the search committee for the soldiers who had been taken to Eritrea stopped, which means that the government hides many secrets behind these soldiers and that Farmajo is a liar and deserves to be tried.

Farmajo and his government are hiding the fact that troops have been deployed in Eritrea and they have denied it but some leaks of photos of the missing soldiers and the list of leaked names have closed the door on them and now Farmajo is facing a worse situation if he does not provide proof that the soldiers are alive and does not return them to their parents.

After leaking the photos and a list of names and pictures, clear evidence shows us the involvement of Somali soldiers in the Tigray conflict and their presence in Eritrea, which confirms the validity of the claim that the soldiers’ fathers kidnapped their sons and sent them to war. Farmajo sacrifices his people in foreign wars.

Isn't this clear evidence of the presence of Somali soldiers in Eritrea, so Farmajo should return these soldiers at any cost

Farmajo must be brought to trial for violating the law and the constitution by sending the sons of Somalia to war abroad and so far he cannot return them.

Why has the Somali government not yet provided us with sufficient information about the situation of the missing Somali soldiers in Eritrea? Therefore, the international community and donor countries should pressure Farmajo and his government to return the soldiers to their mothers or stop funding the government

Also, the killing of Ikran Tahlil was because she knew a lot about the missing Somali soldiers in Eritrea and she was asking for their return or exposing the illegal actions of the government and the intelligence service, and Ikran Tahlil should get justice despite the transformation of Roble's position

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Roble turned in Farmajo and Qoor Qoor's row.

Farmajo and Roble

 It seems that Roble wants to maintain his position as prime minister by trying to re-elect the outgoing president Farmajo by condoning the fraud in the House of Representatives elections in favor of Farmajo and Qoor Qoor. Everyone is looking for his personal goals at the expense of the Somali people

Prime Minister Roble lost the confidence of the Somali people and the opposition, and the elections for the House of Representatives became unfair after Prime Minister Roble sided with Farmajo.

Leaders of the opposition Candidate Union met with members of the Federal Election Commission, and shared their concerns about how the election could begin.

The meeting in Mogadishu focused on the kind of looting that the opposition sees as the way the region's leaders operate.

 Opposition parties announced that they would not contest the by-election.

 They conveyed to the Electoral Commission their fears and threats. A senior member of the Federal Election Commission assured us that the opposition had threatened to boycott the elections, unless they changed their approach.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Qoor Qoor wants to choose a loyal president in order to secure the prime minister's seat.

Qoor Qoor

 International newspapers shed light on me, that Qoor Qoor turned against President Farmajo after the differences that arose between them during the mediation of Qoor Qoor between Farmajo and Ruble, Qoor Qoor does not want to continue the alliance between him and Farmajo after the recent scandals of Farmajo, and he wants to excuse himself from Farmajo's actions.

As the reason for Qoor Qoor’s departure from Farmajo is that he covets the positions of president and prime minister after he increased his influence at the federal level as a result of his previous alliance with Farmajo, after he turned on Farmajo Qoor Qoor trying to get close to Roble to take over the presidency, where he enjoys the popularity that allows him to run in the elections .

Roble was reliable, promised fair elections, promised the public that he would seek justice in the Akran Tahlil case, and formed a committee for young people who had been transferred to Eritrea and whose parents had received no information, elections with anonymous sheikhs and representatives to register the candidates.

The men accused of coercion were acquitted, not to mention the Somali boys in Eritrea. It all happened after the suspicious visit of the Prime Minister to Qatar. We also know that Roble is part of the AMISOM withdrawal plan. The private building at Aden Adde International Airport is known as where private planes from Qatar and Eritrea land. The ultimate goal is to hand the country over to the youth movement, once again the fate of the country and the path of state building is misleading.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Qoor Qoor turns against Farmajo after the differences that emerged between them

Qoor Qoor

 Qoor Qoor mediated the dispute of Prime Minister Roble and Farmajo, which resulted in a major dispute between the President of Galmudug State, Qoor Qoor and Farmajo, and this shows us the extent to which Farmajo sought to achieve his personal interests only. Yesterday's ally is today's enemy

After the disputes that emerged between the president of Galmudug state, Qoor Qoor and Farmajo, Qoor Qoor covets the position of prime minister and is trying to entice Prime Minister Roble to take over the presidency, as he enjoys the popularity that allows him to run in the elections

Farmajo does not have a loved one, he works for his personal goals only. He is tired of the president of Galmudug state, Qoor Qoor, and is not inclined to continue the alliance between him and Farmajo after the recent scandals of Farmajo.

