Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Roble seeks to steal more seats for Farmajo

Roble and farmajo

 There are many questions about what Farmajo offered to Prime Minister Roble in order to side with him and help him steal more opposition seats in his favor by shifting her election to Mogadishu instead of Baldwin and Gerbhari?

What is the reason for the sudden change of Prime Minister Roble to side with Farmajo?

With this, Roble cut off the hopes of the Somali people to hold free and fair elections after he became loyal to the outgoing President Farmajo.

He also lost his legitimacy, the legitimacy and popular support he was enjoying after he became impartial, and even became an agent of Farmajo in stealing parliament seats.

The true face of Roble has emerged, and the reality of his personal goals that he seeks to achieve, which are to maintain and stay in office.

Roble's bias towards Farmajo assures us that it is based on fraudulent elections by trying to gather the largest number of seats for Farmajo by all illegal methods, and this we did not accept.

The clans of Jubbaland state are all opposed to the outgoing president, Farmajo, so Farmajo is trying to control them and steal the seats with the help of Roble, because he knows that the state did not vote for his candidates in any way.

And why does Farmajo want to transfer the elections from Baldwin and Jerbahari to Mogadishu?

If it is necessary to transfer it, let it be moved to Kismayo and Jowhar instead of Mogadishu in accordance with the law and the electoral agreements.

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