Farmajo and Fahd Yassin are the main supporters of the Al-Shabaab - Dream Smart


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Farmajo and Fahd Yassin are the main supporters of the Al-Shabaab

Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

 Why has Farmajo not eliminated Al-Shabaab so far, even though he refused the opportunity to include the African Union forces in the United Nations, which possesses advanced and more advanced weapons and technology and will help eliminate Al-Shabaab?

Farmajo opposes the inclusion of the United Nations in the African Union force, which possesses advanced weapons and technology to help eliminate al-Shabab terrorists until the end of his mandate.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), including its 5,000-strong Kenyan contingent of 18,000, has been rendered ineligible to continue its work after Kenya rejected the ruling of the International Court of Justice in a maritime dispute over Farmajo's oversight of the United Nations. The United Nations in particular because it will lead to the prevention of killings and rapes committed by African Union soldiers

Tibor Nagy, a senior US diplomat at the State Department, has spoken out against the Somali government's recent decision to reject an amendment to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). African Union Peace and Security: Expansion of the African Union Mission and its Joint Implementation by the United Nations and the African Union.

Tibor, a former assistant secretary of state for African affairs and US ambassador to Guinea and Ethiopia, said the Somali government should repel Al-Shabab if it opposed the AU plan. Many are able to put an end to al-Shabaab, but Farmajo is prevented from fighting because Farmajo uses youth violence and bombings to keep the country in power.

The African Union said that Somalia will be included in UN Security Council Resolution No. 7, and the new mission is expected to start in January 2022 if approved by the Security Council, and Africa rejects Somalia and reiterates its clear rejection.

Farmajo and Fahd Yassin do not want to expel young people from the country for their own interests because young people carry out assassinations and bombings by Farmajo and Fahd Yassin to use them against opposition politicians and the poor. this group

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