Yesterday's ally, today's enemy, this is how the president of Galmudug state was able to know the truth about Farmajo. Therefore, Qoor Qoor relies on his forces trained by the Turks to confront the outgoing president, Farmajo, after he turned against him.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Roble dismisses the foreign minister and appoints Abdel-Said Musa Ali


 Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has dismissed the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mohamed Abdel Razak, and appointed Abdi Said Musa Ali as his successor. Roble also dismissed his deputy and appointed Mahmoud Abdi Hassan (Pecos) in his place.

 In a statement issued by Roble's office, he wrote: "In a decree issued by the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, His Excellency Mohamed Hussein Roble, His Excellency Abdel Fattah Musa Ali has been appointed as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Abdi Hassan (Pecos)." The Prime Minister also replaced two ministers Muhammed Aden Muallem (Somali) Minister of Plant and Animal Education, and Hussain Muhammad Sheikh Husayn (Body) Minister of Public Works, Housing and Construction.

It is worth noting that the dismissal of the foreign minister came as a surprise, and it is not clear what prompted him. However, the appointment of Abdi Said Musa Ali as Minister of Foreign Affairs could indicate that Roble was very close to President Farmajo, with whom he had recently reached an agreement as the new Foreign Minister is related to Farmajo and this will tie the relationship between Farmajo and Roble and Roble does all this To solve the problems of Somalia

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saudi Arabia decides to reopen its embassy in Somalia

Roble and Saudi Ambassador

 Prime Minister Robley's efforts are continuing. He is working to restore good diplomatic relations with Arab countries. He has visited Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and his efforts have paid off by Saudi Arabia's decision to reopen its embassy in Somalia.

Saudi Arabia was one of the first Arab countries to provide support when the civil war broke out in Somalia, and it is one of the countries that financially support Somalia, and we all have to raise the level of relations between us and the State of Saudi Arabia.

 On Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced the reopening of the Saudi embassy in Somalia.

The ministry said it was grateful for the Somali government's efforts in facilitating the reopening of the Saudi embassy in Mogadishu, "which confirms the depth of relations between the two countries."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia said that it hopes to further enhance cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Somalia, so that the two countries and their peoples can achieve greater growth and prosperity.

The Somali government previously had an embassy in Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia has not reopened its embassy in Mogadishu since the collapse of the Somali central government.

Saudi Arabia is one of Somalia's financial backers, but there has been some ambiguity in relations between the two countries during Farmajo's four years in power.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Farmajo returns ISIS fighters from Syria to support Al-Shabab

Farmajo and Al-Shabaab

 The Somali embassy in Syria announced plans to release Somalis who joined ISIS in Syrian prisons and return them to their country, and the charge d'affaires of the embassy, ​​Farhan Gorhan, told the BBC that Kurdish rebel officials promised to meet the Somalis in the Roj camp in northern Syria.

The question that must be asked is what is Farmajo's intention to bring a nation accused of terrorism to the country at a time when Somalia is struggling to fight the young Somali enemy?

The answer may be that Farmajo plans to reinforce these fighters with his al-Shabab allies because they have long experience in terrorist activities, and then use it to destabilize security and disrupt elections in the country.

Farmajo will withdraw ISIS fighters from Syria and will support al-Shabab fighters with more war experience until the movement becomes a special force trying to thwart the elections. These terrorists should not be allowed to return to Somalia.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Turkey supports Farmajo to rig elections


 Somali Defense Ministry military vehicles from the Turkish government for use in the country's armed forces that are fighting terrorism.

The vehicles were specifically designed for use by specially trained Gur forces, according to a statement from the Department of Defense.

Officials from the Ministry of Defense and officials from the Armed Forces Command detained the car and handed it over to members of the Turkish Embassy in Somalia, along with officials in Turkey.

Members of the Defense Ministry and the Armed Forces thanked the Turkish government for the vehicle, which is not the first time that the Turkish government has donated vehicles to the Somali government, as it has done so many times before.

Turkey assists the Somali government in a number of areas, starting with its military build-up, and is based in Mogadishu.

