Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Farmajo goes to his supporters in Qatar at the time of the elections to request more support.

Farmajo in his visit to Qatar

 At a time when the country suffers from poverty and drought, Farmajo travels to Qatar to receive funds through which he can rig the elections in his favour.

He is trying by all means for his subordinates to control the elections. Therefore, he made an undisclosed visit to Qatar to request the necessary funding to rig the elections in favor of his candidates, after foreign funding was cut off from Somalia.

This is to create any new opportunity for him to remain in power and control the country.

 The Qatari money that was sent to Farmajo recently ran out via a private jet. He used it to rig elections and bribe provincial governors.

Farmajo's only hope for staying in power is the Qatari financial support in the elections, as the government announced that it does not have sufficient funding after the international partners did not pay the costs of the elections, so he turned to his supporters to receive support.

Nevertheless, the government announces that the reason for Farmajo's visit to Qatar is to enhance sports cooperation.

Is it reasonable to be the reason for Farmajo's visit to Qatar to promote sports cooperation, as the government claims! How is there a state of drought and poverty that may lead to the lives of many Somalis?

What the government claims is just a cover for the real reasons for the visit.

Therefore, we do not recognize the outgoing president, Farmajo, as he does not represent the Somali people.

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