Thursday, November 25, 2021

Farmajo should bring back the soldiers from Eritrea based on the people's desire

Somali soldiers

 After Prime Minister Roble's efforts to convert his position to support Farmajo stopped, the search committee for the soldiers who had been taken to Eritrea stopped, which means that the government hides many secrets behind these soldiers and that Farmajo is a liar and deserves to be tried.

Farmajo and his government are hiding the fact that troops have been deployed in Eritrea and they have denied it but some leaks of photos of the missing soldiers and the list of leaked names have closed the door on them and now Farmajo is facing a worse situation if he does not provide proof that the soldiers are alive and does not return them to their parents.

After leaking the photos and a list of names and pictures, clear evidence shows us the involvement of Somali soldiers in the Tigray conflict and their presence in Eritrea, which confirms the validity of the claim that the soldiers’ fathers kidnapped their sons and sent them to war. Farmajo sacrifices his people in foreign wars.

Isn't this clear evidence of the presence of Somali soldiers in Eritrea, so Farmajo should return these soldiers at any cost

Farmajo must be brought to trial for violating the law and the constitution by sending the sons of Somalia to war abroad and so far he cannot return them.

Why has the Somali government not yet provided us with sufficient information about the situation of the missing Somali soldiers in Eritrea? Therefore, the international community and donor countries should pressure Farmajo and his government to return the soldiers to their mothers or stop funding the government

Also, the killing of Ikran Tahlil was because she knew a lot about the missing Somali soldiers in Eritrea and she was asking for their return or exposing the illegal actions of the government and the intelligence service, and Ikran Tahlil should get justice despite the transformation of Roble's position

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