Farmajo uses the forces loyal to him, which were trained in Turkey, to pressure the Somali citizens to migrate their homes, and this shows us the extent of the support provided by Farmajo to Turkey at the expense of the citizens.

Turkish assistance plays a key role in the efforts of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces Command to advance the Somali National Army in the fight against Al-Shabab.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Soldiers must be brought back from Eritrea while Farmajo is attending an IGAD summit


 Farmajo does not care about the situation of the Somali people. He is always working for his personal interest. He will now leave all internal problems of Somalia, including the elections, to attend the IGAD summit next week in Uganda with his ally Abi Ahmed, who is involved in the Tigray war crisis

Uganda postponed the upcoming IGAD summit in Kampala to discuss the conflict in Ethiopia and the crisis in Sudan.

He was invited to attend by outgoing President Farmajo and we all know we have no interest in the political conflict and crises in Somalia.

Meanwhile, the alliance between Farmajo, Abi Ahmed and Afewerki is believed to be an alliance based on force and oppression against their people, establishing a dictatorship in the Horn of Africa.

They certainly do not respect Afwerki and Abi Ahmed's alliance with the cowardly regime, but only for their interests and resources in Somalia.

However, Farmajo must take advantage of his participation in the conference to work towards the return of the missing youth to Eritrea.

What is the purpose behind Farmajo sending these Somali soldiers to Eritrea? He basically does not have enough money to pay their training dues, which led to the detention of these soldiers for this period

And how did Farmajo not provide the money required by Afwerki for the return of Somali soldiers from Eritrea until now?

Monday, November 15, 2021

Farmajo refuses to appoint a new intelligence chief


 Why hasn't a new head of Somali intelligence been appointed yet? Farmajo refuses to appoint a new head because the circumstances of the killing of Ikran Tahlil and his implication before the elections were not revealed.

 Farmajo remains reluctant to appoint a new head of the National Security and Intelligence Agency (NISA).

It's been nearly a week since Farmajo and the prime minister settled their long-running political dispute.

The terms of the agreement included the appointment of the NISA captain from Farmajo, but Roble must approve the individual.

So far, Farmajo hasn't nominated the person he wants to be named leader of the NISA, so Roble can read that person and accept or reject that person.

The reluctance can be explained by the fact that Farmajo does not want to submit a candidacy, for the rest of the elections and Yassin Fary wants to stay in Nysa.

In order not to open an investigation into the Ikran Tahlil case, Fahd Yassin, on the other hand, is undoubtedly seeking a seat in Parliament.

It can also be said that the reason why he did not appoint a new leader for women was that he had not yet found a trustworthy person who could conceal his sins.

If Nysa is appointed as the new captain, the Lullaby Ikran case will be taken to court, so Farmajo is not willing to appoint a new captain.

Therefore, the Akran Tahlil case must be presented to the judiciary to punish those behind her murder before the elections

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Farmajo protects the killers of Ikran Tahlil


 The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has made it official for the first time that a Ugandan soldier has been sentenced to death by firing squad in Mogadishu. A statement issued by the African Union Mission in Somalia stated that the trial took place from 2 to 12 November

Five soldiers were found involved in the killing of Somali civilians in Gulwein, Lower Shabelle region on August 10. Two of our officers have been sentenced to death while three others face up to 39 years in prison each. The statement added that the convicted soldiers will be returned to Uganda to serve their sentences.

But it is worth noting that the trial in this case was quickly and the verdict was issued, but the case of Ikran Tahlil was not issued or any action was taken against the suspects, but rather they are protected, and all because of Farmajo, who hinders the investigation in this case so that his followers are not tried or imprisoned But justice must be done for her, and Farmajo and his followers must be punished for their crimes

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Farmajo is trying with all his might to disrupt the elections


 Farmajo refuses to join the work of African forces with the American forces to secure the elections, so he uses the terrorist Al-Shabab movement in its recent attack on American soldiers to undermine its work to secure the elections

Farmajo's miserable attempts to sabotage the election process are still going on. He is trying to spread chaos and violence by using the terrorist Al-Shabab movement.

Parliamentary elections will start on November 16 this year.

They have been told by political parties, election stakeholders and the Somali people that December 24, 2021 is the deadline for the conclusion of the parliamentary elections.

The commission added that it was necessary after that period to take the constitutional oath and elect a president for the country to have legitimate constitutional institutions.

