Saturday, November 13, 2021

Farmajo is trying with all his might to disrupt the elections


 Farmajo refuses to join the work of African forces with the American forces to secure the elections, so he uses the terrorist Al-Shabab movement in its recent attack on American soldiers to undermine its work to secure the elections

Farmajo's miserable attempts to sabotage the election process are still going on. He is trying to spread chaos and violence by using the terrorist Al-Shabab movement.

Parliamentary elections will start on November 16 this year.

They have been told by political parties, election stakeholders and the Somali people that December 24, 2021 is the deadline for the conclusion of the parliamentary elections.

The commission added that it was necessary after that period to take the constitutional oath and elect a president for the country to have legitimate constitutional institutions.

In a meeting with leaders of the region last night, Prime Minister Roble focused on accelerating the election of the Chamber of Deputies, and it was agreed that all state governments should start elections as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Farmajo and his group are constantly trying to delay the elections by using chaos and violence to destabilize the security and elections in Somalia.

What is certain is that the assassinations of government forces and politicians are aimed at curbing Farmajo's opposition ahead of Somalia's presidential elections.

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