Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Qatar funds Farmajo to rig the elections

Somalia and Qatar

 Farmajo is trying to control the country by all means, and he still controls Nysa and uses it to his advantage, so he bought spy devices in order to spy on the people and the opposition.

And all this in order to ensure his survival in the state and the survival of his followers in the parliament elections

What is happening inside our country is inhuman and against freedom and independence. Farmajo is using the Internet and other means of espionage to eavesdrop on supporters and opponents alike, along with the people in charge of the electoral process.

The truth about Farmajo has become clear to everyone and the media campaigns he is carrying out by controlling the Internet and spreading misinformation about the electoral process. He is trying to impose himself on the government again and his return to control Somalia.

In the Iraqi National Intelligence Agency, the intelligence agency has brought in sophisticated equipment that could threaten free trade.

Colonel Mako also said they had hired hackers who had disrupted communications, remittances and messages, and equipment designed to listen to the public and politicians opposed to Farmajo.

Finally, he said, the equipment had been tested over the past three days, which created pressure online in the capital, Mogadishu.

Farmajo will launch a massive advertising campaign on social media to win support for his candidates in the parliamentary elections.

Using the tools of the developed world to fight terrorism and its enemies, Farmajo uses them for his own benefit and to terrorize the Somali people.

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