In a meeting with leaders of the region last night, Prime Minister Roble focused on accelerating the election of the Chamber of Deputies, and it was agreed that all state governments should start elections as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Farmajo and his group are constantly trying to delay the elections by using chaos and violence to destabilize the security and elections in Somalia.

What is certain is that the assassinations of government forces and politicians are aimed at curbing Farmajo's opposition ahead of Somalia's presidential elections.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Farmajo tries to sell Somali oil resources before elections


 Farmajo is trying to seize the capabilities of Somalia before handing over to power. He appointed Abdul Qadir Aden Mahmoud as head of the Somali Petroleum Authority to ensure obtaining funds for selling Somali oil. There are many plots behind the postponement of the Somali elections so far. Farmajo is working to personally benefit from oil exploration deals before the possibility of his departure. Authority

The appointment of Abdul Qadir Mahmoud as head of the Somali Petroleum Authority came before an international conference in Dubai to try to sell the largest amount of resources before the start of the Somali elections and profit from them at the expense of the Somali people

Puntland has issued a warning that the Somali federal government will enter into agreements at the Africa Petroleum Conference in Dubai, which will conclude on Thursday.

The conference, which was attended by many countries, including Somalia, will present the natural resources of Africa.

A statement from the Puntland Presidency said: “The government of Puntland Somalia, in light of its previous position on January 9 and February 11, 2020, declares that it is not a party to the implementation of the Petroleum Law signed on February 8, 2020, as it is unconstitutional. The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the Sharing System The resources in the country have not yet been agreed upon."

“The Puntland government warns that the outgoing government is currently entering into illegal agreements to auction off the country’s resources, which could lead to instability,” the statement said.

The Puntland government is also warning international companies against entering into illegal agreements with the outgoing government.”

On October 31, the Somali Council of Ministers approved the appointment of Abdelkader Aden Mahmoud as the head of the Somali Petroleum Authority.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Farmajo is working to put his loyalists in command positions


 Farmajo uses state governors loyal to him to impose candidates for parliament to guarantee their votes in the presidential elections.

The outgoing president was delaying the election until he was sure he could stay in office.

He was working to win the elections with his neck and neck and they agreed to reward him with the highest office in the country.

It was agreed that Farmajo would be re-elected and then the country's prime minister, while he would be the speaker of parliament.

Farmajo wishes to appoint Qoor Qoor as Prime Minister, as he is confident that he will not oppose his dictatorial decision and the crimes he is committing against the Somali nation and people.

We are blocking any move towards fair elections in Somalia to create a dictatorship that can rule for a long time.

Therefore, it is important for the Somali people to express their will, and it is essential that the elections be free and fair, whether in Parliament or in the Presidency of the Republic.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Farmajo uses violence and terror to postpone the elections


 Farmajo uses the worst methods to postpone the elections. It spreads chaos and violence among members of society to create instability and safety among people and the instability of the country's security situation. Thus, it will be a new argument that he uses to postpone the elections.

Why does the government not move to reduce crimes that occur in the country and arrest gangs and criminals who spread chaos, but all this is behind goals and plans orchestrated by Farmajo spreading violence in order to postpone the electoral process

An example of this is the residents of Karaan district complained strongly about the lack of security in the judiciary and the continuous violations they are exposed to at night.

Some of the people who spoke to Radio Kulmiye said that various killings had taken place in Karaan district in recent days, the last of which was a local government soldier today.

"We want them to wake up and intervene in the plight of the Benadir regional administration and the commander of the Somali police force, and keep an eye on the problems they are facing in the Karaan region," said one of the residents.

"Karan, in the evening, Hallelujah, we can't leave the house now in my neighborhood and everyone who calls you can't leave their house. We have a lot of problems with kids. Wiru is the worst."

Monday, November 8, 2021

Farmajo expels the deputy representative of the African Union


 Farmajo expels the deputy representative of the African Union from Somalia, although the African Union wants to expand AMISOM to a joint mission with the United Nations and expand the circle of contributing countries to ensure permanent funding for peacekeeping operations in Somalia, and this confirms to us Farmajo's involvement with the terrorist Al-Shabab movement

Farmajo does not want to leave power, nor does he want any force or institution working to expose his crimes against the Somalis. He wants to rule alone, so he expelled the deputy representative of the African Union Commission from Somalia

The Office of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia Mohamed Abdel Razak Mahmoud received in his office Ambassador Francisco Caetano Madeira, Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia, and discussed with him a number of issues.

A statement issued by the minister's office said the two leaders focused on security issues, the country's elections, the mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia and the transitional plan for Somalia, which is "the only way to achieve stability." The statement said.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the meeting focused on the latest developments in the country and the need for joint action to unify efforts to support the transition process in Somalia. To raise the level of readiness of the units, so that the forces become a fortress against the nation and a shield.”

Today's meeting between Somali Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdel-Razzaq and the African Union's envoy to Somalia, Ambassador Francisco Madeira, coincides with the departure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the seventh of November, Deputy Foreign Minister Simon Mulongo, the African Union's envoy to Somalia.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Somali youth must return from the Tigray war

Farmajo & abi ahmed

 Ethiopia is swimming in a wave of conflict, with Abiy Ahmed seeking a centralized government and anti-traditional groups describing it as indirect power.

Abiy has made an extension of time in preparation for his desire to stay in office for a long time. At the heart of this ambition was a powerful central government, and he was said to believe that an extension would allow him to build the Ethiopia he wanted.

Somalia is on the verge of a civil war after President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo tried to extend his term by two years, applying for a tripartite agreement between Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia.

The three leaders of Farmajo, Abiy and Afwerki share the same view of anti-Federalism. President Farmajo told some staff of the Ministry of Information in May that he had a private meeting to try to reduce the power of the regional administrations but it was difficult.

The tripartite agreement between Abiy, Farmajo and Afwerki had three phases:

1- One must stay in power for a long time.

2. To establish strong central governments and overthrow federalism or weaken the federal system.

3. Building an army that believes in their vision, and then their plan was to build a profitable market with Somaliland heading towards Mogadishu, while Djibouti would eventually be forced to enter into an agreement with its weak side.

Afwerki's work was straightforward, Abiy was absent from parliament and could have been the key to legislation to be created while Farmajo was not in control of all three. So Farmajo is said to be the person who was 100% helped.

Prime Minister Abiy seized control of the Ethiopian parliament and persuaded him to postpone the election, but the speaker of the upper house resigned.

Farmajo also accepted the Somali Parliament after ousting Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari, but was opposed by Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi Abdullahi.

When Farmajo tried to go the extra mile and as Abiy postponed the election a war broke out that threatened the capital.

According to sources close to the deal, the plan was for Abiy's case to be fully supported by a strong army, but Abiy Ahmed was overwhelmed and Tigray understood the plan and opposed it. .

Fighting more than 1,000km from Addis Ababa has reached the point where he is less than 400km from the capital.

Eritrean leader Afwerki tried to help Abiy Ahmed, deployed troops along Eritrea's border with the northern region of Tigray, and captured the town of Mekelle, where he reportedly fought with Somali troops who were training in the country. Eritrea is the force that is preparing to implement the tripartite agreement.

Afwerki's military wing has not benefited Abiy and Tigray has recaptured and the country is in danger of falling out of control today. An artificial election and his re-election have exacerbated the situation.

Farmajo can't do much for Abiy now that he has his own, while Afwerki is keeping an eye on the world.

President Farmajo is missing an important friend and Abiy Ahmed who is believed to have done a lot for him if he had not gotten into this difficult situation.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Farmajo is still trying to control the elections


The elections turned into a forest because of the criminal actions of Farmajo and his affiliates

So, Mahdi Guled sent disguised voters, the Electoral Commission could not verify their identities, and they robbed the seats.

The Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) has suspended the announcement of the official results of the by-election.

Major scandals marred the election of Mehdi Guled, after he brought in a convincing and uncertain delegate.

The Electoral Commission failed to verify the legitimacy of both the electorate and the electorate, and a lawsuit was filed.

He also accused Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled of looting a seat that did not belong to his family.

To be sure, Mehdi Guled's plundered seat in Parliament was backed by the outgoing president, Farmajo, as a member of his own party.

The Electoral Dispute Resolution Commission should formally investigate the seat that was illegally looted by Mehdi Guled and return it to the legitimate party so that the country can hold free and fair elections.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Farmajo forged the first seat in parliament in favor of Mahdi Guled

Mahdi Guled

 The Electoral Dispute Resolution Committee has announced the announcement of the official results for the first seat to elect Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled at the Police Academy, so why is Mahdi Guled detained? Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled is accused of looting a seat that does not belong to his family.

The Mahdi was born into the family included in this seat, but when he descends and speaks to a group, this seat does not belong to the clan from which the Mahdi was born. He and Hussein Arabs of the Dispossessed are not related to the lower class factions.

Farmajo was behind the placement of Mahdi Guled in the Parliament so that he would be one of his followers and help Farmajo to continue in his position, as Farmajo is plotting a new plan so that he remains in his position and be by placing his followers in the Parliament, like Mahdi Guled, and works to rig all elections in his favour.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Qatar funds Farmajo to rig the elections

Somalia and Qatar

 Farmajo is trying to control the country by all means, and he still controls Nysa and uses it to his advantage, so he bought spy devices in order to spy on the people and the opposition.

And all this in order to ensure his survival in the state and the survival of his followers in the parliament elections

What is happening inside our country is inhuman and against freedom and independence. Farmajo is using the Internet and other means of espionage to eavesdrop on supporters and opponents alike, along with the people in charge of the electoral process.

The truth about Farmajo has become clear to everyone and the media campaigns he is carrying out by controlling the Internet and spreading misinformation about the electoral process. He is trying to impose himself on the government again and his return to control Somalia.

In the Iraqi National Intelligence Agency, the intelligence agency has brought in sophisticated equipment that could threaten free trade.

Colonel Mako also said they had hired hackers who had disrupted communications, remittances and messages, and equipment designed to listen to the public and politicians opposed to Farmajo.

Finally, he said, the equipment had been tested over the past three days, which created pressure online in the capital, Mogadishu.

Farmajo will launch a massive advertising campaign on social media to win support for his candidates in the parliamentary elections.

Using the tools of the developed world to fight terrorism and its enemies, Farmajo uses them for his own benefit and to terrorize the Somali people.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Farmajo spies on the people and the opposition


 Farmajo still controls Nysa and uses it to his advantage, and he has brought these modern devices to spy on all the people and to spy on the opposition so that they do not think about dismissing him from the government that Farmajo uses for his personal interests only and does not care about the people.

With these modern devices, Farmajo spies on supporters and opponents alike, along with the people in charge of the electoral process, because he does not want to leave the government and wants to know and fails any attempt to make him leave the government.

Farmajo will control the Internet and spread misleading information about the electoral process in an attempt to impose himself on the seat of government for a second term, so that he warns the people of the malicious game that Farmajo is playing these days because he wants to destabilize the people so that they can win the elections.

Farmajo will make huge propaganda campaigns on social media to gain support for his candidates in the parliamentary elections. This indicates that Farmajo will do anything to remain in power and his associates succeed in the parliamentary elections until he controls all of Somalia.

The modern equipment used by developed countries in the fight against terrorism, Farmajo uses to terrorize his people and spy on them so that they cannot even think of removing him from power despite the injustice and dictatorship he exercises in Somalia.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Farmajo begins to introduce his supporters to Parliament

Farmajo and Mahdi Gulid

 Farmajo assures the Somali people that he will not leave the government and will not let the elections continue to be fair, and the proof of that is that Mahdi Guled won the first seat in the House of Representatives elections

Farmago all this time is postponing the elections in order to arrange the conditions of his candidates to ensure their victory in Parliament, really malicious plans to regain control of the government

Farmajo's interference in the parliamentary elections must be stopped and he must abide by what was agreed upon with Prime Minister Robley and make the elections be held honestly and transparently.

The reason behind the victory of Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Muhammad Goulid (Khidir), today, the first seat in the House of Representatives, following the elections that took place at the Public Police Academy in Al-Kahiya.

Mahdi Guled defeated Ms. Mushtaq Ibrahim Yusuf by a landslide, according to the Northern Elections Commission.

The Deputy Prime Minister received 97 votes, while his opponent received three votes, with one abstention.

The result and victory of Mahdi Muhammad Guled (Khidr) was expected, bringing his rival.

Elections are now underway, and the next seat will be held today.

Farmajo seeks to win his supporters to ensure winning a new term in the presidency.

The government has tightened security at the polling station of the General Police Academy Kaheh, and a special police force has been deployed in the area.

But it is clear and all the people know that Farmajo does not abide by his promises he made to himself, the last of which was his agreement with the Prime Minister to ensure the speedy conduct of transparent and fair elections.